1 % (c) 2009-2015 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6 % check an LTL formula on a concrete path
8 :- module(ltl_verification, [evaluate_ltl_formula/6,evaluate_ltl_fairness/6]).
10 /* SICSTUS libraries */
11 :- use_module(library(lists)).
12 :- use_module(library(between),[numlist/3]).
13 :- use_module(library(ordsets),[ord_intersection/3]).
15 /* ProB standard modules */
16 :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager),[add_error/3]).
18 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information),[module_info/2]).
19 :- module_info(group,ltl).
20 :- module_info(description,'This module provides predicates for checking an LTL formula on a concrete path.').
22 /*
23 * evaluate_ltl_formula(Formula,StateTransitions,Type,CallbackAP,CallbackTP,Result):
24 * Formula: AST of the LTL formula
25 * StateTransitions: List of the form [strans(StateId,TransId)] which describes the
26 * sequence of states and transitions between them. If there is no next state in
27 * the sequence, TransId can be 'none'
28 * Type: form of the counter-example. If it's a lasso-like form, Type should be
29 * loop(ReEntry) where ReEntry is the offset of the first state of the loop
30 * in the sequence, starting with 0.
31 * If Type is not loop(_), the sequence is regarded as finite
32 * CallbackAP: Callback predicate to check an atomic proposition. Callbacks are of
33 * the form CallbackAP(AP,StateId) where AP is the specification of an atomic
34 * proposition ap(AP) in the AST of the formula and StateId the the ID of the
35 * state in which it should be evaluated.
36 * If the call succeeds, the proposition is regarded as true, if not as false.
37 * CallbackTP: Like CallbackAP, CallbackTP is a predicate to check a proposition
38 * TP on a transition as it appears as action(TP) in the LTL formula.
39 * The call is of the form CallbackTP(TP,StateId,TransID).
40 * Result: true, false or unknown
41 * A formula can only be unknown if the sequence is finite (without a loop).
42 */
43 :- meta_predicate evaluate_ltl_formula(+,+,+,2,3,-).
44 evaluate_ltl_formula(Formula,StateTransitions,Type,CallbackAP,CallbackTP,Result) :-
45 check_sequence(StateTransitions,Type),
46 length(StateTransitions,N),
47 Path = path(StateTransitions,N,Type,CallbackAP,CallbackTP),
48 eval_ltl_formula(Formula,0,Path,Result),
49 % In case of an unknown result, check if the sequence if finite
50 check_result(Type,Result,Formula).
52 check_sequence(StateTransitions,Type) :-
53 ( Type=loop(_),last(StateTransitions,strans(_,none)) ->
54 add_error(ltl_verification,'last element of lasso sequence has no transition id',
55 StateTransitions)
56 ; otherwise -> true).
58 check_result(loop(_),unknown,Formula) :-
59 !,add_error(ltl_verification,
60 'evaluate_ltl_formula computed unknown result for infinite sequence',
61 Formula).
62 check_result(loop(_),deadlock,Formula) :-
63 !,add_error(ltl_verification,
64 'evaluate_ltl_formula computed unknown result for dead locking sequence',
65 Formula).
66 check_result(_Type,_Result,_Formula).
68 eval_ltl_formula(false,_Index,_Path,false).
69 eval_ltl_formula(true,_Index,_Path,true).
70 eval_ltl_formula(ap(AP),Index,Path,Value) :-
71 access_index_in_path(Index,Path,State,_Trans),
72 path_ap(Path,Call),
73 ( call(Call,AP,State) -> Value=true
74 ; otherwise -> Value=false).
75 eval_ltl_formula(action(TP),Index,Path,Value) :-
76 access_index_in_path(Index,Path,State,Trans),
77 ( Trans=none ->
78 ( eval_ltl_is_deadlock(Index,Path) -> Value=false
79 ; otherwise -> Value=unknown)
80 ; otherwise ->
81 path_tp(Path,Call),
82 ( call(Call,TP,State,Trans) -> Value=true
83 ; otherwise -> Value=false)).
84 eval_ltl_formula(not(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
85 eval_ltl_formula(A,Index,Path,VA),
86 ltl_eval_not(VA,Value),!.
