1 % (c) 2016-2023 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(clpfd_tables,[can_translate_avl_to_table/2, translate_avl_to_table/2, check_element_of_table/4,
6 check_element_of_avl_with_table/4,
7 clpfd_in_table/2,
9 can_translate_function_to_element_constraint/2,
10 check_apply_with_element_constraint/5]).
12 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
13 :- module_info(group,kernel).
14 :- module_info(description,'Provide interface to CLP(FD) table constraint.').
16 % Example usage of CLPFD table/2 :
17 %| ?- table([[X,Y]],[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]]), X in 1..2.
18 %X in 1..2,
19 %Y in 2..3 ?
21 :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
22 :- use_module(library(avl),[avl_domain/2]).
23 :- use_module(library(lists),[maplist/3, maplist/4, maplist/2]).
24 :- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[add_fd_variables_for_labeling/2]).
25 :- use_module(debug,[debug_println/2]).
26 :- use_module(error_manager,[add_internal_error/2]).
28 % can an AVL set be translated into a CLPFD table membership constraint
29 can_translate_avl_to_table(AVL,SkeletonType) :-
30 AVL = node(Element,_True,_,_,_),
31 translate_to_fd_values(Element,SkeletonType,ElVList,[]),
32 l_no_overflow(ElVList), % check that the element constraint will not generate an overflow, e.g., for test 1353
33 % TO DO: ideally we should check avl_min / avl_max
34 % (but with multiple FD values in an element; even that will not guarantee that there are no overflows)
35 SkeletonType \= boolean. % should we also disallow rec([field(_,boolean)]) % boolean treatment causes problems for 1624, 1627, 140, 1426
37 l_no_overflow([]).
38 l_no_overflow([H|T]) :- no_overflow(H), l_no_overflow(T).
40 :- use_module(tools,[is_tagged_integer/1]).
41 no_overflow(H) :- (var(H) -> true ; is_tagged_integer(H)).
43 translate_avl_to_table(AVL,TableList) :-
44 avl_domain(AVL,List),
45 maplist(translate_avl_element_to_fd_list,List,TableList).
47 check_element_of_avl_with_table(X,SkeletonType,AVL,WF) :-
48 translate_avl_to_table(AVL,TableList),
49 ? check_element_of_table(X,SkeletonType,TableList,WF).
51 check_element_of_table(X,SkeletonType,TableList,WF) :-
52 ? translate_to_fd_values(X,SkeletonType,XList,[]),
53 ? clpfd_in_table(XList,TableList),
54 add_fd_variables_for_labeling(XList,WF). % important for test 1716
57 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[force_clpfd_inlist/2]).
58 get_unique_el([X],X).
59 clpfd_in_table([X],TableList) :- !, maplist(get_unique_el,TableList,FDList),
60 %print(posting_clpfd_inlist(X,FDList)),nl,
61 force_clpfd_inlist(X,FDList).
62 :- if(current_prolog_flag(dialect, sicstus)).
63 clpfd_in_table(XList,TableList) :-
64 %print(posting_clpfd_table([XList],TableList)),nl,
65 ? table([XList],TableList,[method(aux)]). % we use aux to circumvent a bug in SICStus 4.4-4.7
66 % we could provide in third argument, e.g., [order(id3)]
67 :-else.
68 clpfd_in_table(XList,TableList) :-
69 %print(posting_clpfd_table([XList],TableList)),nl,
70 table([XList],TableList). % translated to tuples_in in SWI
71 :- endif.
72 % from the SICStus Manual:
73 % table(+Tuples,+Extension,+Options)
74 % Defines an n-ary constraint by extension. Extension should be a list of lists of
75 % integers, each of length n. Tuples should be a list of lists of domain variables,
76 % each also of length n. The constraint holds if every Tuple in Tuples occurs in
77 % the Extension. The constraint will maintain domain consistency.
78 % For convenience, Extension may contain ConstantRange (see Section
79 % [Syntax of Indexicals], page 485) expressions in addition to integers.
80 %
81 % WARNING, SICSTUS 4.7 and earlier has a bug with negative numbers
82 % | ?- clpfd:table([[X,Y]],[[1,0],[2,-1]]).
