1 % (c) 2019-2023 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(cdclt_sat_solver, [b_to_cnf_safe/3,
6 create_solver_state/1,
7 sat/3,
8 sat/4,
9 sat/5,
10 restarts/1,
11 is_backjumping/0,
12 announce_bt_from_smt_solution/0,
13 store_idl_unsat_core/1,
14 log_theory_propagation_sat_stack/4,
15 set_variable_references_in_clauses/3,
16 remove_idl_unsat_core/0,
17 unit_propagate_cnf/4,
18 get_bindings_from_ids/6,
19 portray_cnf/1,
20 cnf_to_smt/2,
21 clear_pending_theory_propagations/0,
22 unfixed_deferred_set_error_occurred/0,
23 severe_error_occurred/0,
24 assignment_timeout_occurred/0,
25 log_det_theory_timeout/1,
26 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula/2]).
28 :- meta_predicate asserta_once(0).
29 :- meta_predicate retract_if_exists(0).
30 :- meta_predicate retract_once(0).
31 :- meta_predicate bt_asserta(0).
32 :- meta_predicate bt_retract(0).
34 :- use_module(library(lists)).
35 :- use_module(library(sets), [subtract/3]).
36 :- use_module(library(heaps)).
37 :- use_module(library(ordsets)).
38 :- use_module(library(timeout)).
39 :- use_module(library(samsort)).
40 :- use_module(library(plunit)).
42 :- use_module(smt_solvers_interface(ast_optimizer_for_smt)).
43 :- use_module(cdclt_solver('cdclt_stats')).
44 :- use_module(cdclt_solver('cdclt_pred_to_sat')).
45 :- use_module(cdclt_solver('cdclt_settings')).
46 :- use_module(cdclt_solver('symmetry_check/sat_symmetry_breaking')).
47 :- use_module(probsrc(b_global_sets), [list_contains_unfixed_deferred_set_id/1]).
48 :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree),[get_texpr_expr/2,
49 find_typed_identifier_uses/3,
50 safe_create_texpr/4,
51 create_texpr/4,
52 disjunct_predicates/2,
53 conjunct_predicates/2,
54 conjunction_to_list/2]).
55 :- use_module(probsrc(debug)).
56 :- use_module(probsrc(preferences), [temporary_set_preference/3,
57 reset_temporary_preference/2]).
58 :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager), [add_internal_error/2,
59 add_error_fail/3,
60 check_error_occured/2,
61 error_occurred_in_error_scope/0]).
62 :- use_module(probsrc(translate), [translate_bexpression/2]).
63 :- use_module(extrasrc(unsat_cores), [unsat_core_with_fixed_conjuncts/3,
64 unsat_chr_core_list_with_auto_time_limit/5]).
65 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information), [module_info/2]).
67 :- use_module(extension('fibonacci_heap/fibonacci_heap')).
68 %:- use_module(probsrc(tools_portability), [exists_source/1]).
70 :- module_info(group, cdclt).
71 :- module_info(description,'This module provides the SAT solver for CDCL(T) implementing CDCL with backjumping and further improvements.').
73 :- dynamic solver_name/1, backjump_clause/6, backjump_level/1, conflict_stats/3, saved_phase/2, restarts/1,
74 bt_from_smt_solution/0, is_restart/0, exclude_sat_solution_clause/1, total_lbd_sum/1, recent_lbds_dl/2, recent_stack_sizes_dl/2, luby_counter/1,
75 amount_clause_reductions/1, amount_learned_clauses/1, idl_unsat_core/1, pending_theory_prop/2, unfixed_deferred_set_error/0, assignment_count_on_cur_level/1,
76 glue_level/3, glue_clauses/1, allow_partial_model/0, assignment_timeout_occurred/0.
78 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
79 % A sat solver utilising delay declaration to implement watched literals.
80 % Authors: Jacob Howe and Andy King
81 %
82 % Extended for CDCL(T) with first UIP conflict-driven clause learning,
83 % theory propagation, branching heuristics, phase saving for rapid restarts,
84 % learned clause reduction, clause minimization, random restarts, and static SMT symmetry breaking.
85 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
87 % possible improvements:
88 % (- FirstNewCutscheme (cf. https://www.aaai.org/Papers/JAIR/Vol22/JAIR-2210.pdf))
89 % [] improve implying constraint detection (e.g., :cdclt x > y & gt : {x+1} & y > gt)
90 % -> might be overkill at some point
91 % [] clause minimization (cf. Definition 9, "Towards Understanding and Harnessing the Potential of Clause Learning")
92 % [] check out "Advances in Symmetry Breaking for SAT Modulo Theories" by Dinliwal et al. for static SMT symmetry breaking
94 %:- if(exists_source(library(mutdict))).
95 %:- use_module(library(mutdict)).
96 %:- else.
97 % mutdict throws a segmentation fault in SICStus 4.8.0, don't use it until the bug is fixed
98 :- use_module(library(avl)).
99 mutdict_empty(Dict) :-
100 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
101 empty_avl(Avl).
103 new_mutdict(Dict) :-
104 empty_avl(Avl),
105 create_mutable(Avl, Dict).
107 mutdict_put(Dict, Key, Value) :-
108 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
109 avl_store(Key, Avl, Value, NewAvl),
110 update_mutable(NewAvl, Dict).
112 mutdict_get(Dict, Key, Value) :-
113 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
114 avl_fetch(Key, Avl, Value).
116 mutdict_keys(Dict, Keys) :-
117 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
118 avl_domain(Avl, Keys).
120 mutdict_update(Dict, Key, OldValue, NewValue) :-
121 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
122 avl_change(Key, Avl, OldValue, NewAvl, NewValue),
123 update_mutable(NewAvl, Dict).
125 mutdict_delete(Dict, Key) :-
126 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
127 avl_delete(Key, Avl, _, NewAvl),
128 update_mutable(NewAvl, Dict).
130 mutdict_items(Dict, Items) :-
131 get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
132 avl_to_list(Avl, Items).
134 %mutdict_values(Dict, Values) :-
135 % get_mutable(Avl, Dict),
136 % avl_range(Avl, Values).
137 %:- endif.
139 pretty_print_clause([], []).
140 pretty_print_clause([_-Pol-Var-Name|T], [Pol-Var-Name|NT]) :-
141 pretty_print_clause(T, NT).
143 pretty_print_vars([], []).
144 pretty_print_vars([strip-Var|T], [NVar|NT]) :-
145 !,
146 pretty_print_clause(Var, NVar),
147 pretty_print_vars(T, NT).
148 pretty_print_vars([Var|T], [Var|NT]) :-
149 pretty_print_vars(T, NT).
151 debug_format_sat(_, _) :-
152 print_logs(false),
153 !.
154 debug_format_sat(Msg, Vars) :-
155 append(Msg, " (CDCL(T) SAT Solver)~n", NCodes),
156 atom_codes(NMsg, NCodes),
157 pretty_print_vars(Vars, NVars),
158 format(NMsg, NVars), !.
160 debug_format_sat(_, _, _) :-
161 print_logs(false),
162 !.
163 debug_format_sat(Msg, Vars, Pred) :-
164 format(Msg, Vars),
165 translate:print_bexpr(Pred), nl, !.
167 unfixed_deferred_set_error_occurred :-
168 unfixed_deferred_set_error.
170 assignment_count_on_cur_level(0).
172 reset_assignment_count_on_level :-
173 retract(assignment_count_on_cur_level(Old)),
174 asserta(assignment_count_on_cur_level(0)),
175 ( true
176 ; retract(assignment_count_on_cur_level(_)),
177 asserta(assignment_count_on_cur_level(Old)),
178 fail
179 ).
181 get_next_assignment_count_on_level(NCount) :-
182 retract(assignment_count_on_cur_level(Count)),
183 NCount is Count + 1,
184 asserta(assignment_count_on_cur_level(NCount)),
185 ( true
186 ; retract(assignment_count_on_cur_level(_)),
187 asserta(assignment_count_on_cur_level(Count)),
188 fail
189 ).
191 clear_pending_theory_propagations :-
192 retractall_once(pending_theory_prop(_,_)).
194 % this is just to replay the same order as is propagated to ProB using coroutines
195 plvar_sort(_-(_-_-_-(_,(DLevel1,ACount1),_,_)), _-(_-_-_-(_,(DLevel2,ACount2),_,_))) :-
196 ground(DLevel1), ground(DLevel2),
197 ( DLevel1 < DLevel2
198 -> true
199 ; DLevel1 == DLevel2
200 -> ACount1 < ACount2
201 ; fail
202 ).
204 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula(PlVars, SmtFormula) :-
205 mutdict_items(PlVars, PlItems),
206 samsort(plvar_sort, PlItems, SPlItems),
207 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux(SPlItems, b(truth,pred,[]), SmtFormula).
209 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux([], Acc, Acc).
210 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux([_-(PrologVar-_-TTheoryConstraint-_)|T], Acc, SmtFormula) :-
211 ground(PrologVar),
212 !,
213 get_smt_formula_for_sat_pol(TTheoryConstraint, PrologVar, TheoryConstraint),
214 safe_create_texpr(conjunct(Acc,TheoryConstraint), pred, [], NAcc),
215 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux(T, NAcc, SmtFormula).
216 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux([_|T], Acc, SmtFormula) :-
217 sat_bindings_to_smt_formula_aux(T, Acc, SmtFormula).
219 %% get_bindings_from_ids(+SatVars, -StackBindings, -SatBindings, -SatVarNames, -IdPrologVarTuples, -PrologSatVarTriple).
220 % Given a set of boolean B identifiers. Create a list of bindings containing terms bind/2
221 % and a list of tuples of B identifier and corresponding Prolog variable used for sat solving.
222 % StackBindings contain the bind/2 terms as well as the StackInfo in order to unify Prolog variables in b_to_cnf_safe/3.
223 get_bindings_from_ids(SatVars, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple) :-
224 new_mutdict(EmptyDict),
225 get_bindings_from_ids_acc(SatVars, [], [], [], [], EmptyDict, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple), !.
227 get_bindings_from_ids_acc([], AccStackBindings, AccBindings, AccNames, AccTuples, AccPlVars, AccStackBindings, AccBindings, AccNames, AccTuples, AccPlVars).
