1 % (c) 2009-2019 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(clpfd_interface,[try_post_constraint/1, post_constraint/2, post_constraint2/2,
6 force_post_constraint/1,
7 clpfd_neq_expr/2, clpfd_eq_expr/2, clpfd_eq_expr_optimized/2,
8 clpfd_eq_div/3, clpfd_eq_fdiv/3,
9 clpfd_eq_guarded_div/3, clpfd_eq_guarded_fdiv/3,
10 clpfd_eq/2, clpfd_neq/2,
11 clpfd_geq2/3,
12 clpfd_geq/3, clpfd_gt/3, clpfd_leq/3, clpfd_lt/3,
13 clpfd_leq_expr/2, clpfd_lt_expr/2,
14 clpfd_inrange/3, clpfd_inrange/4,
15 clpfd_not_inrange/3, clpfd_not_in_non_empty_range/3,
16 clpfd_sum/2,
17 clpfd_inlist/2, clpfd_not_inlist/2, clpfd_reify_inlist/3, force_clpfd_inlist/2,
18 clpfd_minimum/2, clpfd_maximum/2,
19 clpfd_if_then_else/4,
20 clpfd_domain/3, clpfd_size/2,
21 clpfd_some_element_in_domain/2,
22 clpfd_max_bounded/1,
23 clpfd_can_match/2,
24 clpfd_check_geq_nr/2,
25 clpfd_alldifferent/1,
26 %clpfd_labeling/1, % not used at the moment
27 clpfd_degree/2,
28 clpfd_in_domain/1, clpfd_labeling/2,
29 clpfd_can_intersect/2,
30 %clpfd_reverse_labeling/1, clpfd_reverse_labeling/2,
31 clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label/2, clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label/3,
32 %clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label_ffc/3,
33 is_64_bit_system/0, clpfd_overflow_error_message/0, clpfd_overflow_warning_message/0,
34 integer_too_large_for_clpfd/1, integer_too_small_for_clpfd/1,
35 catch_clpfd_overflow_call1/1, catch_clpfd_overflow_call2/2,
36 computable_arith_expression/1,
37 clpfd_randomised_labeling/2, clpfd_randomised_in_domain/1]).
39 :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
40 :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]).
41 :- if(\+ environ(disable_chr, true)).
42 :- use_module(chrsrc(chr_integer_inequality)).
43 :- endif.
46 :- if((current_prolog_flag(version_data,sicstus(4,X,Y,_,_)),X<3,Y<3)).
47 % -------- patch provided by SICS -----------
48 % solves lost solution in CLP(FD) when calling:
49 % when(nonvar(X),member(Y,[1,2])), X in 1..2, X in 2..3.
50 % patch provided 23rd June 2012 for SICS 4.2.1
51 % bug cause ProB to miss solutions in e.g. following set comprehension:
52 % {xx | xx:{1|->TRUE,2|->TRUE,2|->FALSE} & (xx : {(2|->TRUE),(2|->FALSE),(3|->TRUE)} or xx : {(1|->TRUE),(1|->FALSE),(2|->TRUE),(2|->FALSE),(3|->TRUE),(3|->FALSE)})}
53 :- set_prolog_flag(redefine_warnings,proceed).
54 clpfd:propagate_interval_chk(Pruned, Min, Max) :-
55 clpfd:'$fd_in_interval'(Pruned, Min, Max, 1), !, % 20120623
56 clpfd:'$fd_evaluate_indexical'(RC, Global),
57 clpfd:evaluate(RC, Global).
58 clpfd:propagate_interval_chk(Pruned, Min, Max) :-
59 clpfd:arg_attribute(Pruned, _, in(Pruned,Min..Max), 1), !,
60 fail.
61 clpfd:propagate_interval_chk(_, _, _).
63 clpfd:prune_and_propagate_chk(Pruned, Set) :-
64 clpfd:'$fd_in_set'(Pruned, Set, 1), !, % 20120623
65 clpfd:'$fd_evaluate_indexical'(RC, Global),
66 clpfd:evaluate(RC, Global).
67 clpfd:prune_and_propagate_chk(Pruned, Set) :-
68 clpfd:arg_attribute(Pruned, _, in_set(Pruned,Set), 1), !,
69 fail.
70 clpfd:prune_and_propagate_chk(_, _).
71 %:- set_prolog_flag(redefine_warnings,on).
72 % ---------- end patch ---------------
73 :- endif.
76 %:- use_module(typechecker).
77 :- use_module(tools).
78 :- use_module(preferences).
79 :- use_module(library(timeout)).
80 :- use_module(error_manager).
81 :- use_module(self_check).
83 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
84 :- module_info(group,kernel).
85 :- module_info(description,'Provide interface to CLP(FD), with Prolog fallback in case of errors or when CLP(FD) turned off.').
87 :- meta_predicate try_post_constraint(0).
88 :- meta_predicate post_constraint(0,0).
89 :- meta_predicate post_constraint2(0,*).
90 :- meta_predicate time_out_constraint(0,0).
91 %:- meta_predicate force_post_constraint(0).
92 %:- meta_predicate force_post_constraint(0,0).
95 % Note: clpfd_eq is sometimes called with arithmetic expressions (treatment of plus/minus/...)
96 % does not do the computable_arith_expression check
97 clpfd_eq(E1,E2) :- simple(E1), simple(E2), % was (before 29.8.2014): number(E1),number(E2),
98 !,
99 E1=E2.
100 clpfd_eq(E1,E2) :-
101 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_eq(E1,E2) ; true),
102 try_post_constraint( E1 #= E2 ).
104 clpfd_neq(E1,E2) :- number(E1),!,
105 (number(E2) -> E1\=E2 ; try_post_constraint(E1 #\= E2),dif(E1,E2)). % no need to post dif constraint if one arg is number in clpfd mode
106 clpfd_neq(E1,E2) :- number(E2),!, % no need to post dif constraint in clpfd mode
107 post_constraint( E1 #\= E2, dif(E1,E2)).