83 % Y = 0, <-- this should not be !!
84 % X in 1..2
85 % with aux as method we solve the issue
86 % | ?- clpfd:table([[X,Y]],[[1,0],[2,-1]],[method(aux)]).
87 % X in 1..2,
88 % Y in-1..0
90 % TO DO: also allow partial FD infos, in which case we would use table/2 just for quick propagation
91 % we could also translate variables into ConstantRange expressions (see above)
92 translate_avl_element_to_fd_list(Val,FDList) :- translate_to_fd_values(Val,_,FDList,[]).
94 translate_to_fd_values(FD,fd(T)) --> {var(FD),nonvar(T)},!, % setup FD bounds
95 {get_global_type_value(FD,T,X)},[X].
96 translate_to_fd_values(fd(X,T),fd(T)) --> !, [X].
97 translate_to_fd_values(int(A),integer) --> !, [A]. % warning: could overflow, we check above !
98 ?translate_to_fd_values((A,B),(SkelA,SkelB)) --> !, translate_to_fd_values(A,SkelA), translate_to_fd_values(B,SkelB).
99 ?translate_to_fd_values(rec(F),rec(SkelF)) --> !, l_translate_to_fd_values(F,SkelF).
100 translate_to_fd_values(Var,Type) --> {var(Var),Type==boolean},!, {prop_01(Var,FD)},[FD].
101 translate_to_fd_values(pred_true,boolean) --> [1].
102 translate_to_fd_values(pred_false,boolean) --> [0].
103 % TO DO: also free-types
105 l_translate_to_fd_values([],[]) --> [].
106 l_translate_to_fd_values([field(N,F)|T],[field(N,SF)|ST]) -->
107 ? translate_to_fd_values(F,SF),l_translate_to_fd_values(T,ST).
109 :- block prop_01(-,-).
110 prop_01(pred_true,1).
111 prop_01(pred_false,0).
113 % ----------------------
115 :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[is_set_type/2]).
116 :- use_module(preferences,[preference/2]).
118 % can a list be translated into CLPFD element constraints for function application
119 can_translate_function_to_element_constraint(List,FunctionType) :-
120 FunctionType \= unknown,
121 is_list_skeleton(List), % TO DO: allow tail AVL list + enable delaying treatment
122 preference(find_abort_values,false),
123 preference(use_clpfd_solver,true),
124 % initially we checked if chr is false to avoid falling into the SICStus element/3 bug prior to 4.3.6
125 is_set_type(FunctionType,couple(Domain,Range)),
126 is_simple_fd_type(Domain), % Domain must be translatable to simple FD value list
127 is_fd_type(Range).
129 is_list_skeleton(X) :- nonvar(X),is_list_skeleton_aux(X).
130 is_list_skeleton_aux([]).
131 is_list_skeleton_aux([_H|T]) :- is_list_skeleton(T).
133 is_simple_fd_type(global(_)).
134 is_simple_fd_type(integer).
135 is_simple_fd_type(boolean).
137 is_fd_type(couple(A,B)) :- !, is_fd_type(A), is_fd_type(B).
138 is_fd_type(record(F)) :- !, is_fd_field_types(F).
139 is_fd_type(X) :- is_simple_fd_type(X).
141 is_fd_field_types([]).
142 is_fd_field_types([field(_,FT)|T]) :- is_fd_type(FT), is_fd_field_types(T).
144 :- use_module(b_global_sets,[get_global_type_value/3]).
145 get_fd_type(couple(A,B),(VA,VB)) --> get_fd_type(A,VA), get_fd_type(B,VB).
146 get_fd_type(global(T),FD) --> {get_global_type_value(FD,T,X)}, [X].
147 get_fd_type(integer,int(X)) --> [X].
148 get_fd_type(boolean,B) --> [FD], {prop_01(B,FD)}.
149 get_fd_type(record(Fields),rec(VF)) --> get_field_fd_types(Fields,VF).
151 get_field_fd_types([],[]) --> [].
152 get_field_fd_types([field(Name,Type)|FT],[field(Name,VF)|VT]) -->
153 get_fd_type(Type,VF),
154 get_field_fd_types(FT,VT).