228 get_bindings_from_ids_acc([b(identifier(Name),IdType,IdInfo)|T], AccStackBindings, AccBindings, AccNames, AccTuples, AccPlVars, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple) :-
229 NewAccBindings = [bind(Name,PrologVar)|AccBindings],
230 % we add Prolog variables for stack infos to each var so that we do not have to maintain a genuine stack
231 StackInfo = (_PropType, _Level, _Pol, _OriginalClause),
232 NewAccStackBindings = [bind(Name,PrologVar)-StackInfo|AccStackBindings],
233 NewAccTuples = [(b(identifier(Name),IdType,IdInfo),PrologVar,StackInfo)|AccTuples],
234 !,
235 ( member(smt_formula(SmtFormula), IdInfo)
236 -> mutdict_put(AccPlVars, Name, PrologVar-Name-SmtFormula-StackInfo)
237 ; % plain SAT variable which is not reified with a theory solver, e.g., introduced by CNF optimization rewriting
238 OptEq = b(equal(b(identifier(Name),boolean,[]),b(boolean_true,boolean,[])),pred,[]),
239 mutdict_put(AccPlVars, Name, PrologVar-Name-OptEq-StackInfo)
240 ),
241 get_bindings_from_ids_acc(T, NewAccStackBindings, NewAccBindings, [Name|AccNames], NewAccTuples, AccPlVars, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple).
242 get_bindings_from_ids_acc([_|T], AccStackBindings, AccBindings, AccNames, AccTuples, AccPlVars, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple) :-
243 get_bindings_from_ids_acc(T, AccStackBindings, AccBindings, AccNames, AccTuples, AccPlVars, StackBindings, SatBindings, SatVarNames, IdPrologVarTuples, PrologSatVarTriple).
245 %% sat(+SolverName, +SolverEnv, +Clauses).
246 % SolverEnv is a list [sat_vars:_, sat_varnames:_, sat_bindings:_, t2b_env:_, pl_vars:_].
247 % sat_vars are boolean b/3 identifier ASTs for corresponding SAT variables in Clauses.
248 % sat_bindings is a list of terms bind/2 as used by the ProB constraint solver.
249 % t2b_env is the environment mapping SAT variable names and theory formulae used to
250 % translate B predicates to SAT.
251 % pl_vars is a dict of tuples PrologVar-SatVarName-SmtFormula-StackInfo.
252 sat(SolverName, SolverEnv, Clauses) :-
253 debug_format_sat("Start SAT solving with solver ~w ", [SolverName]),
254 init_dynamic_solver_state(SolverName),
255 create_solver_state(StateMutable),
256 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, binary_clause_vars, VarsFromBinaryClauses),
257 init_decision_heuristic(StateMutable, VarsFromBinaryClauses, Clauses),
258 sat_stateful_pre(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses).
260 %% sat(+SolverName, +SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +Clauses).
261 sat(SolverName, SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses) :-
262 sat(SolverName, SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses, []).
264 %% sat(+SolverName, +SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +Clauses, +Options).
265 % Options:
266 % allow_partial_model: only for SMT solving: possibly does not assign all SAT variables,
267 % but the reification with ProB ensures that all coroutines are triggered
268 sat(SolverName, SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses, Options) :-
269 debug_format_sat("Start SAT solving with solver ~w ", [SolverName]),
270 init_dynamic_solver_state(SolverName),
271 ( memberchk(allow_partial_model, Options)
272 -> asserta(allow_partial_model)
273 ; true
274 ),
275 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, binary_clause_vars, VarsFromBinaryClauses),
276 init_decision_heuristic(StateMutable, VarsFromBinaryClauses, Clauses),
277 sat_stateful_pre(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses).
279 % Wrapper for sat_stateful_restart_cp/3 to enable backjumping to level 0 several times.
280 sat_stateful_pre(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses) :-
281 \+ severe_error_occurred,
282 sat_stateful_restart_cp(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses).
284 sat_stateful_restart_cp(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses) :-
285 ( sat_stateful(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses)
286 ; % we either learned a unit-clause from conflict analysis or randomly restart
287 % in both cases, we learn all asserted backjump clauses
288 retract(backjump_level(0)),
289 ( retract(is_restart)
290 -> debug_format_sat("backjump to level 0 random restart", []),
291 backjump_clause(LearnFromLevel,_,_,_,_,_)
292 ; debug_format_sat("backjump to level 0", []),
293 LearnFromLevel = 0
294 ),
295 learn_backjump_clause(LearnFromLevel, SolverEnv, StateMutable),
296 sat_stateful_pre(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses)
297 ).
299 %% sat_stateful(+Clauses, +StateMutable, +Clauses).
300 % CDCL with first UIP conflict-driven clause learning, two-watched literals, EVSIDS branching heuristic,
301 % random glucose restarts, and phase saving for rapid restarts.
302 % See create_solver_state/1 for variable StateMutable.
303 sat_stateful(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses) :-
304 problem_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses),
305 %static_sat_symmetry_breaking(Clauses, SolverEnv, CurLevelMut, NewSolverEnv),
306 elim_vars(SolverEnv, StateMutable).
308 %% elim_vars(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable).
309 elim_vars(SolverEnv, StateMutable) :-
310 \+ severe_error_occurred,
311 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, CurLevel),
312 NextLevel is CurLevel + 1,
313 reset_assignment_count_on_level,
314 ( % solution found
315 fibonacci_heap:is_empty
316 -> true
317 ; elim_vars_from_asserted_heuristic_rapid_restart(SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel)
318 ).
320 learn_backjump_clause(CurLevel, SolverEnv, StateMutable) :-
321 retract(backjump_clause(BjLevel, BjClause, _, BjSatVars, UsedVars, AC)),
322 ( CurLevel == BjLevel
323 -> true
324 ; add_error_fail(learn_backjump_clause, 'Inconsistent backjump level: ', [BjLevel,CurLevel])
325 ),
326 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
327 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, BjClause, BjClauseRef),
328 clause_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, BjClauseRef),
329 update_heuristic_scores_for_vars(BjSatVars, AC),
330 ( bump_scores_for_bj_clause_only(true)
331 ; % additionally bump scores for all variables used during conflict analysis
332 bump_scores_for_bj_clause_only(false),
333 update_heuristic_scores_for_vars(UsedVars, AC)
334 ), !.
336 possibly_backjump(_, _, _).
337 possibly_backjump(SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel) :-
338 % backjumping to a level other than 0; skip for restart since we then backjump to level 0
339 \+ is_restart,
340 backjump_level(C),
341 debug_format_sat("Current level is ~w and bj level is ~w", [NextLevel,C]),
342 C == NextLevel,
343 retract(backjump_level(C)),
344 debug_format_sat("~nbackjump branch prop level ~w", [NextLevel]),
345 learn_backjump_clause(C, SolverEnv, StateMutable),
346 possibly_bump_glue_variable_scores(NextLevel),
347 possibly_backjump(SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel).
349 possibly_bump_glue_variable_scores(CurLevel) :-
350 ( ( glue_bumping(true),
351 glue_clauses(GC),
352 GC \== 0
353 )
354 -> bump_glue_variable_scores(GC, CurLevel)
355 ; true
356 ).
358 bump_glue_variable_scores(GC, CurLevel) :-
359 ( bt_retract(glue_level(GlueVar,GlueLevel,AlreadyBumped))
360 -> ( ( \+ AlreadyBumped,
361 GlueLevel > CurLevel
362 )
363 -> fibonacci_heap:get_priority_of(GlueVar, Score),
364 bump_glue_variable_score(Score, GlueVar, GlueLevel, GC),
365 bump_glue_variable_scores(GC, CurLevel),
366 bt_asserta(glue_level(GlueVar,GlueLevel,true))
367 ; bump_glue_variable_scores(GC, CurLevel),
368 bt_asserta(glue_level(GlueVar,GlueLevel,AlreadyBumped))
369 )
370 ; true
371 ).
373 bump_glue_variable_score(Score, SatVarName, GlueLevel, GC) :-
374 GlueBump is Score * (GlueLevel/GC),
375 NScore is Score + GlueBump,
376 fibonacci_heap:update_bt(SatVarName, NScore).
378 %% elim_vars_from_asserted_heuristic_rapid_restart(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +NextLevel).
379 elim_vars_from_asserted_heuristic_rapid_restart(SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel) :-
380 \+ backjump_level(_),
381 \+ idl_unsat_core(_),
382 get_sat_var_with_max_heuristic(SatVarName, MaxScore),
383 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
384 mutdict_get(PlVars, SatVarName, Var-SatVarName-_-StackInfo), % we need the variable's references
385 debug_format_sat("Max heuristic value with score ~w is ~w", [MaxScore,SatVarName]),
386 possibly_backjump(SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel),
387 ( saved_phase(SatVarName, SavedPol)
388 -> % restore phase/polarity from cache for rapid restart
389 SelectedPol = SavedPol,
390 retract(saved_phase(SatVarName, _)), % don't undo when backtracking
391 debug_format_sat("Restore phase of ~w", [SatVarName])
392 ; % uninformed phase/polarity selection: start with truth
393 SelectedPol = pred_true
394 ),
395 elim_var_for_phase(SatVarName, StackInfo, SelectedPol, Var, SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel).
397 %% elim_var_for_phase(+SatVarName, +StackInfo, +SavedPol, +Var, +SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +NextLevel).
398 elim_var_for_phase(SatVarName, StackInfo, SavedPol, Var, SolverEnv, StateMutable, NextLevel) :-
399 ( ground(Var)
400 -> add_error_fail(elim_var_for_phase, 'Decision variable is already ground: probably an error in the decision heuristic.', [SatVarName])
401 ; true
402 ),
403 update_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, NextLevel),
404 get_next_assignment_count_on_level(ACount),
405 ( StackInfo = (branch,(NextLevel,ACount),SavedPol,_OriginalClause),
406 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, SavedPol),
407 debug_format_sat("Decide variable ~w with polarity ~w on level ~w", [SatVarName,SavedPol,NextLevel]),
408 log_boolean_decision,
409 Var = SavedPol
410 ; \+ backjump_level(_),
411 \+ severe_error_occurred,
412 negate_polarity(SavedPol, NegSavedPol),
413 StackInfo = (branch,(NextLevel,ACount),NegSavedPol,_OriginalClause),
414 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, NegSavedPol),
415 debug_format_sat("Decide variable ~w with polarity ~w on level ~w", [SatVarName,NegSavedPol,NextLevel]),
416 log_boolean_decision,
417 Var = NegSavedPol
418 ),
419 elim_vars(SolverEnv, StateMutable).