108 clpfd_neq(E1,E2) :-
109 % Note: | ?- X #\= Y, Y #=X. --> does not fail; hence we also execute dif(E1,E2) in CLPFD mode !
110 % We might be able to skip calling dif, if we enable the CHR solver by default
111 % Let's try it: only set up dif if CHR is disabled!
112 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_neq(E1,E2) ; dif(E1,E2)),
113 try_post_constraint(E1 #\= E2).
114 % clpfd_domain(E1,D1,D2), clpfd_domain(E2,B1,B2), print(dom(D1:D2,B1:B2)),nl.
116 % set up a dif co-routine only if necessary; assumption: E1,E2 are either number or variable
117 dif_when_necesssary(E1,E2) :- %print(dif_when_necesssary(E1,E2)),nl,
118 var(E1),var(E2),!, dif(E1,E2).
119 dif_when_necesssary(_,_).
121 % this will force Y to be nonzero
122 clpfd_eq_div(E1,X,Y) :- post_constraint( E1 #= X/Y, prolog_eq(E1,X//Y)), % truncated division -1 // 4 = 0
123 propagate_div_eq_eq(E1,X,Y).
124 clpfd_eq_fdiv(E1,X,Y) :- post_constraint( E1 #= X div Y, prolog_eq(E1,X div Y)). % floored division -1 div 4 = -1
126 % certain == propagation rules not done by CLPFD
127 propagate_div_eq_eq(E1,X,Y) :-
128 (var(E1),X==Y
129 -> %print(setting1(E1,X,Y)),nl,
130 E1=1 % X/X can only be 1 or undefined when X=0
131 ; true).
132 % we could check if E1==X --> Y=1 if X /= 0
134 % this waits until we are sure Y is not zero
135 clpfd_eq_guarded_div(E1,X,Y) :-
136 post_constraint3((E1 #= X/YY,MY in 0..1, Y #= MY*YY), prolog_eq(E1,X//Y),Posted), % Y can either be 0 or equal to YY
137 % this is better than the previous solution:
138 % post_constraint(Y#\=0 #=> YY#=Y, prolog_eq(Y,YY)).
139 % however, x:44..77 & E : 1..5555 & E = x/y & y:0..4 only restricts E to 1..77, not 11..77
140 % what is still missing is propagating upper bounds of Y to YY
141 % Y in 0..4, M in 0..1, YY in 1..77, Y #=M*YY
142 % with this propagation below, we at least obtain propagation for x:44..77 & E : 1..5555 & y:0..4 & E = x/y
143 % what we need is continously propagating the bounds from Y to YY (but not vice versa for 0)
144 % maybe we can achieve this using indexicals ??
145 (Posted==true
146 -> fd_max(Y,YUp), (number(YUp) -> YY #=< YUp ; true),
147 fd_min(Y,YLow), (number(YLow) -> YY #>= YLow ; true),
148 propagate_div_eq_eq(E1,X,Y)
149 ; true).
151 % now a similar solution for floored division
152 clpfd_eq_guarded_fdiv(E1,X,Y) :-
153 post_constraint3((E1 #= X div YY,MY in 0..1, Y #= MY*YY), prolog_eq(E1,X div Y),_Posted).
154 % TO DO: add propagation like above or using indexicals
156 % do we need to instantiate YY if Y becomes 0 ??
157 %:- block copy_divisor(-,?).
158 %copy_divisor(Y,Y).
162 % we check whether we have simple expressions of the form X = Y OP Z
163 % in this case it is better to call ProB's implementations, as they have stronger propagation
164 % (e.g., 0 = X-Y => X=Y or 1 = X-Y => X/=Y)
165 clpfd_eq_expr_optimized(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2) :-
166 (simple(CLPFD_Expr1) -> call_eq_expr1(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1)
167 ; simple(CLPFD_Expr2) -> call_eq_expr2(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2)
168 ; clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2)).
170 :- use_module(kernel_dif).
171 call_eq_expr1(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1) :-
172 (simple(CLPFD_Expr2) -> %print(unify(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1)),nl, translate:print_clpfd_variable(CLPFD_Expr2),nl, translate:print_clpfd_variable(CLPFD_Expr1),nl,
173 % first check if we have a pending dif; unification could trigger CLPFD enumeration
174 ((var(CLPFD_Expr1),kernel_dif:frozen_dif(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1)) -> /* print(dif),nl,*/ fail ; true),
175 CLPFD_Expr2=CLPFD_Expr1
176 ; call_eq_expr2(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1)).
178 % first arg not simple, second arg simple
179 call_eq_expr2(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1) :- CLPFD_Expr2 = -(A,B),simple(A),simple(B),!,
180 %kernel_objects:int_minus(int(A),int(B),int(CLPFD_Expr1)). % has special propagation rules
181 (number(A),number(B) -> CLPFD_Expr1 is CLPFD_Expr2
182 ; clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1),
183 propagate_zero(A,B,CLPFD_Expr1)).
184 call_eq_expr2(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1) :- CLPFD_Expr2 = +(A,B),simple(A),simple(B),!,
185 (number(A),number(B) -> CLPFD_Expr1 is CLPFD_Expr2
186 ; clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2),
187 propagate_zero(CLPFD_Expr1,A,B)).
188 %kernel_objects:int_plus(int(A),int(B),int(CLPFD_Expr1)). % has special propagation rules
189 call_eq_expr2(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1) :-
190 (computable_arith_expression(CLPFD_Expr2) -> CLPFD_Expr1 is CLPFD_Expr2
191 ; clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2)).
193 % a propagation rule not done by CLP(FD)
194 :- block propagate_zero(-,-,-).
195 propagate_zero(Sum,A,B) :- % print(prop_zero(Sum,A,B)),nl,
196 (A==0 -> Sum=B ; B==0 -> Sum=A ; true).
