
eument-net – European Network of Mentoring Programmes
for the Advancement of Equal Opportunities and Cultural
and Institutional Change in Academia and Research

Since 2007, we have been helping to develop and improve mentoring programs in academia and research. Currently we have 45 institutional members from 10 European countries.

We are a professional network of:

  • coordinators of mentoring programs dedicated to advancement of equal opportunities in academia and research
  • coordinators of projects of cultural and Institutional change
  • stakeholders in science and research policy, planning to implement mentoring programs in their institution
  • gender equality officers in universities and other research institutions.

We are also looking forward to your questions and comments on eument-net.



Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and Gender Equality Plans

Constanta Maritime University (Romania) and the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) ...

Call for Contributions: International Conference on Mentoring & Gender Equality Plan

Eument-net is opening a Call for Contributions, kindly inviting you ...
Cover of Nature Biology, Vol. 41. December 2023.

Expert Exchange 2024: How to establish an inclusive mentoring relationship

On June, 12 at 10:30-12:00  Dr. Julie Batut (Universite Toulouse, ...