421 %% checkout_sat_variable(+SatVarName, +OriginalClause).
422 % Remove a SAT variable's information if it has been propagated.
423 checkout_sat_variable(SatVarName, OriginalClause) :-
424 delete_from_heuristic(SatVarName),
425 retract_if_exists(saved_phase(SatVarName, _)),
426 ( allow_partial_model
427 -> worsen_scores_for_vars_in_clause(OriginalClause)
428 ; true
429 ).
431 worsen_scores_for_vars_in_clause([]).
432 worsen_scores_for_vars_in_clause([_-_-_-SatVarName|T]) :-
433 ( fibonacci_heap:get_priority_of_silent_fail(SatVarName, Score)
434 -> ( Score > 1,
435 fibonacci_heap:dec_priority_of_bt(SatVarName, 1)
436 ; Score =< 1,
437 fibonacci_heap:delete_elm_bt(SatVarName)
438 ),
439 worsen_scores_for_vars_in_clause(T)
440 ; worsen_scores_for_vars_in_clause(T)
441 ).
443 problem_setup(_, _, []).
444 problem_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, [Clause|Clauses]) :-
445 clause_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clause),
446 problem_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses).
448 clause_setup(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clause) :-
449 Clause = [StackInfo-Pol-Var-SatVarName|Triples],
450 set_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clause, Triples, Var, Pol, SatVarName, StackInfo).
452 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(_, _, [], []).
453 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(SatVarName, Pol, [CPol-CVar-CName|T], ConflictClause) :-
454 var(CVar),
455 SatVarName == CName,
456 !,
457 ConflictClause = [CPol-Pol-CName|T].
458 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(SatVarName, Pol, [Triple|T], [Triple|NT]) :-
459 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(SatVarName, Pol, T, NT).
461 set_watch(_, _, OriginalClause, [], Var, Pol, SatVarName, _) :-
462 Var == Pol,
463 checkout_sat_variable(SatVarName, OriginalClause).
464 set_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, [], Var, Pol, _, _) :-
465 ground(Var),
466 Var \== Pol,
467 \+ severe_error_occurred,
468 \+ backjump_level(_),
469 debug_format_sat("sat conflict", []),
470 clause_learning(true),
471 possibly_bt_from_smt_solution(SolverEnv,StateMutable, _, _),
472 get_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, StackSize),
473 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, CurLevel),
474 assignment_count_on_cur_level(ACount),
475 ACount \== 1, % at least one unit-propagation for CDCL, otherwise just backtrack to the last decision
476 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, CurLevel, OriginalClause),
477 fail.
478 set_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, [], Var, Pol, SatVarName, StackInfo) :-
479 var(Var),
480 \+ severe_error_occurred,
481 \+ backjump_level(_),
482 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, CurLevel),
483 debug_format_sat("unit propagation of ~w with polarity ~w on level ~w due to clause ~w", [SatVarName,Pol,CurLevel,strip-OriginalClause]),
484 %translate:print_bexpr(TheoryFormula),nl,
485 get_next_assignment_count_on_level(ACount),
486 StackInfo = (unit,(CurLevel,ACount),Pol,OriginalClause),
487 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol),
488 log_unit_propagation,
489 ( checkout_sat_variable(SatVarName, OriginalClause),
490 Var = Pol,
491 ( true
492 ; % remove idl unsat core from higher decision level when backtracking
493 remove_idl_unsat_core,
494 fail
495 )
496 ; % theory conflict: if Var = Pol triggered a SAT conflict instead,
497 % a backjump clause has been computed and backjump_level/1 is asserted
498 clause_learning(true),
499 \+ severe_error_occurred,
500 \+ backjump_level(_), % skip when backjumping
501 get_last_decision_level(StateMutable, LastDLevel), % skip if no decision so far
502 LastDLevel > 0, % just backtrack if last decision level is 1 or 0
503 possibly_bt_from_smt_solution(SolverEnv,StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol),
504 ( learn_idl_core(StateMutable, SolverEnv, SatVarName, Pol)
505 -> true
506 ; debug_format_sat("theory conflict on level ~w", [CurLevel]),
507 get_conflict_clause_for_theory_conflict(SolverEnv, SatVarName, Pol, SolverEnv, TConflictClause),
508 % explicitly set the polarity which failed to be assigned above in line 414 for conflict analysis (possibly part of the unsat core)
509 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(SatVarName, Pol, TConflictClause, ConflictClause),
510 ( ConflictClause = [SStackInfo-CPol-SingletonVar-SingletonName]
511 -> % singleton theory conflict: backjump to level 0
512 debug_format_sat("backjump to level 0 after finding singleton theory conflict for SAT variable ~w", [SingletonName]),
513 ( ground(SingletonVar)
514 -> negate_polarity(SingletonVar, NSingletonPol)
515 ; % static WD PO theory contradiction
516 debug_format_sat("Force static theory conflict of WD condition to be false for ~w.", [SingletonName]),
517 NSingletonPol = CPol
518 ),
519 BjClause = [SStackInfo-NSingletonPol-SingletonVar-SingletonName],
520 debug_format_sat("learn unit clause ~w", [strip-BjClause]),
521 BjLevel = 0,
522 compute_lbd_score(BjClause, LbdScore),
523 count_found_conflict(NewTotal, _, _),
524 asserta(backjump_clause(BjLevel, BjClause, LbdScore, [SingletonName], [], NewTotal)),
525 asserta(backjump_level(BjLevel))
526 ; get_maximum_decision_level(ConflictClause, ConflictLevel),
527 % it can be the case that ProB first recognizes unsatisfiable after grounding waitflags; the last decision level is then not necessarily the conflict level
528 debug_format_sat("theory conflict on level ~w after unsat core computation", [ConflictLevel]),
529 get_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, StackSize),
530 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause_get_level(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause, _BjLevel)
531 )
532 ),
533 fail
534 ).
535 set_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, [StackInfo2-Pol2-Var2-Name2|Triples], Var1, Pol1, Name1, StackInfo1):-
536 \+ backjump_level(_),
537 watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, StackInfo1, Var1, Pol1, Name1, StackInfo2, Var2, Pol2, Name2, Triples).
539 :- block watch(?, ?, ?, ?, -, ?, ?, ?, -, ?, ?, ?).
540 watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, StackInfo1, Var1, Pol1, Name1, StackInfo2, Var2, Pol2, Name2, Triples) :-
541 ( nonvar(Var1)
542 -> update_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, StackInfo1, Var1, Pol1, Name1, StackInfo2, Var2, Pol2, Name2, Triples)
543 ; update_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, StackInfo2, Var2, Pol2, Name2, StackInfo1, Var1, Pol1, Name1, Triples)
544 ).
546 update_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, _, Var1, Pol1, Name1, StackInfo2, Var2, Pol2, Name2, Triples) :-
547 ( Var1 == Pol1
548 -> checkout_sat_variable(Name1, OriginalClause)
549 ; set_watch(SolverEnv, StateMutable, OriginalClause, Triples, Var2, Pol2, Name2, StackInfo2)
550 ).
552 retract_once(Assertion) :-
553 retract(Assertion),
554 !.
556 severe_error_occurred :-
557 error_occurred_in_error_scope,
558 check_error_occured(ErrorName, _),
559 ErrorName \= warning(_),
560 ErrorName \== clpfd_overflow,
561 ErrorName \== smt_symmetry_breaking,
562 ErrorName \== well_definedness_error,
563 ErrorName \== smt_solvers_interface,
564 ErrorName \== internal_error(smt_solvers_interface).
566 %% is_backjumping.
567 is_backjumping :-
568 backjump_level(_).
570 assert_update_pending_theory_propagation(SatVarName, Pol) :-
571 retract(pending_theory_prop(SatVarName,_)),
572 !,
573 asserta(pending_theory_prop(SatVarName,Pol)).
574 assert_update_pending_theory_propagation(SatVarName, Pol) :-
575 asserta(pending_theory_prop(SatVarName,Pol)).
577 % We use a time limit in b_interpreter:b_convert_bool_timeout/7 which is observed here.
578 % It can be the case that ProB/CLP(FD) exceeds the predefined global time limit
579 % when assigning a SAT variable in the deterministic propagation phase (b_convert_bool).
580 % Simply setting a time limit on the SAT variable's unification in the SAT solver is not possible
581 % since CDCL etc. would also be affected by this time limit due to coroutines.
582 :- block log_det_theory_timeout(-).
583 log_det_theory_timeout(TORes) :-
584 ( TORes == time_out
585 -> asserta(assignment_timeout_occurred)
586 ; true
587 ).
589 %% log_theory_propagation_sat_stack(+StateMutable, +SatVarName, +SatPrologVar, +StackInfo).
590 log_theory_propagation_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, SatPrologVar, StackInfo) :-
591 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, CurLevel),
592 log_theory_propagation,
593 !,
594 debug_format_sat("Theory propagation of ~w with polarity ~w", [SatVarName,SatPrologVar]),
595 ( SatPrologVar == pred_true -> Pol = pred_true; Pol = pred_false),
596 assert_update_pending_theory_propagation(SatVarName, Pol),
597 % explanation (OriginalClause) is computed lazily for conflict analysis if necessary, see explain_theory_propagation/5
598 get_next_assignment_count_on_level(ACount),
599 StackInfo = (theory,(CurLevel,ACount),Pol,_),
600 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol).
602 %% learn_idl_core(+StateMutable, +SolverEnv, +LastSatVarName, +FailedPol).
603 learn_idl_core(StateMutable, SolverEnv, LastSatVarName, FailedPol) :-
604 retract(idl_unsat_core(Core)),
605 remove_idl_unsat_core,
606 !,
607 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
608 get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core(Core, SolverEnv, TConflictClause),
609 % explicitly assign the polarity which was undone due to the conflict
610 set_polarity_of_var_explicitly(LastSatVarName, FailedPol, TConflictClause, TTConflictClause),
611 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TTConflictClause, ConflictClause),
612 get_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, StackSize),
613 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, CurLevel),
614 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, CurLevel, ConflictClause).
616 save_phase(SatVarName, Pol) :-
617 (retract(saved_phase(SatVarName, _)), !; true),
618 asserta(saved_phase(SatVarName, Pol)).
620 % Log variable assignments.