198 % eq_expr takes expressions as arguments
199 clpfd_eq_expr(E1,E2) :- simple(E1),!,
200 (simple(E2) -> E1=E2
201 ; computable_arith_expression(E2) -> E1 is E2
202 ; clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(E1,E2)).
203 clpfd_eq_expr(E1,E2) :- simple(E2),computable_arith_expression(E1),!, E2 is E1.
204 clpfd_eq_expr(E1,E2) :- clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(E1,E2).
206 clpfd_eq_expr_nonsimple(E1,E2) :-
207 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_eq(E1,E2) ; true),
208 post_constraint( E1 #= E2, prolog_eq(E1,E2)).
209 %% post_constraint( E1 #= E2). % Used instead of line below because of serious bug in SICStus 4.1.3
210 % BUG: X*X #= 100, X #= 9. succeeds !
212 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_eq(X,2+1),X==3)).
213 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_eq(4-1,X),X==3)).
214 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_eq(5-2,(2*2)-Y),Y=1)).
215 :- assert_must_fail((clpfd_interface:prolog_eq(5-2,(2*2)-Y),Y=0)).
216 prolog_eq(A,B) :- simple(A),!, when(ground(B), A is B).
217 prolog_eq(A,B) :- simple(B),!, when(ground(A), B is A).
218 prolog_eq(A,B) :- when((ground(A),ground(B)),=:=(A,B)).
220 computable_arith_expression(X) :- number(X),!.
221 computable_arith_expression(X) :- var(X),!,fail.
222 computable_arith_expression(-(X)) :- computable_arith_expression(X).
223 computable_arith_expression(+(X,Y)) :- computable_arith_expression(X),computable_arith_expression(Y).
224 computable_arith_expression(-(X,Y)) :- computable_arith_expression(X),computable_arith_expression(Y).
225 computable_arith_expression(*(X,Y)) :- computable_arith_expression(X),computable_arith_expression(Y).
227 clpfd_neq_expr(E1,E2) :- number(E1),number(E2),!,E1\=E2.
228 clpfd_neq_expr(E1,E2) :- %print(neq_expr(E1,E2)),nl,
229 var(E1), var(E2), !,
230 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_neq(E1,E2) ; dif(E1,E2)),
231 try_post_constraint( E1 #\= E2 ). % does not matter if posted
232 % Note: | ?- X #\= Y, Y #=X. --> does not fail; hence we also execute dif(E1,E2) in CLPFD mode !
233 clpfd_neq_expr(E1,E2) :- % print(neq_expr(E1,E2)),nl,
234 post_constraint3( E1 #\= E2, prolog_neq(E1,E2), Posted),
235 (Posted=true -> my_dif(E1,E2) ; true).
237 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_neq(X,2+1),X=2)).
238 :- assert_must_fail((clpfd_interface:prolog_neq(X,2+1),X=3)).
239 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_neq(3,X),X=2)).
240 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:prolog_neq(5-2,(2*2)-Y),Y=2)).
241 prolog_neq(A,B) :- simple(A),simple(B),!, dif(A,B).
242 prolog_neq(A,B) :- A \== B, when((ground(A),ground(B)),=\=(A,B)).
244 ?my_dif(A,B) :- (simple(A);simple(B)),!. % do we need to setup things like dif(X,0) ?
245 my_dif(A,B) :- comm_assoc_dif(A,B).
247 % note: here we do not block, we use \== now rather than waiting on variables to be bound
248 comm_assoc_dif(A,B) :- var(A),!, A \== B.
249 comm_assoc_dif(A,B) :- var(B),!, A \== B.
250 comm_assoc_dif(*(A1,A2),*(B1,B2)) :- !,
251 extract_factors2(A1,A2,FA,[]), sort(FA,SFA),
252 extract_factors2(B1,B2,FB,[]), sort(FB,SFB),
253 %print(comm_assoc_dif_mul(SFA,SFB)),nl,
254 SFA \== SFB.
255 comm_assoc_dif(+(A1,A2),+(B1,B2)) :- !,
256 extract_terms2(A1,A2,FA,[]), sort(FA,SFA),
257 extract_terms2(B1,B2,FB,[]), sort(FB,SFB),
258 %print(comm_assoc_dif_sum(SFA,SFB)),nl,
259 SFA \== SFB.
260 comm_assoc_dif(-(A1),-(B1)) :- !, comm_assoc_dif(A1,B1).
261 comm_assoc_dif(-(A1,A2),-(B1,B2)) :- !,
262 (comm_assoc_dif(A1,B1) -> true ; comm_assoc_dif(A2,B2)).
263 % note : exponentiation and division are not handed directly to CLPFD at the moment, so no need to check here:
264 %comm_assoc_dif(**(A1,A2),**(B1,B2)) :- !, (comm_assoc_dif(A1,B1) -> true ; comm_assoc_dif(A2,B2)).
265 comm_assoc_dif(A,B) :- A \== B. % ,((nonvar(A),nonvar(B)) -> nl,print(cadif(A,B)),nl ; true).
267 extract_factors2(A,B) --> extract_factors(A), extract_factors(B).
268 extract_factors(A) --> {var(A)},!, [A].
269 extract_factors(*(A,B)) --> !, extract_factors(A), extract_factors(B).
270 extract_factors(+(A,B)) --> !, [sum(ST)], {extract_terms2(A,B,T,[]),sort(T,ST)}.
271 extract_factors(A) --> [A].
273 extract_terms2(A,B) --> extract_terms(A), extract_terms(B).
274 extract_terms(A) --> {var(A)},!, [A].
275 extract_terms(+(A,B)) --> !, extract_terms(A), extract_terms(B).
276 extract_terms(*(A,B)) --> !, [mul(ST)], {extract_factors2(A,B,T,[]),sort(T,ST)}.
277 extract_terms(A) --> [A].
