1 % (c) 2009-2019 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(delay,[delay_setof_wf/7,
6 delay_setof_check_wf/9,
7 delay_setof_list/4,
8 delay_call/2, delay_call/3,
9 delay_not/3, not_with_enum_warning/2,
10 compute_wait_variables/3]).
12 % meta_predicate annotations should appear before loading any code:
13 :- meta_predicate my_findall(-,0,-,-).
14 :- meta_predicate my_findall_catch(-,0,-,-,-).
15 :- meta_predicate my_findall_catch(-,0,-,-,-,-).
16 :- meta_predicate my_findall_check(-,0,-,-,0,0,-).
18 :- meta_predicate delay_setof_wf(-,0,-,-,-,-,-).
19 %:- meta_predicate block_my_findall_catch_wf(-,-,0,-,-,-).
21 :- meta_predicate delay_setof_check_wf(-,0,-,-,-,0,0,-,-).
22 :- meta_predicate block_findall_check(-,-,0,-,0,0,-,-,-,-).
24 :- meta_predicate delay_setof_list(-,0,-,-).
25 :- meta_predicate block_my_findall_sort(-,-,0,-).
28 :- meta_predicate delay_call(0,-,-).
29 :- meta_predicate delay_call(0,-).
31 :- meta_predicate delay_not(0,-,-).
32 :- meta_predicate not_with_enum_warning(0,-).
33 :- meta_predicate not_with_enum_warning2(0,-,-).
35 % --------------
38 :- use_module(tools).
40 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
41 :- module_info(group,kernel).
42 :- module_info(description,'Utilities to delay calls until sufficiently instantiated.').
44 %:- use_module(self_check).
46 :- use_module(debug). /* so that calls can call unqualified debug_prints */
48 :- use_module(error_manager).
49 :- use_module(kernel_tools).
52 :- use_module(tools_printing,[print_term_summary/1]).
53 :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]).
55 :- if(debug:global_debug_flag).
56 my_findall(X,P,L,_) :-
57 statistics(runtime,[Start,_]),
58 findall(X,P,L),
59 statistics(runtime,[End,_]),
60 Tot is End-Start,
61 (Tot>50 -> nl, %nl,print(Call),nl,
62 print('*** FINDALL: '),print_term_summary(P),
63 print('*** exceeded limit: '), print(Tot), print(' ms'),nl,
64 length(L,Len),
65 print('*** SOLUTIONS: '), print(Len), nl
66 ; true).
67 :- elif(environ(prob_safe_mode,xtrue)).
68 :- use_module(tools_meta,[call_residue/2]).
69 :- meta_predicate call_residue_check(-).
70 call_residue_check(Call) :-
71 call_residue(Call,Residue),
72 (Residue = [] -> true
73 ; add_internal_error('Call had residue: ',residue(Residue)/call(Call))).
74 my_findall(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult) :-
75 (ExpectedFinalResult==[]
76 -> \+(P),L=[] % we know the end result to be empty; not necessary to try and find all solutions; <--- we should probably treat this somewhere else to ensure that we do not throw all_solutions enumeration warnings
77 ; findall(X,call_residue_check(P),L)).
78 :- else.
79 my_findall(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult) :-
80 (ExpectedFinalResult==[]
81 -> \+(P),L=[] % we know the end result to be empty; not necessary to try and find all solutions; <--- we should probably treat this somewhere else to ensure that we do not throw all_solutions enumeration warnings
82 ; findall(X,P,L)).
83 %; findall(X,(P,print(sol(X)),nl,nl,trace),L)).
84 :- endif.
89 my_findall_catch(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult,Span) :-
90 my_findall_catch(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult,EnumWarningWhichOcc,Span),
91 (enum_warning_occ(EnumWarningWhichOcc) -> throw(EnumWarningWhichOcc) ; true).
93 enum_warning_occ(EnumWarningWhichOcc) :-
94 nonvar(EnumWarningWhichOcc),EnumWarningWhichOcc=enumeration_warning(_,_,_,_,_).
96 my_findall_catch(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult,EnumWarningWhichOcc,Span) :-
97 enter_new_error_scope(Level,my_findall_catch),
98 throw_enumeration_warnings_in_scope(Level,critical,Span), % critical enumeration warnings are thrown straight away
99 call_cleanup(
100 my_findall(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult),
101 (event_occurred_in_error_scope(enumeration_warning(A,B,C,D,E))
102 -> exit_error_scope(Level,_,my_findall_catch_error),
103 % do we need to throw the enumeration warning ?