621 % Effect is undone when backtracking. Cache phase when backtracking and unassigning a variable.
622 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol) :-
623 increase_stack_size(StateMutable),
624 ( true
625 ; save_phase(SatVarName, Pol),
626 fail
627 ).
629 increase_stack_size(StateMutable) :-
630 get_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, Old),
631 New is Old + 1, !,
632 update_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, New).
634 %% possibly_bt_from_smt_solution(+SolverEnv,+StateMutable, +SatVarName, +Pol).
635 % Backtracking from an SMT solution which should not be handled as a theory conflict.
636 possibly_bt_from_smt_solution(SolverEnv,StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol) :-
637 retract(bt_from_smt_solution),
638 !,
639 ( ground(SatVarName)
640 -> get_complete_theory_lemma_fixed_binding(SolverEnv, SatVarName, Pol, TheoryLemmaClause)
641 ; get_complete_theory_lemma(SolverEnv, TheoryLemmaClause)
642 ),
643 % backjump to the last decision level without computing a conflict clause
644 % but excluding the last SAT solution when backtracking after finding an SMT solution
645 get_last_decision_level(StateMutable, Level),
646 asserta(exclude_sat_solution_clause(TheoryLemmaClause)),
647 asserta(backjump_level(Level)),
648 fail.
649 possibly_bt_from_smt_solution(_,_, _, _).
651 % Just wrap with negation but prevent double negation.
652 negate_smt_formula(b(negation(Smt),pred,_), NegSmt) :-
653 !,
654 NegSmt = Smt.
655 negate_smt_formula(Smt, b(negation(Smt),pred,[])).
657 % iterate over all Prolog variables to find the propagated literals: usually a stack is used but we store stack infos besides each
658 % variable in the clauses; explanation of theory propagations is rare and maintaining a genuine stack is more expensive
659 get_propagated_sat_vars([], _, []).
660 get_propagated_sat_vars([SatVarName-(_-_-_-(_,(Level,_ACount),Pol,_))|T], TheoryPropLevel, SatVarNameTuples) :-
661 ground(Level),
662 Level < TheoryPropLevel,
663 !,
664 SatVarNameTuples = [(SatVarName-Pol)|NT],
665 get_propagated_sat_vars(T, TheoryPropLevel, NT).
666 get_propagated_sat_vars([_|T], TheoryPropLevel, NT) :-
667 get_propagated_sat_vars(T, TheoryPropLevel, NT).
669 %% explain_theory_propagation(+SolverEnv, +TheoryPropSatVar, +TheoryPropLevel, +TheoryPropPol, -ExplainingClause).
670 explain_theory_propagation(SolverEnv, TheoryPropSatVar, _, _, ExplainingClause) :-
671 minimize_theory_explanations(false),
672 !,
673 debug_format_sat("Use complete lemma for theory explanation of ~w", [TheoryPropSatVar]),
674 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_bindings, SatBindings),
675 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(SatBindings, _, _, [], TExplainingClause),
676 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
677 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TExplainingClause, ExplainingClause),
678 debug_format_sat("finished explanation.", []).
679 explain_theory_propagation(SolverEnv, TheoryPropSatVar, TheoryPropLevel, TheoryPropPol, ExplainingClause) :-
680 debug_format_sat("Explain theory propagation of ~w", [TheoryPropSatVar]),
681 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
682 mutdict_items(PlVars, PlVarsList),
683 get_propagated_sat_vars(PlVarsList, TheoryPropLevel, SatVarNameTuples),
684 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_vars, SatVars),
685 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, TheoryPropSatVar, TheoryPropPol, SmtFormula),
686 negate_smt_formula(SmtFormula, NegSmt),
687 debug_format_sat("Compute unsat core for explanation: ", [], NegSmt),
688 get_explanation_candidate_formula(SatVars, SatVarNameTuples, CandidateFormula),
689 ( SatVarNameTuples = [_]
690 -> safe_create_texpr(conjunct(CandidateFormula,NegSmt), pred, [], UnsatCore)
691 ; temporary_set_preference(time_out, 25, Change1),
692 temporary_set_preference(unsat_core_algorithm, linear, Change2),
693 call_cleanup(unsat_core_with_fixed_conjuncts(CandidateFormula, NegSmt, TTUnsatCore),
694 (reset_temporary_preference(unsat_core_algorithm, Change2),
695 reset_temporary_preference(time_out, Change1))),
696 safe_create_texpr(conjunct(TTUnsatCore,NegSmt), pred, [], TUnsatCore),
697 ( remove_wd_pos_introduced_for_cdclt_keep_toplevel(TUnsatCore, UnsatCore)
698 -> true
699 ; add_error_fail(remove_wd_pos_introduced_for_cdclt_keep_toplevel, 'Removing WD POs for CDCL(T) failed for explaining theory propagation.', [unsat_core_with_wd:TUnsatCore])
700 )
701 ),
702 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, t2b_env, T2BEnv),
703 debug_format_sat("Computed unsat core for explanation: ", [], UnsatCore),
704 (
705 (
706 predicate_to_sat(only_reuse, [], SatVars, T2BEnv, UnsatCore, _NewEnv, _, UnsatCoreSat, _NewSatVars),
707 sat_conj_negate_to_clause(UnsatCoreSat, TExplainingClause)
708 )
709 -> true
710 ; add_error_fail(sat_conj_negate_to_clause, 'Explaining theory propagation failed: Explanation cannot be transformed to SAT.', [unsat_core:UnsatCore])
711 ),
712 debug_format_sat("finished explanation.", []),
713 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TExplainingClause, TTExplainingClause),
714 sort(TTExplainingClause, ExplainingClause).
716 get_explanation_candidate_formula(SatVars, [SatVarName-Pol|T], CandidateFormula) :-
717 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, SatVarName, Pol, SmtFormula),
718 !,
719 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(SatVars, T, SmtFormula, CandidateFormula).
720 get_explanation_candidate_formula(SatVars, [_|T], CandidateFormula) :-
721 % can be artificial SAT variable introduced by cnf rewriting
722 get_explanation_candidate_formula(SatVars, T, CandidateFormula).
724 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(_, [], Acc, Acc).
725 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(SatVars, [SatVarName-Pol|T], Acc, CandidateFormula) :-
726 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, SatVarName, Pol, SmtFormula),
727 !,
728 safe_create_texpr(conjunct(SmtFormula,Acc), pred, [], NAcc),
729 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(SatVars, T, NAcc, CandidateFormula).
730 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(SatVars, [_|T], Acc, CandidateFormula) :-
731 get_explanation_candidate_formula_acc(SatVars, T, Acc, CandidateFormula).
733 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, SatVarName, Pol, SmtFormula) :-
734 memberchk(b(identifier(SatVarName),_,Info), SatVars),
735 member(smt_formula(TSmtFormula), Info),
736 get_smt_formula_for_sat_pol(TSmtFormula, Pol, SmtFormula).
738 get_smt_formula_for_sat_pol(TSmtFormula, Pol, SmtFormula) :-
739 ( Pol == pred_true
740 -> SmtFormula = TSmtFormula
741 ; TSmtFormula = b(negation(SmtFormula),pred,[])
742 -> true
743 ; TSmtFormula = b(_,_,Info),
744 SmtFormula = b(negation(TSmtFormula),pred,Info)
745 ).
747 %% get_sat_var_with_max_heuristic(-SatVarName, -MaxScore).
748 get_sat_var_with_max_heuristic(SatVarName, MaxScore) :-
749 %\+ fibonacci_heap:is_empty,
750 ( print_logs(true)
751 -> fibonacci_heap:get_max_priority(MaxScore)
752 ; MaxScore = -1
753 ),
754 fibonacci_heap:get_and_remove_max_value_bt(SatVarName).
756 retract_if_exists(Assertion) :-
757 ( cdclt_sat_solver:Assertion
758 -> retract(cdclt_sat_solver:Assertion)
759 ; true
760 ).
762 % Periodically decay heuristic scores for VSIDS heuristic.
763 % Not undone when backtracking.
764 possibly_decay_heuristic_values :-
765 decision_heuristic(vsids),
766 conflict_stats(total(AC), _, _),
767 AC \== 0,
768 vsids_decay_frequency(I),
769 C is AC mod I,
770 C == 0,
771 debug_format_sat("~nDecay heuristic scores", []),
772 !,
773 vsids_decay_value(Val),
774 decay_heuristic_values(Val).
775 possibly_decay_heuristic_values.
777 %% decay_heuristic_values(+DecayValue).
778 % Not undone when backtracking.
779 decay_heuristic_values(DecayValue) :-
780 Decay is (1/DecayValue),
781 fibonacci_heap:mult_priority_of_all(Decay).
783 %% init_decision_heuristic(+StateMutable, +VarsFromBinaryClauses, +Clauses).
784 % Each variable is initially assigned the number of its occurrences in all clauses as its score.
785 % Variable scores are not split for polarities.
786 init_decision_heuristic(StateMutable, VarsFromBinaryClauses, Clauses) :-
787 count_var_occurrences_in_clauses(Clauses, VarScoreTuples),
788 binary_boost_factor(BoostFactor),
789 add_heuristic_tuples(StateMutable, BoostFactor, VarsFromBinaryClauses, VarScoreTuples).
791 add_heuristic_tuples(_, _, _, []).
792 add_heuristic_tuples(StateMutable, BoostFactor, VarsFromBinaryClauses, [SatVarName-Score|T]) :-
793 ( select(SatVarName, VarsFromBinaryClauses, TVarsFromBinaryClauses)
794 -> NScore is Score * BoostFactor
795 ; NScore = Score,
796 TVarsFromBinaryClauses = VarsFromBinaryClauses
797 ),
798 fibonacci_heap:push(NScore, SatVarName),
799 add_heuristic_tuples(StateMutable, BoostFactor, TVarsFromBinaryClauses, T).
801 count_var_occurrences_in_clauses(Clauses, DictItems) :-
802 new_mutdict(Dict),
803 count_var_occurrences_dict(Dict, Clauses), !,
804 mutdict_items(Dict, DictItems), !.
806 count_var_occurrences_dict(_, []).
807 count_var_occurrences_dict(Dict, [Clause|T]) :-
808 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(Dict, Clause),
809 count_var_occurrences_dict(Dict, T).
811 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(_, []).