87 eval_ltl_formula(and(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
88 eval_ltl_formula(A,Index,Path,VA),
89 eval_ltl_formula(B,Index,Path,VB),
90 ltl_eval_and(VA,VB,Value),!.
91 eval_ltl_formula(or(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
92 eval_ltl_formula(A,Index,Path,VA),
93 eval_ltl_formula(B,Index,Path,VB),
94 ltl_eval_or(VA,VB,Value),!.
95 eval_ltl_formula(implies(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
96 eval_ltl_formula(A,Index,Path,VA),
97 eval_ltl_formula(B,Index,Path,VB),
98 ltl_eval_implies(VA,VB,Value),!.
99 eval_ltl_formula(finally(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
100 eval_ltl_formula(until(true,A),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
101 eval_ltl_formula(globally(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
102 eval_ltl_formula(not(finally(not(A))),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
103 eval_ltl_formula(weakuntil(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
104 eval_ltl_formula(or(globally(A),until(A,B)),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
105 eval_ltl_formula(release(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
106 eval_ltl_formula(not(until(not(A),not(B))),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
107 eval_ltl_formula(once(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
108 eval_ltl_formula(since(true,A),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
109 eval_ltl_formula(historically(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
110 eval_ltl_formula(not(once(not(A))),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
111 eval_ltl_formula(trigger(A,B),Index,Path,Value) :-
112 eval_ltl_formula(not(since(not(A),not(B))),Index,Path,Value). % TODO: Do not use normalisation
113 eval_ltl_formula(next(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
114 last_index_in_path(Path,Last),
115 ( Index<Last -> % we're are somewhere in the path,
116 Next is Index+1,eval_ltl_formula(A,Next,Path,Value) % just use the next position
117 ; path_type(Path,loop(ReEntry)) -> % End of the path: If it's a loop,
118 eval_ltl_formula(A,ReEntry,Path,Value) % use the start of the lasso as next
119 ; eval_ltl_is_deadlock(Index,Path) -> % End of the path (no loop): In a
120 Value=false % deadlock X(...) is always false
121 ; otherwise -> % End of the path: We don't know the
122 Value=unknown). % next state
123 eval_ltl_formula(yesterday(A),Index,Path,Value) :-
124 ( Index > 0 ->
125 Y is Index-1,eval_ltl_formula(A,Y,Path,Value)
126 ; otherwise -> % Y(...) is always false in the
127 Value=false). % initial state.
128 eval_ltl_formula(until(Inv,Goal),Index,Path,Value) :-
129 future_indices(Index,Path,Indices),
130 eval_until(Indices,Inv,Goal,Path,Value).
131 eval_ltl_formula(since(Inv,Goal),Index,Path,Value) :-
132 eval_since(Index,Inv,Goal,Path,Value).
133 eval_ltl_is_deadlock(Index,Path) :-
134 eval_ltl_formula(ap(deadlock),Index,Path,true).
136 access_index_in_path(Index,Path,State,Transition) :-
137 path_statetransitions(Path,StateTransitions),
138 nth0(Index,StateTransitions,strans(State,Transition)).
139 last_index_in_path(Path,Last) :-
140 path_length(Path,N),Last is N-1.
142 path_statetransitions(path(StateTransitions,_N,_Type,_AP,_TP),StateTransitions).
143 path_type(path(_ST,_N,Type,_AP,_TP),Type).
144 path_length(path(_ST,N,_Type,_AP,_TP),N).
145 path_ap(path(_ST,_N,_Type,AP,_TP),AP).
146 path_tp(path(_ST,_N,_Type,_AP,TP),TP).
148 eval_until([],_,_,Path,Result) :-
149 last_index_in_path(Path,Last),
150 ( path_type(Path,loop(_)) -> Result=false
151 ; eval_ltl_is_deadlock(Last,Path) ->
152 Result=false
153 ; otherwise ->
154 Result=unknown).
155 eval_until([H|T],Inv,Goal,Path,Result) :-
156 eval_ltl_formula(Goal,H,Path,GValue),
157 ( GValue = true -> Result=true
158 ; otherwise ->
159 eval_ltl_formula(Inv,H,Path,IValue),
160 eval_until(T,Inv,Goal,Path,NValue),
161 ltl_eval_until(IValue,GValue,NValue,Result),!).