280 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:clpfd_leq_expr(3,X+1),X=3)).
281 :- assert_must_fail((clpfd_interface:clpfd_leq_expr(2,X-1),X=2)).
282 clpfd_leq_expr(E1,E2) :- number(E1),number(E2), !, E1 =< E2.
283 clpfd_leq_expr(E1,E2) :- useless_leq_constraint(E1,E2),!.
284 clpfd_leq_expr(E1,E2) :-
285 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_leq(E1,E2) ; true),
286 post_constraint( E1 #=< E2, prolog_leq(E1,E2)).
287 prolog_leq(A,B) :- when((ground(A),ground(B)),=<(A,B)).
289 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:clpfd_lt_expr(3,X+1),X=3)).
290 :- assert_must_fail((clpfd_interface:clpfd_lt_expr(2,X-1),X=3)).
291 clpfd_lt_expr(E1,E2) :- number(E1),number(E2), !, E1 < E2.
292 clpfd_lt_expr(E1,E2) :- useless_lt_constraint(E1,E2),!.
293 clpfd_lt_expr(E1,E2) :-
294 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_lt(E1,E2) ; dif_when_necesssary(E1,E2)), % dif useful to detect that x<y & x=y is inconsisent; or x+1 < y+1 & x=y; note however x+1 < y & x=y is not detected as inconsistent without CHR
295 post_constraint( E1 #< E2, prolog_lt(E1,E2)).
296 prolog_lt(A,B) :- when((ground(A),ground(B)),<(A,B)).
298 /* TO DO: do custom equalities div, plus, ...
299 mydiv(X, Y, Z) :-
300 (Y#=0 #\/ (Y#\=0 #/\ X/Y #= Z)). */
302 % a version of geq which avoids posting constraints if possible
303 clpfd_geq2(E1,E2,Posted) :- number(E1),number(E2),!, E1 >= E2, Posted=true.
304 clpfd_geq2(E1,E2,Posted) :-
305 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_leq(E2,E1) ; true),
306 %E1 #>= E2, Posted=true.
307 post_constraint2( E1 #>= E2 , Posted).
309 clpfd_geq(E1,E2,Posted) :- clpfd_leq(E2,E1,Posted).
310 clpfd_gt(E1,E2,Posted) :- clpfd_lt(E2,E1,Posted).
312 clpfd_leq(E1,E2,Posted) :-
313 useless_leq_constraint(E1,E2),
314 !, Posted=true. % we have a useless constraint which is already known; avoid overhead of on_exception and time_out
315 clpfd_leq(E1,E2,Posted) :-
316 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_leq(E1,E2) ; true),
317 %E1 #=< E2, Posted=true.
318 post_constraint2( E1 #=< E2 , Posted).
320 useless_leq_constraint(E1,E2) :- number(E1), !, var(E2), fd_min(E2,Low), number(Low),E1 =< Low.
321 useless_leq_constraint(E1,E2) :- number(E2), var(E1), fd_max(E1,Up), number(Up),Up =< E2.
324 clpfd_lt(E1,E2,Posted) :-
325 useless_lt_constraint(E1,E2),
326 !, Posted=true. % we have a useless constraint which is already known; avoid overhead of on_exception and time_out
327 clpfd_lt(E1,E2,Posted) :-
328 (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true) -> chr_lt(E1,E2) ; dif_when_necesssary(E1,E2)),
329 post_constraint2( E1 #< E2 , Posted).
331 useless_lt_constraint(E1,E2) :- number(E1), !, var(E2), fd_min(E2,Low), number(Low),E1 < Low.
332 useless_lt_constraint(E1,E2) :- number(E2), var(E1), fd_max(E1,Up), number(Up),Up < E2.
334 clpfd_inrange(X,Low,Up) :- clpfd_inrange(X,Low,Up,_Posted).
335 clpfd_inrange(X,Low,Up,Posted) :-
336 (Low==Up -> X=Low, Posted=true
337 ; (preferences:preference(use_chr_solver,true)
338 -> chr_leq(Low,X), chr_leq(X,Up)
339 ; true),
340 (number(Low),number(Up)
341 -> Low =< Up, % otherwise interval empty
342 (number(X) -> X >= Low, X =< Up, Posted=true %, Low =<Up
343 ; post_constraint2(X in Low..Up, Posted)) % Note: X in 1..Y, Y in 0..3. fails ! Range needs to be constant
344 ; post_constraint2( (X #>=Low #/\ X #=< Up),Posted ) % #/\ Low #=< Up should be implied
345 %,translate:print_clpfd_variables([X,Low,Up]),nl
346 )
347 ).
349 % assumes Low =< Up !
350 clpfd_not_in_non_empty_range(X,Low,Up) :-
351 ? post_constraint((X #<Low #\/ X #> Up),outside_range_blocking(X,Low,Up)).
353 :- block outside_range_blocking(-,?,?).
354 ?outside_range_blocking(X,Low,Up) :- (X<Low ; X>Up).
356 % assumes Low =< Up !
357 clpfd_not_inrange(X,Low,Up) :- preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false),
358 !, % avoid building up constraint below
359 not_in_range_blocking(X,Low,Up).
360 clpfd_not_inrange(X,Low,Up) :-
361 % special treatment due to limitation of CLP(FD) disjunct: | ?- X #>10 #\/ X #>9. ---> X in inf..sup
362 post_constraint2(XLow #<=> (X #<Low), Posted1), Posted1==true,
363 post_constraint2(UpX #<=> (Up #< X), Posted2), Posted2==true,
364 post_constraint2(UpLow #<=> (Up #< Low), Posted3), Posted3==true,
365 !,
366 clpfd_not_inrange_prop(XLow,UpX,UpLow,X,Low,Up).
367 clpfd_not_inrange(X,Low,Up) :-
368 force_post_constraint((X #<Low #\/ X #> Up #\/ Up #< Low),not_in_range_blocking(X,Low,Up)).