104 EnumWarningWhichOcc=enumeration_warning(A,B,C,D,E),
105 debug_println(9,my_findall_catch(enumeration_warning(A,B,C,D,E))), %trace,
106 true %throw(enumeration_warning(A,B,C,D,E))
107 ; exit_error_scope(Level,_,my_findall_catch_no_error),
108 EnumWarningWhichOcc=false)).
110 :- use_module(runtime_profiler,[observe_runtime/3]).
111 my_findall_check(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult,TimeOutCode,VirtualTimeOutCode,Span) :-
112 statistics(runtime,[Start,_]),
113 get_total_number_of_errors(Nr1), % now also does count stored wd errors, see WD_SetCompr_Error
114 %format('Start closure expansion at ~w ms~n',[Start]),print_message_span(Span),nl,
115 call_cleanup((my_findall_catch(X,P,L,ExpectedFinalResult,EnumWarningWhichOcc,Span),Ok=true),
116 (Ok==true,EnumWarningWhichOcc==false
117 -> get_total_number_of_errors(Nr2), %print(f(Nr1,Nr2)),nl,
118 (Nr2>Nr1 -> add_error(well_definedness_error,'Error(s) occurred during expansion of set comprehension','',Span),
119 fail % TO DO: see comment below in delay_setof_wf
120 ; observe_runtime(Start,'Long closure expansion: ',Span) %, print(done),nl
121 %,statistics(runtime,[End,_]), Tot is End-Start,
122 %(Tot>10 -> length(L,Len),add_message(delay,'Long closure expansion:',ms_sols(Tot,Len),Span) ; true)
123 )
124 ; /* failure or time-out; --> time-out as findall should never fail */
125 statistics(runtime,[End,_]), Tot is End-Start,
126 (enum_warning_occ(EnumWarningWhichOcc)
127 -> (VirtualTimeOutCode = _:true -> true
128 ; print('### VIRTUAL TIME-OUT after: '), print(Tot), print(' ms'),nl,
129 call(VirtualTimeOutCode)
130 ), %print(throw(EnumWarningWhichOcc)),nl,
131 throw(EnumWarningWhichOcc) % ??? this is a set-comprehension expression; failure would mean not-well-defined
132 ; Tot>1000 -> % TO DO: could also be CTRL-C ! we could use catch_interrupt_assertion_call(my_findall_catch) or on_exception(user_interrupt_signal,my_finall_catch()
133 call(TimeOutCode), % Warning: this call is also called if an outer-time-out is triggered !
134 print('Runtime until TIME-OUT: '),print(Tot),nl
135 % WHY DON'T WE FAIL HERE ---> because exception is passed on to outer calls after call_cleanup
136 ; true) % check if the findall is probably responsible for the time-out
137 )).
139 /* ----------------------------------------- */
141 /* Below is a findall that delays until all
142 non-output variables have become ground.
143 Ideally, one would want a delay_findall that
144 figures out by itself when it has all the answers
145 (by looking at call_residue) and that may
146 even progressively instantiate the output list
147 such as in:
148 delay_findall(X,delay_member(X,[a|T]),R), delay_member(Z,R)
149 But this will require more involved machinery.
150 */
153 :- use_module(tools,[remove_variables/3]).
154 :- use_module(kernel_objects,[equal_object_wf/4]).
155 :- if(current_prolog_flag(dialect,sicstus)).
156 :- if((current_prolog_flag(version_data,sicstus(4,X,_,_,_)),X<3)).
157 :- use_module(library(terms),[term_variables/2]). % is built-in in SICSTUS 4.3
158 :- endif.
159 :- endif.
162 :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_value_check/2]).
164 % the following is called by expand_normal_closure_direct
165 delay_setof_wf(V,G,FullSetResult,WVars,Done,WF,Span) :- %print(delay_set_of(V)),nl,
166 ground_value_check(WVars,GW),
167 block_my_findall_catch_wf2(GW,V,G,FullSetResult,Done,WF,Span).
168 % comment in to perform idling to allow outer co-routines to run; useful when WD condition attached to Body G
169 %:- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[get_idle_wait_flag/3]).
170 %:- block block_my_findall_catch_wf(-,?,?,?,?,?).