163 future_indices(Index,Path,Result) :-
164 last_index_in_path(Path,Last),
165 numlist(Index,Last,Rest),
166 ( path_type(Path,loop(ReEntry)), Index>ReEntry ->
167 I2 is Index-1,
168 numlist(ReEntry,I2,Before),
169 append(Rest,Before,Result)
170 ; otherwise ->
171 Result = Rest).
173 eval_since(Index,Inv,Goal,Path,Result) :-
174 eval_ltl_formula(Goal,Index,Path,GValue),
175 ( Index = 0 -> Result=GValue
176 ; GValue = true -> Result=true
177 ; otherwise ->
178 eval_ltl_formula(Inv,Index,Path,IValue),
179 ( GValue=false,IValue=false -> Result=false
180 ; otherwise ->
181 Y is Index-1,
182 eval_since(Y,Inv,Goal,Path,NValue),
183 ltl_eval_until(IValue,GValue,NValue,Result),! % same logic as until
184 )
185 ).
187 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
188 % evalute a fairness condition on a given path
190 /*
191 * evaluate_ltl_fairness(WeakStrong,StateTransitions,Type,FairCall,Result):
192 * WeakStrong: weak or strong: Which fairness type should be checked
193 * StateTransitions: [strans(StateId,TransId)] like in evaluate_ltl_formula/6
194 * Type: like in evaluate_ltl_formula/6, for all types but loop(_) the is result always fair
195 * FairCall: Callback predicate to check which transitions occur that match the Spec.
196 * The call has the form FairCall(+StateId,TransId,FairId).
197 * StateId is an ID of a state and TransId the ID of a transition starting from that
198 * state. If the predicate fails, it is assumed that the transition is not subject to
199 * fairness. It it succeeds, the predicate should return a term that is used to
200 * destinguish between actions.
201 * E.g. it could return 'op' for both op(1) and op(2) such that all op(...) transitions
202 * are treated as equal.
203 * The call can be used to enumerate all transition IDs with their fairness ID that
204 * start in the state and match the fairness criteria.
205 * Result: 'fair' if the sequence is fair, or unfair(Ids) if the sequence is unfair where
206 * Ids is the list of FairId that are enabled (permanently in the case of weak fairness)
207 * in the loop but never executed.
208 */
209 :- meta_predicate evaluate_ltl_fairness(+,+,+,3,2,-).
210 :- meta_predicate find_enabled_fairids_for_state(3,-,-).
211 :- meta_predicate find_enabled_fairids(-,3,-,-).
212 :- meta_predicate eval_fairness(-,-,3,2,-).
213 :- meta_predicate is_executed(2,-,-).
214 :- meta_predicate is_executed2(2,-,-).
216 evaluate_ltl_fairness(WeakStrong,StateTransitions,loop(ReEntry),FairCallEnabled,FairCallExecuted,Result) :-
217 !,append_length(Loop,StateTransitions,ReEntry),
218 eval_fairness(WeakStrong,Loop,FairCallEnabled,FairCallExecuted,Result).
219 evaluate_ltl_fairness(_WeakStrong,_ST,_Type,_FairCallEn,_FairCallEx,fair). % Fairness is only relevant for loops
220 eval_fairness(Type,Loop,FairCallEnabled,FairCallExecuted,Result) :-
221 maplist(strans_state,Loop,States),
222 find_enabled_fairids(Type,FairCallEnabled,States,RelevantIds),
223 exclude(is_executed(FairCallExecuted,Loop),RelevantIds,NotExecuted),
224 ( NotExecuted = [] -> Result=fair
225 ; otherwise -> Result=unfair(NotExecuted)).
226 strans_state(strans(StateId,_TransId),StateId).
228 find_enabled_fairids(weak,FairCall,[StateId|RLoop],Ids) :-
229 find_enabled_fairids_for_state(FairCall,StateId,Unsorted),
230 sort(Unsorted,InitialIds),
231 find_enabled_fairids_weak(RLoop,FairCall,InitialIds,Ids).
232 find_enabled_fairids(strong,FairCall,Loop,Ids) :-
233 maplist(find_enabled_fairids_for_state(FairCall),Loop,LEnabled),
234 append(LEnabled,Unsorted),
235 sort(Unsorted,Ids).