370 :- block clpfd_not_inrange_prop(-,-,-,?,?,?).
371 clpfd_not_inrange_prop(XLow,UpX,UpLow,_X,_Low,_Up) :- %print(unblock(XLow,UpX,UpLow,X,Low,Up)),nl,
372 ? (XLow==1 ; UpX==1 ; UpLow==1),!.
373 clpfd_not_inrange_prop(XLow,UpX,UpLow,X,Low,Up) :- XLow==0,!,
374 post_constraint2(Up #< max(X,Low),_), disjunct_reify(UpX,UpLow).
375 clpfd_not_inrange_prop(XLow,UpX,UpLow,X,Low,Up) :- UpX==0,!,
376 post_constraint2(Low #> min(X,Up),_), disjunct_reify(XLow,UpLow).
377 clpfd_not_inrange_prop(XLow,UpX,_UpLow,_X,_Low,_Up) :- % UpLow==0,
378 % Anything more we can infer here ??
379 disjunct_reify(XLow,UpX).
381 :- block disjunct_reify(-,-).
382 ?disjunct_reify(UpX,UpLow) :- (UpX==1 ; UpLow==1),!.
383 disjunct_reify(UpX,UpLow) :- (UpX==0 -> UpLow=1 ; UpX=1).
386 :- block not_in_range_blocking(-,?,?),not_in_range_blocking(?,-,?).
387 not_in_range_blocking(X,Y,Z) :-
388 (X<Y -> true ; not_in_range_blocking2(X,Y,Z)).
389 :- block not_in_range_blocking2(?,?,-).
390 not_in_range_blocking2(X,Y,Z) :- (Z<Y -> true ; Z<X).
392 clpfd_sum(List,Sum) :-
393 clpfd_sum(List,Sum,Posted),
394 (Posted==true -> true
395 ; sum_list(List,int(0),int(Sum))).
396 clpfd_sum(List,Sum,Posted) :- post_constraint2( sum(List,'#=',Sum),Posted).
398 % non-CLPFD backup, when posting fails or CLPFD turned off
399 :- block sum_list(-,?,?).
400 sum_list([],Acc,Acc).
401 sum_list([H|T],Acc,Res) :- kernel_objects:int_plus(int(H),Acc,NewAcc), sum_list(T,NewAcc,Res).
404 % assert that a variable is one of the numbers in the FDList; FDList must be numbers, cannot be unbound FD variable
405 % can fail due to overflows; one should not rely on it for soundness, see test 1353
406 clpfd_inlist(El,[X]) :- !, El=X.
407 clpfd_inlist(El,FDList) :-
408 try_post_constraint( (list_to_fdset(FDList,FDSET), El in_set FDSET)).
410 % a version that always posts constraints independent of CLPFD preference
411 force_clpfd_inlist(El,[X]) :- !, El=X.
412 force_clpfd_inlist(El,FDList) :-
413 list_to_fdset(FDList,FDSET), El in_set FDSET.
415 % can fail due to overflows; one should not rely on it for soundness
416 clpfd_not_inlist(El,FDList) :-
417 try_post_constraint( (list_to_fdset(FDList,FDSET), fdset_complement(FDSET,C),El in_set C)).
419 clpfd_maximum(El,List) :- %print(maximum(El,List)),nl,
420 maximum(El,List).
421 %force_post_constraint( maximum(El,List)). %, print(done(El)).
422 clpfd_minimum(El,List) :- %print(minimum(El,List)),nl,
423 %force_post_constraint( minimum(El,List)).
424 minimum(El,List).
427 clpfd_if_then_else(PredRes,ThenValue,ElseValue,Value) :-
428 % TO DO: catch overflows and revert to simpler treatment then
429 element(Idx,[ThenValue,ElseValue],Value), % Idx=1 if Value=ThenValue; Idx=2 if Value=ElseValue
430 prop_12(PredRes,Idx). % if PredRes=pred_true -> Idx must be 1, 2 otherwise
432 :- block prop_12(-,-).
433 prop_12(P,V12) :- var(P),!,(V12=1 -> P=pred_true ; P=pred_false).
434 prop_12(pred_true,1).
435 prop_12(pred_false,2).
437 /*
438 on_exception(E,list_to_fdset([0,8589934592],R),true)
439 E= error(domain_error(integer_list,[0,8589934592]),domain_error(list_to_fdset([0,8589934592],_A),1,integer_list,[0,8589934592]))
440 domain_error
441 */
444 clpfd_reify_inlist(El,FDList,FDRes) :-
445 try_post_constraint( (list_to_fdset(FDList,FDSET), (El in_set FDSET) #<=> FDRes)).
448 try_post_constraint(_) :- preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false),!.
449 :- if( environ(enable_time_out_for_constraints, true)).
450 try_post_constraint(C) :- % print(posting(C)),nl, %
451 on_exception(error(Err,_),time_out_constraint(C,true), check_error(Err,C) ).
452 % Note: this will only catch exceptions that occur while posting !
453 % CLPFD integer overflow exceptions can still happen after posting :-(
454 :- else.
455 try_post_constraint(C) :- % print(posting(C)),nl, %
456 on_exception(error(Err,_),C, check_error(Err,C) ).
457 :- endif.
459 post_constraint2(_,Posted) :-
460 preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false),!,Posted=false.
461 :- if( environ(enable_time_out_for_constraints, true)).
462 post_constraint2(C,Posted) :- % print(posting(C)),nl, %
463 on_exception(error(Err,_),time_out_constraint(C,(Posted=false)), (check_error(Err,C),Posted=false) ),
464 (Posted==false -> true ; Posted=true).
465 :- else.
466 post_constraint2(C,Posted) :- % print(posting(C)),nl, %
467 on_exception(error(Err,_),(C,Posted=true), (check_error(Err,C),Posted=false) ).
468 :- endif.