812 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(Dict, [_-_-Pol-SatVarName|T]) :-
813 var(Pol), % skip variables that are already propagated by deterministic unit propagation
814 !,
815 ( mutdict_get(Dict, SatVarName, Score)
816 -> Score1 is Score + 1,
817 mutdict_update(Dict, SatVarName, _, Score1)
818 ; mutdict_put(Dict, SatVarName, 1)
819 ),
820 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(Dict, T).
821 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(Dict, [_|T]) :-
822 count_var_occurrences_from_clause_dict(Dict, T).
824 update_heuristic_scores_for_vars(UsedVars, AC) :-
825 decision_heuristic(Type),
826 update_heuristic_scores(AC, Type, UsedVars).
828 %% update_heuristic_scores(+AmountOfConflitsAtLevel, +Type, +SatVarNames).
829 % Type is either vsids, evsids, vmtf or acids.
830 % SatVarNames are the variable names occurring in learned clauses.
831 update_heuristic_scores(_, _, []).
832 update_heuristic_scores(TotalConflicts, Type, [SatVarName|T]) :-
833 ( fibonacci_heap:get_priority_of_silent_fail(SatVarName, OldScore)
834 -> bump_heuristic_score_for_type(Type, TotalConflicts, OldScore, NewScore),
835 fibonacci_heap:update(SatVarName, NewScore),
836 update_heuristic_scores(TotalConflicts, Type, T)
837 ; % SAT variable has already been propagated.
838 % For instance, this is the case when learning a clause on a level greater zero while
839 % a specific SAT variable of this clause has already been propagated on a previous level.
840 update_heuristic_scores(TotalConflicts, Type, T)
841 ).
843 % v_s + 1
844 bump_heuristic_score_for_type(vsids, _, OldScore, NewScore) :-
845 NewScore is OldScore + 1.
846 % k
847 bump_heuristic_score_for_type(vmtf, TotalConflicts, _, NewScore) :-
848 NewScore is TotalConflicts.
849 % (v_s + k) / 2
850 bump_heuristic_score_for_type(acids, TotalConflicts, OldScore, NewScore) :-
851 NewScore is (OldScore + TotalConflicts) / 2.
852 % v_s + f^(-k), where f is evsids_f_value/1 and it is/was the k-th conflict when finding this clause via conflict analysis
853 bump_heuristic_score_for_type(evsids, TotalConflicts, OldScore, NewScore) :-
854 evsids_f_value(FVal),
855 catch(NewScore is OldScore + FVal**(-TotalConflicts), error(evaluation_error(float_overflow),_), NewScore = 1.35743634973696E+308).
857 % Literal Block Distance (LBD) as defined in "Predicting Learnt Clauses Quality in Modern SAT Solvers",
858 % i.e., the amount of different decision levels in a clause.
859 compute_lbd_score(BjClause, LbdScore) :-
860 compute_lbd_score(BjClause, [], LbdScore).
862 compute_lbd_score([], Acc, LbdScore) :-
863 length(Acc, LbdScore).
864 compute_lbd_score([(_,(Level,_),_,_)-_-_-_|T], Acc, LbdScore) :-
865 !,
866 ord_add_element(Acc, Level, NewAcc),
867 compute_lbd_score(T, NewAcc, LbdScore).
869 %% count_found_conflict(-NewTotal, -NewSinceRestart, -NewSinceReduction).
870 count_found_conflict(Total1, SRes1, SRed1) :-
871 log_conflict,
872 retract(conflict_stats(total(Total), since_restart(SRes), since_reduction(SRed))),
873 Total1 is Total + 1,
874 SRes1 is SRes + 1,
875 SRed1 is SRed + 1,
876 asserta(conflict_stats(total(Total1), since_restart(SRes1), since_reduction(SRed1))).
878 %% compute_and_assert_backjump_clause(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +StackSize, +ConflictClause).
879 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause) :-
880 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause_get_level(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause, _).
882 cnf_to_smt(BoolPred, Smt) :-
883 BoolPred = b(Expr,_,_),
884 cnf_to_smt_e(Expr, Smt).
886 cnf_to_smt_e(falsity, b(falsity,pred,[])).
887 cnf_to_smt_e(truth, b(truth,pred,[])).
888 cnf_to_smt_e(conjunct(A,B), Smt) :-
889 cnf_to_smt(A, NA),
890 cnf_to_smt(B, NB),
891 safe_create_texpr(conjunct(NA,NB), pred, [], Smt).
892 cnf_to_smt_e(disjunct(A,B), Smt) :-
893 cnf_to_smt(A, NA),
894 cnf_to_smt(B, NB),
895 safe_create_texpr(disjunct(NA,NB), pred, [], Smt).
896 cnf_to_smt_e(equal(b(identifier(_),_,Info),b(BoolExpr,boolean,_)), Smt) :-
897 member(smt_formula(TSmt), Info),
898 ( BoolExpr == boolean_true
899 -> Smt = TSmt
900 ; safe_create_texpr(negation(TSmt), pred, [], Smt)
901 ).
903 /*cnf_to_smt([], _, Acc, SmtFromCnf) :-
904 conjunct_predicates(Acc, SmtFromCnf).
905 cnf_to_smt([Clause|T], PrologSatVarTriple, Acc, SmtFromCnf) :-
906 clause_to_smt(PrologSatVarTriple, Clause, SmtClause),
907 cnf_to_smt(T, PrologSatVarTriple, [SmtClause|Acc], SmtFromCnf).*/
909 %clause_to_smt(PlVars, Clause, SmtFormula) :-
910 % clause_to_smt(PlVars, Clause, [], SmtFormula).
911 %
912 %clause_to_smt(_, [], Acc, SmtFormula) :-
913 % disjunct_predicates(Acc, SmtFormula).
914 %clause_to_smt(PlVars, [_-Pol-_-SatVarName|T], Acc, SmtClause) :-
915 % mutdict_get(PlVars, SatVarName, _-SatVarName-TSmtFormula-_),
916 % !,
917 % get_smt_formula_for_sat_pol(TSmtFormula, Pol, SmtFormula),
918 % clause_to_smt(PlVars, T, [SmtFormula|Acc], SmtClause).
919 %clause_to_smt(_, [_-_-SatVarName|_], _, _) :-
920 % add_error_fail(clause_to_smt, 'Unknown SAT variable.', [SatVarName]).
922 bump_glue_levels([]).
923 bump_glue_levels([_-_-_-SatVarName|T]) :-
924 ( retract(glue_level(SatVarName, GlueLevel,AlreadyBumped))
925 -> NGlueLevel is GlueLevel + 1
926 ; NGlueLevel = 1,
927 AlreadyBumped = false
928 ),
929 asserta(glue_level(SatVarName,NGlueLevel,AlreadyBumped)),
930 bump_glue_levels(T).
932 %% compute_and_assert_backjump_clause_get_level(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +StackSize, +ConflictLevel, +ConflictClause, -BjLevel).
933 compute_and_assert_backjump_clause_get_level(SolverEnv, StateMutable, StackSize, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause, BjLevel) :-
934 get_last_decision_level(StateMutable, _),
935 %possibly_discard_learned_clauses, % TODO: adapt to new bj clause handling; yet, forgetting clauses has not shown to be beneficial so far
936 debug_format_sat("~nConflict clause is ~w", [strip-ConflictClause]),
937 debug_format_sat("~nStart CDCL..", []),
938 ( (
939 get_backjump_clause_conflict_resolution(SolverEnv, StateMutable, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause, BjClause, BjLevel, BjSatVars, UsedVars),
940 BjLevel \== -1
941 )
942 ; add_error_fail(compute_and_assert_backjump_clause_get_level, 'SMT solver\'s conflict resolution failed', [])
943 ),
944 debug_format_sat("done.", []),
945 debug_format_sat("Backjump clause is ~w", [strip-BjClause]),
946 debug_format_sat("Backjump level is ~w", [BjLevel]),
947 compute_lbd_score(BjClause, LbdScore),
948 debug_format_sat("LBD Score is ~w", [LbdScore]),
949 ( ( glue_bumping(true),
950 LbdScore == 2
951 )
952 -> retract(glue_clauses(Old)),
953 New is Old + 1,
954 asserta(glue_clauses(New)),
955 bump_glue_levels(BjClause)
956 ; true
957 ),
958 count_found_conflict(NewTotal, NewSinceRestart, _),
959 asserta(backjump_clause(BjLevel, BjClause, LbdScore, BjSatVars, UsedVars, NewTotal)),
960 asserta(backjump_level(BjLevel)),
961 store_recent_stack_size(StackSize),
962 count_learned_clause,
963 possibly_decay_heuristic_values,
964 ( \+ clear_lbd_values_or_fail(StateMutable),
965 BjLevel \== 0
966 -> store_recent_lbd_score(LbdScore),
967 update_total_lbd_sum(LbdScore),
968 (random_restart(NewTotal, NewSinceRestart), !; true)
969 ; true
970 ), !.
972 count_learned_clause :-
973 retract(amount_learned_clauses(Old)),
974 New is Old + 1,
975 asserta(amount_learned_clauses(New)).
977 %% store_recent_lbd_score(+LbdScore).
978 % The stored list of recent LBDs is a difference list and we insert at the end of the list.
979 % The first LBD is thus the oldest one and removed when exceeding the maximum size
980 % defined by recent_lbd_threshold/1.
981 store_recent_lbd_score(LbdScore) :-
982 retract(recent_lbds_dl(Lbds-Diff, Amount)),
983 glucose_restart_recent_lbds_threshold(Thresh),
984 Diff = [LbdScore|NDiff],
985 ( Amount < Thresh
986 -> Amount1 is Amount + 1,
987 asserta(recent_lbds_dl(Lbds-NDiff, Amount1))
988 ; Lbds = [_|RLbds],
989 asserta(recent_lbds_dl(RLbds-NDiff, Amount))
990 ).
992 store_recent_stack_size(StackSize) :-
993 retract(recent_stack_sizes_dl(StackSizes-Diff, Amount)),
994 glucose_restart_trail_threshold(Thresh),
995 Diff = [StackSize|NDiff],
996 ( Amount < Thresh
997 -> Amount1 is Amount + 1,
998 asserta(recent_stack_sizes_dl(StackSizes-NDiff, Amount1))
999 ; StackSizes = [_|RStackSizes],
1000 asserta(recent_stack_sizes_dl(RStackSizes-NDiff, Amount))
1001 ).
1003 %% update_total_lbd_sum(+LbdScore).