156 get_fd_types(Domain,Range,(VD,VR),FDDom,FDRList) :- get_fd_type(Domain,VD,[FDDom],[]), get_fd_type(Range,VR,FDRList,[]).
158 % Examples:
159 % f = {x|->2, y|->3} & x:1..2 & y:4..5 & r = f(4)
160 % f = {x|->(2,x+1), y|->(3,y+1)} & x:1..2 & y:4..5 & r = f(v) & v:3..4 --> deterministically sets v=4, r=(3,5),y=4
161 % from the SICStus manual:
162 % element(?X,+List,?Y)
163 % where X and Y are domain variables and List is a list of domain variables. True
164 % if the X:th element of List is Y. Operationally, the domains of X and Y are
165 % constrained so that for every element in the domain of X, there is a compatible
166 % element in the domain of Y, and vice versa.
167 % Maintains domain consistency in X and bounds consistency in List and Y.
168 % Corresponds to nth1/3 in library(lists) and to element in MiniZinc
170 :- use_module(library(clpfd),[all_distinct/1]).
171 :- use_module(library(lists),[nth1/3]).
172 check_apply_with_element_constraint(List,X,Y,FunctionType,WF) :-
173 is_set_type(FunctionType,couple(Domain,Range)),
174 get_fd_type(Domain,X,[FDX],[]),
175 if(l_get_fd_types(List,DomainList,RangeLists,Domain,Range,FDX,FoundY),true,
176 (add_internal_error('Get FD Types failed: ',get_fd_types(Domain,Range)),fail)),
177 debug_println(4,element_domain_list(FDX,DomainList)),
178 (FoundY \== y_not_found
179 -> FoundY=Y % no need for equal_object: we only have FD types + Bool + couples (+ record of them)
180 % TODO: check that for records we can also use unification
181 ; element(Idx,DomainList,FDX), % no need to call equal_object for X as we have simple fd types
182 % DomainList are the elements of the domain of the function
183 (nonvar(Idx)
184 -> nth1(Idx,List,(X,Y)) %relevant for tests 387, 1579
185 ; all_distinct(DomainList), % ensures that Idx will get bound eventually if we enumerate DomainList and X (if multiple entries in DomainList then Idx would not get bound)
186 maplist(get_fd_types(Domain,Range),List,DomainList,RangeLists),
187 get_fd_type(Range,Y,FDYList,[]),
188 setup_element_range_constraints(FDYList,Idx,RangeLists),
189 % tools_printing:print_term_summary(element_constraint(FDX,FDYList,Idx,DomainList)),nl,
190 % used to call this: add_fd_variables_for_labeling([FDX|FDYList],WF) but not sure if we need to enumerate FDYList
191 add_fd_variables_for_labeling([FDX],WF) % FDX can have an infinite domain; e.g., test 1717
192 )
193 ).
195 % an unfolded version of maplist(get_fd_types(Domain,Range),List,DomainList,RangeLists)
196 % we also check if the lookup FD variable occurs in the list; if so we return the Y value in Found
197 % relevant for performance, e.g., for NQueens60; we avoid traversing the list a second time
198 l_get_fd_types([],[],[],_,_,_,y_not_found).
199 l_get_fd_types([Pair|PT],[FDDom|DT],[FDRList|RT],Domain,Range,FDX,FoundY) :-
200 get_fd_types(Domain,Range,Pair,FDDom,FDRList),
201 (FDX==FDDom -> Pair=(_,FoundY), DT=[],RT=[]
202 ; l_get_fd_types(PT,DT,RT,Domain,Range,FDX,FoundY)).
205 setup_element_range_constraints([],_,_).
206 setup_element_range_constraints([FDY|YT],Idx,RangeLists) :-
207 maplist(get_next_fd,RangeLists,FDYList,RestLists),
208 % print(setting_up_range_element_constraint(Idx,FDYList,FDY)),nl,
209 element(Idx,FDYList,FDY),
210 setup_element_range_constraints(YT,Idx,RestLists).
212 get_next_fd([H|T],H,T).