471 check_error(representation_error(ErrMsg),C) :-
472 is_clpfd_overflow_representation_error(ErrMsg),
473 !,
474 print_message('Ignoring constraint (integer overflow):'),
475 print_message(C).
476 check_error(domain_error(_Type,_Val),C) :- !, print_message('Ignoring constraint (domain error):'),
477 % print(Type), print(' : '), print(Val), print(' : '),
478 print_message(C).
479 check_error(Err,C) :-
480 %print_message('Ignoring constraint (unknown error):'), print(Err), print(' : '), print_message(C),
481 add_error(clpfd_interface,'Ignoring constraint (unknown error):',Err:C).
484 :- assert_must_succeed((print('Is 64-bit: '),(clpfd_interface:is_64_bit_system -> print('Yes') ; print('NO')),nl)).
486 is_64_bit_system :-
487 Err = error(representation_error(_),_),
488 on_exception(Err, _X #= 268435456, fail). % 268435456 = 2^28, will generate overflow in 32-bit system
491 clpfd_overflow_error_message :- clpfd_overflow_msg(M),
492 add_error(clpfd_overflow,M).
493 clpfd_overflow_warning_message :- clpfd_overflow_msg(M),
494 add_warning(clpfd_overflow,M).
495 %clpfd_overflow_print_message :- clpfd_overflow_msg(M),write(user_error,M),nl(user_error).
497 clpfd_overflow_msg(M) :- clpfd_interface:is_64_bit_system, !,
498 M = 'A CLPFD integer overflow occurred.\nSet CLPFD preference to FALSE (Animation Preferences).'.
499 clpfd_overflow_msg('A CLPFD integer overflow occurred.\nSet CLPFD preference to FALSE (Animation Preferences) or use a 64 bit version of ProB.').
502 integer_too_small_for_clpfd(X) :- prolog_flag(min_tagged_integer,Min), X<Min.
503 integer_too_large_for_clpfd(X) :- prolog_flag(max_tagged_integer,Max), X>Max.
506 % post_constraint3(CLPFD,PrologBackup,Posted)
507 post_constraint3(_,C,Posted) :- preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false),!,Posted=false,call(C).
508 post_constraint3(C,PrologBackup,Posted) :- % print(posting(C,PrologBackup)),nl,
509 on_exception(error(Err,_),
510 time_out_constraint((C,Posted=true),(Posted=false,PrologBackup)),
511 (check_error(Err,C),Posted=false,call(PrologBackup)) ).
513 % post_constraint(CLPFD,PrologBackup)
514 ?post_constraint(_,C) :- preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false),!,call(C).
515 :- if(environ(enable_time_out_for_constraints, true)).
516 post_constraint(C,PrologBackup) :- % print(posting(C,PrologBackup)),nl,
517 on_exception(error(Err,_),time_out_constraint(C,PrologBackup), (check_error(Err,C),call(PrologBackup)) ).
518 :- else.
519 post_constraint(C,PrologBackup) :- % print(posting(C,PrologBackup)),nl,trace,
520 on_exception(error(Err,_),C, (check_error(Err,C),call(PrologBackup)) ).
521 :- endif.
523 % no use_clpfd_solver check:
524 force_post_constraint(C) :- call(C). % to use fd_batch(C) we need to convert C to list
525 force_post_constraint(C,PrologBackup) :- % print(posting(C,PrologBackup)),nl,
526 on_exception(error(Err,_),time_out_constraint(C,PrologBackup), (check_error(Err,C),call(PrologBackup)) ).
529 :- if(\+ environ(enable_time_out_for_constraints, true)).
530 time_out_constraint(C,_) :- call(C). % to use fd_batch(C) we need to convert C to list
531 :- else.
532 % Note: time_out/3 is quite expensive !
533 time_out_constraint(C,PrologBackup) :- %% debug:new_pp(C,PP), %%
534 %%preferences:preference(time_out,CurTO), TO is 800 + (CurTO//100), time_out(C,TO,T),
535 preferences:preference(solver_strength,Strength),
536 TO is 1200 + Strength*200,
537 time_out(C,TO,T), %% debug:new_sol(C,PP), %%
538 (T==time_out -> print_message('Timeout when posting constraint:'), print_message(C),
539 (preferences:preference(fail_if_clpfd_timeout,true)
540 -> print_message('Assuming unsatisfiable !'),fail
541 ; call(PrologBackup))
542 ; true).
543 :- endif.
546 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd_interface:clpfd_domain(3,L,U), L==3, U==3)).
547 clpfd_domain(Var,Low,Up) :- var(Var),!,
548 fd_min(Var,Low), fd_max(Var,Up).
549 % used to check (preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false) -> Low=inf,Up=sup ; fd_min(Var,Low), fd_max(Var,Up) ).
550 % but can also be called when CLPFD false for global_set values
551 %used to call: fd_dom(Var, Low..Up)). fd_dom will sometimes return {1} \/ 2..3 or something like that !
552 clpfd_domain(X,X,X).
554 % find some element in the domain of a FD variable
555 clpfd_some_element_in_domain(Var,El) :- nonvar(Var),!, El=Var.
556 clpfd_some_element_in_domain(Var,El) :- fd_min(Var,Low), number(Low),!,El=Low.
557 clpfd_some_element_in_domain(Var,El) :- fd_max(Var,Up), number(Up),!,El=Up.
558 clpfd_some_element_in_domain(Var,El) :- fd_set(Var,Set), fdset_parts(Set,Min,Max,_Rest),
559 (number(Min) -> El=Min ; number(Max),El=Max).
562 % succeed if we have a number or a CLPFD Var whose upper value is bounded
563 clpfd_max_bounded(Var) :- var(Var), !, fd_max(Var,Up), number(Up).
564 clpfd_max_bounded(N) :- number(N).
566 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(1,1)).
567 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(11,_X)).
568 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(_X,22)).
569 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(X,X)).
570 :- assert_must_fail(clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(21,22)).