1004 update_total_lbd_sum(LbdScore) :-
1005 retract(total_lbd_sum(Old)),
1006 New is Old + LbdScore,
1007 asserta(total_lbd_sum(New)).
1009 %% random_restart(+AmountOfConflicts, +AmountOfConflictsSinceRestart).
1010 % "Randomly" restart after an amount of conflicts since the last restart.
1011 random_restart(_AC, ACR) :-
1012 restart_policy(luby),
1013 random_luby_restart(ACR), !.
1014 random_restart(AC, _ACR) :-
1015 restart_policy(glucose),
1016 random_glucose_restart(AC), !.
1018 do_random_restart :-
1019 log_restart,
1020 retract(restarts(OldR)),
1021 NewR is OldR + 1,
1022 asserta(restarts(NewR)),
1023 retract(backjump_level(_)),
1024 asserta(backjump_level(0)),
1025 retract(conflict_stats(total(Total), _, since_reduction(SRed))),
1026 asserta(conflict_stats(total(Total), since_restart(0), since_reduction(SRed))),
1027 asserta_once(is_restart),
1028 debug_format_sat("~nRandom restart", []).
1030 %% random_glucose_restart(+AmountOfConflicts).
1031 % Restart search if recent_lbds_dl/2 contains exactly glucose_restart_recent_lbds_threshold/1 amount
1032 % of most recent LBDs and RecentAvg * Proportion > TotalAvg is satisfied, i.e., the recently learned clauses'
1033 % LBDs got too large.
1034 random_glucose_restart(AC) :-
1035 total_lbd_sum(TotalLbdSum),
1036 TotalAvg is TotalLbdSum / AC,
1037 recent_lbds_dl(RLbds-[], LbdAmount),
1038 glucose_restart_recent_lbds_threshold(LbdThresh),
1039 LbdAmount == LbdThresh, % queue of recent LBDs is full
1040 sumlist(RLbds, RSum),
1041 RecentAvg is RSum / LbdAmount,
1042 glucose_restart_margin_ratio(Proportion),
1043 debug_format_sat("~nTotalAvg: ~w~nRecentAvg: ~w", [TotalAvg,RecentAvg]),
1044 ( RecentAvg * Proportion > TotalAvg
1045 -> do_random_restart,
1046 clear_recent_lbds_state
1047 ; true
1048 ).
1050 % Favor SAT instances too by possibly clearing the recent LBD queue.
1051 % Assumption: The queue of recent LBDs is full.
1052 clear_lbd_values_or_fail(StateMutable) :-
1053 glucose_restart_trail_threshold(TrailThresh),
1054 glucose_restart_stack_avg_factor(StackSizeFactor),
1055 recent_stack_sizes_dl(StackSizes-[], AmountStackSizes),
1056 AmountStackSizes == TrailThresh, % queue of recent stack sizes on conflict is full
1057 get_full_state(StateMutable, current_stack_size, StackSize),
1058 sumlist(StackSizes, SSum),
1059 StackSizesAvg is SSum / AmountStackSizes,
1060 StackSize > StackSizeFactor * StackSizesAvg,
1061 clear_recent_lbds_state.
1063 clear_recent_lbds_state :-
1064 retract(recent_lbds_dl(_, _)),
1065 asserta(recent_lbds_dl(Diff-Diff, 0)).
1067 %% random_luby_restart(+AmountOfConflictsSinceRestart).
1068 % The amount of conflicts when to restart is defined by the Luby sequence,
1069 % i.e., 1,1,2,1,1,2,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,4,8,.. etc., (cf. "Optimal speedup of Las Vegas algorithms")
1070 % using a unit length of 32 (see luby_counter/1).
1071 random_luby_restart(ACR) :-
1072 restart_policy(luby),
1073 get_next_luby_value(Luby),
1074 !,
1075 ( ACR == Luby
1076 -> retract_once(luby_counter(_)),
1077 do_random_restart
1078 ; true
1079 ).
1080 random_luby_restart(_) :-
1081 add_error_fail(random_restart, 'No more values in predefined Luby sequence', []).
1083 get_next_luby_value(LubyValue) :-
1084 luby_counter(Luby),
1085 luby_restart_unit_length(UnitLength),
1086 LubyValue is UnitLength * Luby,
1087 !.
1089 %% get_sat_solution_exclusion_clauses(+PlVars, -ExclClausesNoRef).
1090 % We exclude SAT solutions when backtracking from finding an SMT solution to find a different assignment.
1091 /*get_sat_solution_exclusion_clauses(PlVars, ExclClausesNoRef) :-
1092 findall(ExclClause,
1093 (exclude_sat_solution_clause(TExclClause), set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TExclClause, ExclClause)),
1094 ExclClausesNoRef), !.*/
1096 %% set_variable_references_in_clauses(+PlVars, +Clauses, -RefClauses).
1097 set_variable_references_in_clauses(_, [], []).
1098 set_variable_references_in_clauses(PlVars, [Clause|T], [RefClause|NT]) :-
1099 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, Clause, RefClause),
1100 set_variable_references_in_clauses(PlVars, T, NT).
1102 %% set_variable_references_in_clause(+PlVars, +Clause, -RefClauses).
1103 % We need to set the correct variable references in a new learned clause
1104 % to trigger co-routines etc.
1105 set_variable_references_in_clause(_, [], Out) :- !, Out = [].
1106 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, [_-Pol-_-Name|T], [StackInfo-Pol-Var-Name|NT]) :-
1107 mutdict_get(PlVars, Name, TVar-Name-_-TStackInfo),
1108 !,
1109 Var = TVar,
1110 StackInfo = TStackInfo,
1111 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, T, NT).
1112 set_variable_references_in_clause(_, [_-_-_-Name|_], _) :-
1113 add_error_fail(set_variable_references_in_clause, 'Cannot set references: unknown SAT variable.', [Name]).
1115 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, Key, OutValue) :-
1116 get_from_solver_env_ordered(Key, SolverEnv, Value),
1117 !,
1118 OutValue = Value.
1119 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, Key, _) :-
1120 add_error_fail(get_from_solver_env,
1121 'Wrong key or corrupt solver environment in CDCL(T) SAT solver',
1122 [solver_env:SolverEnv,key:Key]).
1124 get_from_solver_env_ordered(sat_vars, [sat_vars:SatVars,_,_,_,_,_], SatVars).
1125 get_from_solver_env_ordered(sat_varnames, [_,sat_varnames:SatVarNames,_,_,_,_], SatVarNames).
1126 get_from_solver_env_ordered(sat_bindings, [_,_,sat_bindings:SatBindings,_,_,_], SatBindings).
1127 get_from_solver_env_ordered(t2b_env, [_,_,_,t2b_env:Env,_,_], Env).
1128 get_from_solver_env_ordered(pl_vars, [_,_,_,_,pl_vars:PlVars,_], PlVars).
1129 get_from_solver_env_ordered(binary_clause_vars, [_,_,_,_,_,binary_clause_vars:VarsFromBinaryClauses], VarsFromBinaryClauses).
1131 bt_asserta(Assertion) :-
1132 asserta(Assertion); (retract(Assertion), !, fail).
1134 bt_retract(Assertion) :-
1135 ( retract(Assertion)
1136 -> ( true
1137 ; asserta(Assertion),
1138 !,
1139 fail
1140 )
1141 ; fail
1142 ).
1144 %% get_unsat_core_from_smt_formula(+FullFormula, +LastVarName, -UnsatCore).
1145 % Assumption: unsat core computation only removes constraints and does not deduce new ones.
1146 % Fails if +FullFormula is satisfiable.
1147 get_unsat_core_from_smt_formula(FullFormula, LastVarName, UnsatCore) :-
1148 debug_format_sat("Compute unsat core for: ", [], FullFormula),
1149 preferences:temporary_set_preference(time_out, 25, Change),
1150 call_cleanup(time_out(unsat_chr_core_list_with_auto_time_limit(FullFormula, 30000,
1151 [auto_time_out_factor(180), % we add 80 %
1152 ignore_if_sol_found,
1153 inspect_quantifiers(false)], GlobalRes, CoreList), 30000, TimeoutResult),
1154 reset_temporary_preference(time_out, Change)),
1155 !,
1156 ( GlobalRes = solution(_)
1157 -> % the present theory conflict only occurs within the current state of ProB's waitflag store; there is at least one choice point
1158 % in the theory solver which needs to be evaluated; we thus do not learn from this "spurious counterexample" but
1159 % trigger chronological backtracking instead of backjumping
1160 debug_format_sat("Spurious counterexample found. Skip backjumping and use chronological backtracking instead.", []),
1161 fail
1162 ; GlobalRes == time_out
1163 -> % ignore core if global result is timeout
1164 TUnsatCore = FullFormula
1165 ; TimeoutResult == time_out
1166 -> % don't waste too much time in unsat core computation
1167 debug_format_sat("Canceled unsat core computation due to exceeding a timeout" ,[]),
1168 TUnsatCore = FullFormula
1169 ; ( CoreList == []
1170 -> add_error_fail(get_conflict_clause_for_theory_conflict, 'Conflict clause in SMT solving is not a conflict.', [LastVarName])
1171 ; conjunct_predicates(CoreList, TUnsatCore)
1172 )
1173 ),
1174 debug_format_sat("Computed unsat core with added WD POs: ", [], TUnsatCore),
1175 ( remove_wd_pos_introduced_for_cdclt_keep_toplevel(TUnsatCore, UnsatCore)
1176 -> true
1177 ; add_error_fail(remove_wd_pos_introduced_for_cdclt_keep_toplevel, 'Removing WD POs for CDCL(T) failed.', [unsat_core_with_wd:TUnsatCore])
1178 ),
1179 debug_format_sat("Computed unsat core: ", [], UnsatCore).
1181 %% get_conflict_clause_for_theory_conflict(+LastVarName, +LastVarValue, +SolverEnv, -ConflictClause).
1182 % Translate current sat solution, which is a theory conflict, to the theory and compute
1183 % the (minimum) unsat core. Return the negated theory conflict as a conflict clause.
1184 % Note that an SMT formula passed to the theory solver is always a conjunction and
1185 % thus the negated unsat core is a disjunction (clause).