237 find_enabled_fairids_weak([],_FairCall,Ids,Ids).
238 find_enabled_fairids_weak(_Loop,_FairCall,[],[]) :- !.
239 find_enabled_fairids_weak([StateId|RLoop],FairCall,InitialIds,Ids) :-
240 find_enabled_fairids_for_state(FairCall,StateId,LocalIds),
241 % we use intersect here, only those actions should be tested
242 % for "executed in loop" that are enabled in each state of the loop
243 ord_intersection(InitialIds,LocalIds,Ids1),
244 find_enabled_fairids_weak(RLoop,FairCall,Ids1,Ids).
246 find_enabled_fairids_for_state(FairCall,StateId,Enabled) :-
247 findall(FairId,call(FairCall,StateId,_TransId,FairId),Unsorted),
248 sort(Unsorted,Enabled).
251 is_executed(FairCall,Loop,FairId) :-
252 somechk(is_executed2(FairCall,FairId),Loop).
253 is_executed2(FairCall,FairId,strans(StateId,_TransId)) :-
254 call(FairCall,StateId,FairId),!.
256 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
257 % determine unknown values by giving rules for known values
259 compute_unknown(CorePred,Arity,TargetPred) :-
260 ? enumerate_true_false_unknown(Arity,InputArgs),
261 ? compute_unknown_values(CorePred,InputArgs,Result),
262 ToStore =.. [TargetPred | Result],
263 % print( assert(ToStore) ),nl,
264 assert( ToStore ),
265 fail.
266 compute_unknown(_CorePred,_Arity,_TargetPred).
268 enumerate_true_false_unknown(0,[]).
269 enumerate_true_false_unknown(Arity,[Value|Rest]) :-
270 ? Arity > 0, member(Value,[true,false,unknown]),
271 ? A2 is Arity-1, enumerate_true_false_unknown(A2,Rest).
273 compute_unknown_values(CorePred,InputArgs,Result) :-
274 ? length(InputArgs,N), N1 is N+1,
275 ? length(Args,N1),
276 ? append(IArgs,[R],Args),
277 Call =.. [CorePred | Args],
278 findall( R, (maplist(enumerate_unknown,InputArgs,IArgs),
279 call(Call)),
280 Outputs),
281 sort(Outputs,SOutputs),
282 ( SOutputs = [O] -> true
283 ; SOutputs = [_|_] -> O=unknown),
284 append(InputArgs,[O],Result).
286 enumerate_unknown(true,true).
287 enumerate_unknown(false,false).
288 ?enumerate_unknown(unknown,V) :- member(V,[true,false]).
290 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
291 % basic rules
293 :- public ltl_eval_not_base/2, ltl_eval_and_base/3, ltl_eval_or_base/3.
294 :- public ltl_eval_implies_base/3, ltl_eval_until_base/4.
296 ltl_eval_not_base(true, false).
297 ltl_eval_not_base(false,true).
299 ltl_eval_and_base(false,_, false).
300 ltl_eval_and_base(true, false,false).
301 ltl_eval_and_base(true, true, true).
303 ltl_eval_or_base(true, _, true).
304 ltl_eval_or_base(false,true, true).
305 ltl_eval_or_base(false,false,false).
307 ltl_eval_implies_base(false,_, true).
308 ltl_eval_implies_base(true, true, true).
309 ltl_eval_implies_base(true, false,false).
311 ltl_eval_until_base(_, true, _,true).
312 ltl_eval_until_base(false,false,_,false).
313 ltl_eval_until_base(true, false,N,N).
315 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
316 % lifted to unknown values
318 :- dynamic ltl_eval_not/2, ltl_eval_and/3, ltl_eval_or/3, ltl_eval_implies/3.
319 :- dynamic ltl_eval_until/4.
320 :- compute_unknown(ltl_eval_not_base,1,ltl_eval_not).
321 :- compute_unknown(ltl_eval_and_base,2,ltl_eval_and).
322 :- compute_unknown(ltl_eval_or_base,2,ltl_eval_or).
323 :- compute_unknown(ltl_eval_implies_base,2,ltl_eval_implies).
324 :- compute_unknown(ltl_eval_until_base,3,ltl_eval_until).