571 :- assert_must_fail((dif(A,B),clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(A,B))).
572 % check if two numbers or fd variables can match without unifying (as this could trigger propagations)
573 clpfd_can_match(Var1,Var2) :- var(Var1),!, (var(Var2) -> clpfd_can_unify(Var1,Var2) ; clpfd_can_match_nr(Var1,Var2)).
574 clpfd_can_match(Nr1,Var2) :- var(Var2),!,clpfd_can_match_nr(Var2,Nr1).
575 clpfd_can_match(Nr1,Nr2) :- Nr1=Nr2.
576 clpfd_can_match_nr(Var,Nr) :- % is it also worthwhile to check for frozen_dif here ? A #>10, B =15, B #\=A, clpfd_interface:clpfd_can_match(A,B) fails without it
577 fd_set(Var,FDS), Nr in_set FDS.
578 clpfd_can_unify(Var1,Var2) :-
579 fd_set(Var1,FDS1), fd_set(Var2,FDS2), fdset_intersect(FDS1,FDS2),
580 \+ kernel_dif:frozen_dif(Var1,Var2).
582 % check if FD variables or numbers have common possible value
583 clpfd_can_intersect(Number1,NrOrVar2) :- nonvar(Number1),!,
584 (nonvar(NrOrVar2) -> Number1==NrOrVar2
585 ; fd_set(NrOrVar2,FDS2), fdset_member(Number1,FDS2)).
586 clpfd_can_intersect(Var1,Number2) :- nonvar(Number2),!,
587 fd_set(Var1,FDS1), fdset_member(Number2,FDS1).
588 clpfd_can_intersect(Var1,Var2) :-
589 fd_set(Var1,FDS1), fd_set(Var2,FDS2), fdset_intersect(FDS1,FDS2).
591 % check if we can currently determine an integer to be greater or equal to a given number
592 clpfd_check_geq_nr(X,Nr) :-
593 number(X),!,
594 X>=Nr.
595 clpfd_check_geq_nr(X,_) :-
596 (nonvar(X) % something like X+Y
597 ; preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false)),
598 !.
599 clpfd_check_geq_nr(X,Nr) :-
600 fd_min(X,Low), number(Low), Low>=Nr.
602 clpfd_size(Var,Size) :- number(Var),!, Size=1.
603 clpfd_size(Var,Size) :-
604 (preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false)
605 -> Size = inf
606 ; fd_size(Var,Size)
607 ).
609 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:clpfd_alldifferent([1,2,3])).
610 :- assert_must_succeed(clpfd_interface:all_dif([1,2,3],[])).
611 :- assert_must_fail(clpfd_interface:clpfd_alldifferent([1,2,3,2])).
612 :- assert_must_fail(clpfd_interface:all_dif([1,2,3,2],[])).
614 clpfd_alldifferent([]) :- !.
615 clpfd_alldifferent(L) :- post_constraint(all_different(L),all_dif(L,[])).
617 all_dif([],_).
618 all_dif([H|T],All) :- all_dif_aux(All,H), all_dif(T,[H|All]).
620 all_dif_aux([],_).
621 all_dif_aux([H|T],X) :- dif(H,X), all_dif_aux(T,X).
623 /*
624 clpfd_labeling(Variables) :-
625 (preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false) -> true
626 ; labeling([ffc,enum],Variables)). %ff, enum
627 */
629 % a version of labeling that performs randomized enumeration if requested
630 % Currently, random enumeration does not support variable selection options
631 % TODO: Maybe we should only randomize enumeration on "large enough" intervals
632 :- use_module(library(random)).
633 :- use_module(extension('random_permutations/random_permutations')).
634 clpfd_randomised_labeling([],ListOfVars) :-
635 ? preferences:get_preference(randomise_enumeration_order,true)
636 -> clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux(ListOfVars)
637 ? ; labeling([],ListOfVars).
638 clpfd_randomised_labeling([Op|Ops],ListOfVars) :-
639 labeling([Op|Ops],ListOfVars).
641 clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux([]).
642 clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux([Var|Vars]) :-
643 clpfd_randomised_in_domain(Var),
644 clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux(Vars).
646 clpfd_randomised_in_domain(Var) :-
647 init_random_permutations,
648 clpfd_domain(Var,Low,Up),
649 ((\+ number(Low) ; \+ number(Up))
650 -> add_internal_error('Unbounded FD variable: ',clpfd_randomised_in_domain(Var)),
651 %trace, kernel_waitflags:get_fd_priority(Var,_),
652 fail
653 ; true),
654 IntervalLength is Up - Low + 1,
655 get_num_bits(IntervalLength,MaxIdx,NumBits),
656 get_masks(NumBits,LeftMask,RightMask),
657 % the seed relies on the random predicate, not on now/1, thus prob can be made deterministic by setting a central random seed
658 random(TempSeed),
659 Seed is floor(TempSeed * 10000),
660 clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux(Var,0,MaxIdx,Low,Up,Seed,NumBits,LeftMask,RightMask).
662 clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux(N,CurIdx,MaxIdx,From,To,Seed,NumBits,LeftMask,RightMask) :-
663 random_permutation_element(CurIdx,MaxIdx,From,To,Seed,NumBits,LeftMask,RightMask,Drawn,NextIdx),
664 %format('enumerate_int2: Setting variable ~w to ~w~n',[N,Drawn]),
665 ( N=Drawn
666 ; clpfd_randomised_labeling_aux(N,NextIdx,MaxIdx,From,To,Seed,NumBits,LeftMask,RightMask)).
669 %:- use_module(library(lists),[reverse/2]).
670 %clpfd_reverse_labeling(Vars) :- clpfd_reverse_labeling(Vars,[ffc,enum]).
671 %% label a list of variables which was reversed:
672 %clpfd_reverse_labeling(Variables,Opt) :- var(Variables),!,
673 % add_internal_error('Must be list of variables: ',clpfd_reverse_labeling(Variables,Opt)).