1186 get_conflict_clause_for_theory_conflict(SolverEnv, LastVarName, LastVarValue, SolverEnv, ConflictClause) :-
1187 ( retract(idl_unsat_core(UnsatCore))
1188 -> true
1189 ; get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_bindings, SatBindingsNoLast),
1190 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_vars, SatVars),
1191 sat_to_predicate_from_solution(SatBindingsNoLast, SatVars, SmtFormulaNoLast),
1192 findall(bind(PendingName,PendingPol), pending_theory_prop(PendingName,PendingPol), PendingTheoryProps),
1193 sat_to_predicate_from_solution([bind(LastVarName,LastVarValue)|PendingTheoryProps], SatVars, FixedConj),
1194 safe_create_texpr(conjunct(FixedConj,SmtFormulaNoLast), pred, [] , FullFormula),
1195 get_unsat_core_from_smt_formula(FullFormula, LastVarName, UnsatCore)
1196 ), !,
1197 find_typed_identifier_uses(UnsatCore, [], UsedIds),
1198 ( list_contains_unfixed_deferred_set_id(UsedIds)
1199 -> asserta(unfixed_deferred_set_error)
1200 ; true
1201 ),
1202 get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core(UnsatCore, SolverEnv, TConflictClause),
1203 sort(TConflictClause, TTConflictClause), % there can be duplicates due to added top-level WD POs; important to remove
1204 ( TTConflictClause = [_]
1205 -> % currently undiscovered static theory contradiction; SAT variable might not be propagated yet if added WD PO
1206 ConflictClause = TTConflictClause
1207 ; % remove not propagated top-level WD POs; we enforce WD POs in the theory solver but it can
1208 % be the case that a theory conflict occurs before the WD POs are propagated in the SAT solver
1209 remove_not_propagated(TTConflictClause, LastVarName, ConflictClause)
1210 ),
1211 !.
1213 remove_not_propagated([], _, []).
1214 remove_not_propagated([Pol-Var-Name|T], LastVarName, [Pol-Var-Name|NT]) :-
1215 ( ground(Var)
1216 ; Name == LastVarName
1217 ),
1218 !,
1219 remove_not_propagated(T, LastVarName, NT).
1220 remove_not_propagated([_-_-Name|T], LastVarName, NT) :-
1221 debug_format_sat("Remove not propagated SAT variable ~w from conflict clause.", [Name]),
1222 remove_not_propagated(T, LastVarName, NT).
1224 %% get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core(+UnsatCore, +SolverEnv, -ConflictClause).
1225 get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core(UnsatCore, SolverEnv, ConflictClause) :-
1226 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_vars, SatVars),
1227 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, t2b_env, T2BEnv),
1228 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
1229 predicate_to_sat(only_reuse, [], SatVars, T2BEnv, UnsatCore, _NewEnv, _, UnsatCoreSat, _NewSatVars),
1230 sat_conj_negate_to_clause(UnsatCoreSat, TConflictClause),
1231 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TConflictClause, ConflictClause),
1232 !.
1233 get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core(_, _, _) :-
1234 add_error_fail(get_conflict_clause_from_unsat_core, 'Unsat core to conflict clause failed.', []).
1236 %% get_complete_theory_lemma(+SolverEnv, -TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1237 % Return the complete unsatisfiable SMT formula as a conflict clause.
1238 get_complete_theory_lemma(SolverEnv, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1239 get_complete_theory_lemma_fixed_binding(SolverEnv, _, _, TheoryLemmaClause).
1241 %% get_complete_theory_lemma_fixed_binding(+SolverEnv, +SatVarName, +SatVarPol, -TheoryLemmaClause).
1242 % Enforce +SatVarName to have +SatVarPol binding. This is important for theory conflicts since the last
1243 % binding has been undone when backtracking. This is not applied if both inputs are variables, e.g., for SAT conflicts.
1244 get_complete_theory_lemma_fixed_binding(SolverEnv, SatVarName, SatVarPol, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1245 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
1246 get_from_solver_env(SolverEnv, sat_bindings, SatBindings),
1247 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(SatBindings, SatVarName, SatVarPol, TTheoryLemmaClause),
1248 set_variable_references_in_clause(PlVars, TTheoryLemmaClause, TheoryLemmaClause), !.
1250 %% get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(+SatBindings, +FSatVarName, +FSatVarPol, -TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1251 % FSatVarName: name of SAT variable whose binding should be set to +FSatVarPol
1252 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(SatBindings, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1253 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(SatBindings, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [], TheoryLemmaClause).
1255 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings([], _, _, Acc, Acc).
1256 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings([bind(SatVarName,_)|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1257 % theory propagations during grounding are possibly undone in the stack if finding a contradiction during grounding waitflags
1258 % we restore such pending theory propagations here
1259 pending_theory_prop(SatVarName, SatVarPol),
1260 !,
1261 negate_polarity(SatVarPol, NegPol),
1262 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [_-NegPol-_-SatVarName|Acc], TheoryLemmaClause).
1263 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings([bind(SatVarName,_)|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1264 % set fixed polarity
1265 SatVarName == FSatVarName,
1266 !,
1267 negate_polarity(FSatVarPol, NegPol),
1268 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [_-NegPol-_-SatVarName|Acc], TheoryLemmaClause).
1269 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings([bind(SatVarName,Pol)|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1270 ground(Pol),
1271 !,
1272 negate_polarity(Pol, NegPol),
1273 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [_-NegPol-_-SatVarName|Acc], TheoryLemmaClause).
1274 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings([_|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1275 get_clause_from_negated_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause).
1277 %% get_clause_from_ground_bindings(+SatBindings, -TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1278 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(SatBindings, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1279 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(SatBindings, [], TheoryLemmaClause).
1281 get_clause_from_ground_bindings([], _, _, Acc, Acc).
1282 get_clause_from_ground_bindings([bind(SatVarName,_)|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1283 % theory propagations during grounding are possibly undone in the stack if finding a contradiction during grounding waitflags
1284 % we restore such pending theory propagations here
1285 pending_theory_prop(SatVarName, SatVarPol),
1286 !,
1287 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [_-SatVarPol-_-SatVarName|Acc], TheoryLemmaClause).
1288 get_clause_from_ground_bindings([bind(SatVarName,Pol)|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1289 ground(Pol),
1290 !,
1291 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, [_-Pol-_-SatVarName|Acc], TheoryLemmaClause).
1292 get_clause_from_ground_bindings([_|T], FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause) :-
1293 get_clause_from_ground_bindings(T, FSatVarName, FSatVarPol, Acc, TheoryLemmaClause).
1295 % Fail if no decision has been made so far, i.e., the decision level is set to -1.
1296 get_last_decision_level(StateMutable, Level) :-
1297 get_full_state(StateMutable, cur_level, TLevel),
1298 TLevel > 0,
1299 !,
1300 Level = TLevel.
1302 %negate_polarities([], []).
1303 %negate_polarities([StackInfo-Pol-Var-Name|T], [StackInfo-NPol-Var-Name|NT]) :-
1304 % negate_polarity(Pol, NPol),
1305 % negate_polarities(T, NT).
1307 get_maximum_decision_level([(_,(Level,_),_,_)-_-_-_|T], ConflictLevel) :-
1308 !,
1309 get_maximum_decision_level(T, Level, ConflictLevel).
1310 get_maximum_decision_level([_-_-_-Name|_], _) :-
1311 add_error_fail(get_maximum_decision_level, 'The SAT variable has not been decided yet', [Name]).
1313 get_maximum_decision_level([], Acc, Acc).
1314 get_maximum_decision_level([(_,(Level,_),_,_)-_-_-_|T], Acc, ConflictLevel) :-
1315 !,
1316 ( Level > Acc
1317 -> NAcc = Level
1318 ; NAcc = Acc
1319 ),
1320 get_maximum_decision_level(T, NAcc, ConflictLevel).
1321 get_maximum_decision_level([_-_-_-Name|_], _, _) :-
1322 add_error_fail(get_maximum_decision_level, 'The SAT variable has not been decided yet', [Name]).
1324 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current([_], _, _, BjLevel) :-
1325 % zero if learning a unit clause
1326 !,
1327 BjLevel = 0.
1328 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current(BjClause, BjLevelAcc, CurLevel, BjLevel) :-
1329 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current_not_unit(BjClause, BjLevelAcc, CurLevel, BjLevel).
1331 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current_not_unit([], BjLevelAcc, _, BjLevelAcc).
1332 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current_not_unit([(_,(Level,_),_,_)-_-_-_|T], BjLevelAcc, CurLevel, BjLevel) :-
1333 ( (Level \== CurLevel,
1334 Level > BjLevelAcc
1335 )
1336 -> NBjLevelAcc = Level
1337 ; NBjLevelAcc = BjLevelAcc
1338 ),
1339 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current_not_unit(T, NBjLevelAcc, CurLevel, BjLevel).
1341 %% get_antecedent_assignments(+SolverEnv, +ConflictDLevel, +SatVarName, +RPol, +RPropType, +ROriginalClause, -Antecedent).
1342 get_antecedent_assignments(_, _, SatVarName, _, _, ROriginalClause, Antecedent) :-
1343 is_list(ROriginalClause),
1344 !,
1345 select(_-_-_-SatVarName, ROriginalClause, TAntecedent), !,
1346 Antecedent = TAntecedent.
1347 get_antecedent_assignments(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, SatVarName, RPol, theory, ROriginalClause, Antecedent) :-
1348 \+ is_list(ROriginalClause),
1349 !,
1350 explain_theory_propagation(SolverEnv, SatVarName, ConflictDLevel, RPol, OriginalClause),
1351 ROriginalClause = OriginalClause,
1352 select(_-_-_-SatVarName, OriginalClause, TAntecedent), !,
1353 Antecedent = TAntecedent.
1354 get_antecedent_assignments(_, _, SatVarName, _, _, _, _) :-
1355 add_error_fail(get_antecedent_assignments, 'No antecedent assignments since variable has not been propagated.', SatVarName).
1357 %% join_assignments(+A1, +A2, +A2Full, -Joined).
1358 join_assignments([], _, A, A).
1359 join_assignments([StackInfo-Pol-Var-Name|T], A2, A3, Res) :-
1360 ( select(_-_-_-Name, A2, A4) % removes dups assuming that A2 has no dups
1361 -> join_assignments(T, A4, A3, Res)
1362 ; join_assignments(T, A2, [StackInfo-Pol-Var-Name|A3], Res)
1363 ).
1365 %% resolve(+SolverEnv, +TBjClause, +Resolver, +ROriginalClause, -NTBjClause).