171 %block_my_findall_catch_wf(_,V,G,FullSetResult,Done,WF) :-
172 % get_idle_wait_flag(delay_setof_wf,WF,LWF),
173 % print(idling(WF,LWF)),nl,trace,
174 % block_my_findall_catch_wf2(LWF,V,G,FullSetResult,Done,WF,Span).
175 :- block block_my_findall_catch_wf2(-,?,?,?,?,?,?).
176 block_my_findall_catch_wf2(_,V,G,FullSetResult,Done,WF,Span) :-
177 ? get_total_number_of_errors(Nr1),
178 ? my_findall_catch(V,G,RRes,FullSetResult,Span),
179 ? transform_result_into_set(RRes,SetRes),
180 ? get_total_number_of_errors(Nr2), %print(f(Nr1,Nr2)),nl,
181 ? (Nr2>Nr1
182 -> add_error(well_definedness_error,'Error(s) occurred during expansion of set comprehension','',Span),
183 fail
184 % TO DO?: we could add_abort error here instead of adding a real error
185 % for this, however, the inner abort_errors should only be recorded, not yet raised for the user
186 ; true),
187 ? equal_object_wf(SetRes,FullSetResult,delay_setof_wf,WF),
188 Done=true.
191 delay_setof_check_wf(V,G,FullSetResult,WVars,Done,TimeOutCode,VirtualTimeOutCode,WF,Span) :- %print(delay_set_of(V)),nl,
192 %% print(wait_vars(WVars,G)),nl, %%
193 ground_value_check(WVars,GW),
194 block_findall_check(GW,V,G,FullSetResult,TimeOutCode,VirtualTimeOutCode,Done,FullSetResult,WF,Span).
196 :- block block_findall_check(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?).
197 block_findall_check(_,V,G,FullSetResult,TimeOutCode,VirtualTimeOutCode,Done,FullSetResult,WF,Span) :-
198 ? my_findall_check(V,G,RRes,FullSetResult,TimeOutCode,VirtualTimeOutCode,Span),
199 ? transform_result_into_set(RRes,SetRes),
200 % will generate AVL tree
201 % print(delay_setof_result(SetRes,FullSetResult)),nl, translate:print_bvalue(SetRes),nl,
202 ? equal_object_wf(SetRes,FullSetResult,delay_setof_check_wf,WF),
203 ? Done=true.
205 :- use_module(tools_printing,[print_term_summary/1]).
206 :- use_module(custom_explicit_sets,[convert_to_avl/2]).
207 transform_result_into_set(RRes,SetRes) :- % print(transform_result_into_set(RRes,SetRes)),
208 ? (convert_to_avl(RRes,SetRes) % we are sure that RRes is ground !!??
209 -> true
210 ; print_term_summary(convert_to_avl_failed(RRes,SetRes)),
211 convert_list_of_expressions_into_set(RRes,SetRes)).
213 :- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[init_wait_flags/1,ground_wait_flags/1]).
214 :- use_module(b_interpreter,[convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf/4]).
215 convert_list_of_expressions_into_set(List,Set) :-
216 init_wait_flags(WF),
217 convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf(List,Set,set(any),WF),
218 ground_wait_flags(WF).
220 /* same as above but Result is a list of elements; */
221 /* the list should not be interpreted as a set, but each element is a value for a parameter */
222 /* There is a very small chance that the same value is represented twice in the list (e.g., once as closure once as explicit list) */
223 delay_setof_list(V,G,FullSetResult,OutputVars) :-
224 term_variables(G,Vars),
225 term_variables(OutputVars,RealOutputVars),
226 remove_variables(Vars,RealOutputVars,WVars),
227 ground_value_check(WVars,GW),
228 block_my_findall_sort(GW,V,G,FullSetResult).
230 :- block block_my_findall_sort(-,?,?,?).
231 block_my_findall_sort(_,V,G,FullSetResult) :-
232 %print_quoted(findall(V,G,RRes)),nl,
233 ? my_findall(V,G,RRes,FullSetResult),
234 %% print_message(delay_seotof_list_rres(RRes)), %%
235 ? ll_norm(RRes,NormRRes),
236 ? sort(NormRRes,SNormRRes), % removes duplicates
237 ? FullSetResult=SNormRRes.
240 % normalise a list of list of values; the inner lists are not sets but values for parameters
241 ll_norm([],[]).
242 ll_norm([El1|T1],[El2|T2]) :- l_check_norm_required(El1,El2,NormRequired),
243 (var(NormRequired) -> T1=T2 % no normalisation required: simply copy rest of list
244 % TO DO: we could also statically determine based on parameter types whether normalising is required
245 ; ll_norm2(T1,T2)).