674 %clpfd_reverse_labeling(Variables,Options) :- !,
675 % reverse(Variables,RevV),
676 % clpfd_labeling(RevV,Options).
678 ?clpfd_labeling(Variables,Options) :- !,
679 ? on_exception(error(instantiation_error,Err),labeling(Options,Variables),
680 (print(Err),nl,
681 % this can happen when CLP(FD) has a time-out for other constraints
682 add_error(clpfd_interface,'CLP(FD) Variables not set up for ',labeling(Options,Variables)))). % Options = [ffc,enum]
685 ?clpfd_in_domain(Variable) :- !,
686 ? on_exception(error(instantiation_error,Err),indomain(Variable),
687 (print(Err),nl,
688 % this can happen when CLP(FD) has a time-out for other constraints
689 add_error(clpfd_interface,'CLP(FD) Variables not set up for ',indomain(Variable)))).
692 clpfd_degree(Variable,Degree) :- fd_degree(Variable,Degree). % can be called with plain variables and with numbers
694 % a new predicate to obtain the next variable that would be enumerated
695 % (useful if you want to interleave other labeling with CLPFD labeling)
697 :- assert_must_succeed((clpfd:in(X,1..3), clpfd:in(Y,3..5), clpfd:'#>'(X,Z), clpfd_interface:clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label([Y,2,X,3],V),V==X, X=3, Y=3, Z=2)).
698 clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label(Variables,Var) :-
699 clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label(Variables,Var,ffc).
701 % possible options : ff, ffc, step, enum, bisect, median, ...
702 clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label(Variables,Var,Opt) :- Variables \= [], % there is a segmentation fault if we call fd_delete with empty list
703 % this also causes segmentation fault:
704 % X in 1..2 , Y in 3..5, clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label([2,3,Y,2,X],Var,ffc). rlwrap: warning: sicstus crashed, killed by SIGSEGV.
705 clpfd:'$fd_delete'(Variables,Var,Opt).
707 /* ------------
708 % a version of the above just for ffc, re-implemented by hand so as not to be dependent on internal predicates of clpfd
709 % also: it returns the remaining variables (filters out non-variables)
710 % but it can be much slower than clpfd:$fd_delete (e.g., NQueens50)
711 clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label_ffc([H|T],Var,RestV) :-
712 (get_fd_info(H,HI) -> get_next_aux(T,H,HI,Var,RestV)
713 %,((clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label([H|T],VV,ffc), VV\==Var) -> print(different_choice(Var,VV)),nl , tools_printing:print_vars([H|T]) ; true)
714 ; clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label_ffc(T,Var,RestV)
715 ).
716 % , tools_printing:print_vars([H|T]),print(sel(Var,RestV)),nl.
718 get_next_aux([],Var,_,Var,[]).
719 get_next_aux([H|T],VarSoFar,VInfo,Var,Rest) :-
720 (get_fd_info(H,HI)
721 -> (HI @< VInfo -> Rest = [VarSoFar|TRest], get_next_aux(T,H,HI,Var,TRest)
722 ; Rest = [H|TRest], get_next_aux(T,VarSoFar,VInfo,Var,TRest)
723 )
724 ; get_next_aux(T,VarSoFar,VInfo,Var,Rest)).
726 get_fd_info(Var,(Sz,NDg)) :- fd_size(Var,Sz), Sz \= 1, % note: we have 2 @<sup
727 % kernel_waitflags:size_of_attached_goals(Var,Dg),
728 fd_degree(Var,Dg),
729 NDg is -Dg. % negate to give higher priority to goals with high degree
730 ----- */
732 % would could also use size of attached frozen goals as a tiebreaker : frozen_degree(Var,FDg), NFDg is -FDg.
733 % maybe we should compute this only on demand
734 %frozen_degree(Var,Dg) :- var(Var), !,frozen(Var,Goal), size_of_goal(Goal,Dg).
735 %frozen_degree(_,0).
736 %size_of_goal((A,B),S) :- !, size_of_goal(A,SA), size_of_goal(B,SB), S is SA+SB.
737 %size_of_goal(_,1).
740 :- meta_predicate catch_clpfd_overflow_call1(0).
741 :- meta_predicate catch_clpfd_overflow_call2(0,0).
742 ?catch_clpfd_overflow_call1(Call) :- catch_clpfd_overflow_call2(Call,fail).
743 catch_clpfd_overflow_call2(Call,Handler) :-
744 ? on_exception(error(representation_error(ErrMsg),E),
745 Call,
746 handle_representation_error(ErrMsg,E,Handler)).
748 handle_representation_error(ErrMsg,_E,Call) :-
749 (is_clpfd_overflow_representation_error(ErrMsg)
750 -> clpfd_overflow_error_message, Call
751 ; throw(representation_error(ErrMsg))).
753 is_clpfd_overflow_representation_error('CLPFD integer overflow').
754 is_clpfd_overflow_representation_error('max_clpfd_integer').
755 is_clpfd_overflow_representation_error('min_clpfd_integer').
759 /*
760 Testing for how large the integers can be, 32-bit system:
761 | ?- X is integer(2**30), Y#=X+1.
762 ! Representation error in argument 2 of user:'t=u+c'/3
763 ! CLPFD integer overflow
764 ! goal: 't=u+c'(_102,1073741824,1)
765 | ?- X is integer(2**30), Y#=X.
766 X = 1073741824,
767 Y = 1073741824 ?
768 64-bit system:
769 | ?- X is integer(2**60), Y#=X.
770 ! Representation error in argument 2 of user:(#=)/2
771 ! CLPFD integer overflow
772 ! goal: _413#=1152921504606846976
774 | ?- X is integer(2**60)-1, Y#=X.
775 X = 1152921504606846975,
776 Y = 1152921504606846975 ?
777 yes
778 */