247 :- use_module(store,[l_normalise_values/2]).
248 ll_norm2([],[]).
249 ll_norm2([El1|T1],[El2|T2]) :- l_normalise_values(El1,El2), ll_norm2(T1,T2).
251 % normalise a value and return norm_required in last argument if it is needed
252 l_check_norm_required([],[],_).
253 l_check_norm_required([H|T],[NH|NT],NormRequired) :-
254 check_norm_required(H,NH,NormRequired),
255 l_check_norm_required(T,NT,NormRequired).
257 check_norm_required(pred_true,R,_) :- !, R=pred_true.
258 check_norm_required(pred_false,R,_) :- !, R=pred_false.
259 check_norm_required(int(S),R,_) :- !, R=int(S).
260 check_norm_required(fd(X,T),R,_) :- !, R=fd(X,T).
261 check_norm_required(string(S),R,_) :- !, R=string(S).
262 check_norm_required((A,B),(NA,NB),NormRequired) :- !,
263 check_norm_required(A,NA,NormRequired), check_norm_required(B,NB,NormRequired).
264 % to do: add record and freeval
265 check_norm_required(V,NV,norm_required) :- store:normalise_value(V,NV).
271 compute_wait_variables(WaitTerm,OutputVars,WaitVars) :-
272 term_variables(WaitTerm,Vars),
273 term_variables(OutputVars,RealOutputVars),
274 remove_variables(Vars,RealOutputVars,WaitVars).
276 delay_call(Call,WaitTerm,OutputVars) :-
277 compute_wait_variables(WaitTerm,OutputVars,WaitVars),
278 %print_message(delay(Call,WaitVars)),
279 when(ground(WaitVars),Call).
281 delay_call(Call,OutputVars) :-
282 delay_call(Call,Call,OutputVars).
284 % LocalWF: created by create_inner_wait_flags; enumeration finished waitflag should not be grounded here
285 delay_not(Call,OutputVars, LocalWF) :- % print_message(informational,delay_not(Call,OutputVars,LocalWF)),
286 delay_call( not_with_enum_warning(Call, LocalWF) , OutputVars).
288 not_with_enum_warning(Call, LocalWF) :-
289 %% print_term_summary(neg_call(Call, LocalWF)), %%
290 enter_new_clean_error_scope(Level),
291 call_cleanup(not_with_enum_warning2(Call,Level,LocalWF),
292 exit_error_scope(Level,_ErrOccured,not_with_enum_warn)).
294 :- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[pending_abort_error/1, ground_wait_flags/1]).
295 not_with_enum_warning2(Call,Level,LocalWF) :-
296 ? (Call -> %% print(clearing_warnings(Level)),nl, %%
297 (pending_abort_error(LocalWF)
298 -> debug_println(19,pending_abort_error(LocalWF)),
299 PENDING_ABORT = true
300 % we do not fail in this case, so that abort errors can be raised
301 % relevant for test 1966 or predicate f={1|->2} & not(#s.(s:1..2 & f(s)=3)) with -p TRY_FIND_ABORT TRUE
302 ; clear_events_in_error_scope(Level,enumeration_warning(_,_,_,_,_)), fail
303 % call has succeeded without pending abort errors
304 )
305 ; otherwise -> true
306 ),
307 % Note: everything else is ground; so Call should not trigger any other co-routines/enumeration ?!
308 Event = enumeration_warning(_,_,_,_,_),
309 (event_occurred_in_error_scope(Event) % critical ? only at this level ? or also below ?
310 -> PENDING_ABORT==true, %print(grd(LocalWF)),nl, kernel_waitflags:portray_waitflags(LocalWF),nl,
311 ground_wait_flags(LocalWF), % raise any potential abort errors
312 debug_println(19,grounded_wait_flag_for_pending_abort_error), % THIS print is important due to issue SPRM-20473 in SICStus Prolog which will otherwise *not* activate the pending co-routines attached to LocalWF !
313 fail
314 %, print_message(throwing(Event)), throw(Event) % or simply re-post enum warning ?
315 % we could also simply fail and raise an enumeration warning; meaning we havent explored all possibilities
316 % Note: at the moment the error is copied into the outer scope by copy_error_scope_events
317 ; true)
318 %% ,print_term_summary(done_neg_call(Call)),nl %%
319 .