1366 % +Resolver is a SAT variable name to resolve next (i.e., expand its antecedent assignments).
1367 resolve(SolverEnv, TBjClause, ConflictDLevel, Resolver, RPol, RPropType, ROriginalClause, NTBjClause) :-
1368 get_antecedent_assignments(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, Resolver, RPol, RPropType, ROriginalClause, Antecedent),
1369 join_assignments(Antecedent, TBjClause, TBjClause, TNTBjClause), % important to not have duplicates
1370 select(_-_-_-Resolver, TNTBjClause, NTBjClause).
1372 add_used_vars_to_mutdict([], _).
1373 add_used_vars_to_mutdict([_-_-_-SatVarName|T], VarNamesDict) :-
1374 \+ mutdict_get(VarNamesDict, SatVarName, _),
1375 !,
1376 mutdict_put(VarNamesDict, SatVarName, SatVarName),
1377 add_used_vars_to_mutdict(T, VarNamesDict).
1378 add_used_vars_to_mutdict([_|T], VarNamesDict) :-
1379 add_used_vars_to_mutdict(T, VarNamesDict).
1381 get_variables_used_in_cdcl(ResolvedSoFar, BjClause, UsedVars) :-
1382 add_used_vars_to_mutdict(BjClause, ResolvedSoFar),
1383 mutdict_keys(ResolvedSoFar, UsedVars).
1385 get_variable_names_in_clause([], []).
1386 get_variable_names_in_clause([_-_-_-SatVarName|T], [SatVarName|NT]) :-
1387 get_variable_names_in_clause(T, NT).
1389 % sort in reversed stack order
1390 reversed_stack_sort((_,(DLevel1,ACount1),_,_)-_-_-_, (_,(DLevel2,ACount2),_,_)-_-_-_) :-
1391 ground(DLevel1), ground(DLevel2),
1392 ( DLevel1 > DLevel2
1393 -> true
1394 ; DLevel1 == DLevel2
1395 -> ACount1 > ACount2
1396 ; fail
1397 ).
1399 :- dynamic part_of_first_uip/1.
1401 % See https://cca.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/papers/SoerenssonBiere-SAT09.pdf
1402 % Generate the 1-UIP clause. Mark all its literals. Remove those implied variables which have all their antecedent literals marked.
1403 minimize_clause(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, BjClause, local, MinBjClause) :-
1404 mark_literals(BjClause),
1405 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked(BjClause, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause).
1406 % Generate the 1-UIP clause. Mark its literals. Implied variables in 1-UIP clause are candidates for removal.
1407 % Search implication graph. Start from antecedent literals of candidate. Stop at marked literals or decisions.
1408 % If search always ends at marked literals, the candidate can be removed.
1409 minimize_clause(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, BjClause, recursive, MinBjClause) :-
1410 mark_literals(BjClause),
1411 remove_recursively_stop_marked(BjClause, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause).
1413 remove_recursively_stop_marked([], _, _, []).
1414 remove_recursively_stop_marked([(PropType,_,_,OriginalClause)-_-Pol-SatVarName|T], SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause) :-
1415 PropType \== branch,
1416 get_antecedent_assignments(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, SatVarName, Pol, PropType, OriginalClause, Antecedent),
1417 samsort(reversed_stack_sort, Antecedent, SAntecedent), % reverse assignment order
1418 recursively_inspect_antecedent(SAntecedent, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel),
1419 !,
1420 remove_recursively_stop_marked(T, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause).
1421 remove_recursively_stop_marked([Lit|T], SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, [Lit|NT]) :-
1422 remove_recursively_stop_marked(T, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, NT).
1424 recursively_inspect_antecedent([], _, _).
1425 recursively_inspect_antecedent([(PropType,_,_,OriginalClause)-_-Pol-SatVarName|T], SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel) :-
1426 recursive_search_stops_at_marked_or_decision(PropType, OriginalClause, Pol, SatVarName, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel),
1427 recursively_inspect_antecedent(T, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel).
1429 recursive_search_stops_at_marked_or_decision(_, _, _, SatVarName, _, _) :-
1430 part_of_first_uip(SatVarName),
1431 !.
1432 recursive_search_stops_at_marked_or_decision(PropType, OriginalClause, Pol, SatVarName, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel) :-
1433 PropType \== branch,
1434 get_antecedent_assignments(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, SatVarName, Pol, PropType, OriginalClause, Antecedent),
1435 recursively_inspect_antecedent(Antecedent, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel).
1437 all_literals_are_marked([]).
1438 all_literals_are_marked([_-_-_-SatVarName|T]) :-
1439 part_of_first_uip(SatVarName),
1440 !,
1441 all_literals_are_marked(T).
1443 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked([], _, _, []).
1444 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked([(PropType,_,_,OriginalClause)-_-Pol-SatVarName|T], SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause) :-
1445 PropType == unit,
1446 get_antecedent_assignments(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, SatVarName, Pol, PropType, OriginalClause, Antecedent),
1447 all_literals_are_marked(Antecedent),
1448 !,
1449 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked(T, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, MinBjClause).
1450 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked([Lit|T], SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, [Lit|NT]) :-
1451 remove_where_all_antecedent_marked(T, SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, NT).
1453 mark_literals(Lits) :-
1454 retractall(part_of_first_uip(_)),
1455 mark_literals_state(Lits).
1457 mark_literals_state([]).
1458 mark_literals_state([_-_-_-SatVarName|T]) :-
1459 asserta(part_of_first_uip(SatVarName)),
1460 mark_literals_state(T).
1462 %% get_backjump_clause_conflict_resolution(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +ConflictLevel, +ConflictClause, -BjClause, -BjLevel, -BjSatVars, -UsedVars).
1463 % In the conflict graph each node corresponds to a variable assignment.
1464 % The predecessors of node x are the antecedent assignments A^w(x) corresponding
1465 % to the unit clause w (in its original form) that led to the propagation of x (logical implications).
1466 % The directed edges from the nodes in A^w(x) to node x are all labeled with w.
1467 % Nodes that have no predecessor correspond to decision/branching assignments
1468 % (cf. GRASP: A Search Algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability, by Marques-Silva and Sakallah).
1469 % As an improvement, we apply first UIP clause learning (cf. Efficient Conflict Driven Learning in a Boolean Satisfiability Solver, Zhang et al.).
1470 % Compute the conflict graph for a conflicting unit-propagation of a variable and extract a backjump clause.
1471 % -UsedVars are the SAT variables used during conflict analysis that are not part of the final bj clause (can be necessary for branching heuristic).
1472 % -BjSatVars are the SAT variables in the final bj clause.
1473 % Notes:
1474 % - the variable references in the returned clause are not yet set
1475 % - we do not create an actual graph but apply Boolean resolution
1476 get_backjump_clause_conflict_resolution(SolverEnv, StateMutable, ConflictLevel, ConflictClause, BjClause, BjLevel, BjSatVars, UsedVars) :-
1477 get_last_decision_level(StateMutable, _),
1478 new_mutdict(ResolvedSoFar),
1479 get_backjump_clause_and_level(SolverEnv, ConflictLevel, ResolvedSoFar, ConflictClause, BjClause, BjLevel, TUsedVars),
1480 get_variable_names_in_clause(BjClause, BjSatVars),
1481 subtract(TUsedVars, BjSatVars, UsedVars).
1483 %% get_backjump_clause_and_level(+SolverEnv, +ConflictDLevel, +ResolvedSoFar, +TBjClause, -BjClause, -BjLevel, -UsedVars).
1484 get_backjump_clause_and_level(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, ResolvedSoFar, TBjClause, MinBjClause, BjLevel, UsedVars) :-
1485 get_backjump_clause_and_level_sub(ConflictDLevel, 0, _, TBjClause, Resolver-RPol-RPropType-ROriginalClause, ThisLevelCount),
1486 ( ThisLevelCount == 1
1487 -> % break, first UIP
1488 BjClause = TBjClause,
1489 clause_minimization(ClauseMinType),
1490 ( ClauseMinType \== none
1491 -> ( minimize_clause(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, BjClause, ClauseMinType, MinBjClause), !
1492 ; add_error_fail(minimize_clause, 'Clause minimization failed: ', [BjClause])
1493 )
1494 ; MinBjClause = BjClause
1495 ),
1496 get_maximum_decision_level_other_than_current(MinBjClause, 0, ConflictDLevel, BjLevel),
1497 get_variables_used_in_cdcl(ResolvedSoFar, MinBjClause, UsedVars)
1498 ; ground(Resolver),
1499 resolve(SolverEnv, TBjClause, ConflictDLevel, Resolver, RPol, RPropType, ROriginalClause, NToExpand),
1500 mutdict_put(ResolvedSoFar, Resolver, Resolver),
1501 get_backjump_clause_and_level(SolverEnv, ConflictDLevel, ResolvedSoFar, NToExpand, MinBjClause, BjLevel, UsedVars)
1502 ).
1504 get_backjump_clause_and_level_sub(_, ThisLevelCountAcc, ResolverAcc-_-RPol-RPropType-ROriginalClause, [], ResolverAcc-RPol-RPropType-ROriginalClause, ThisLevelCountAcc).
1505 get_backjump_clause_and_level_sub(ConflictDLevel, ThisLevelCountAcc, ResolverAcc-RACount-RPol-RPropType-ROriginalClause, [(PropType,(Level,ACount),_,OriginalClause)-Pol-_-SatVarName|T], Resolver, ThisLevelCount) :-
1506 ( Level == ConflictDLevel
1507 -> NThisLevelCountAcc is ThisLevelCountAcc + 1
1508 ; NThisLevelCountAcc = ThisLevelCountAcc
1509 ),
1510 ( (
1511 Level == ConflictDLevel,
1512 % unit or theory propagation
1513 PropType \== branch,
1514 % use last assigned literal to resolve next
1515 ( var(ResolverAcc)
1516 ; ACount > RACount
1517 )
1518 )
1519 -> NResolverAcc = SatVarName-ACount-Pol-PropType-OriginalClause
1520 ; NResolverAcc = ResolverAcc-RACount-RPol-RPropType-ROriginalClause
1521 ),
1522 get_backjump_clause_and_level_sub(ConflictDLevel, NThisLevelCountAcc, NResolverAcc, T, Resolver, ThisLevelCount).
1524 negate_polarity(pred_true, pred_false).
1525 negate_polarity(pred_false, pred_true).
1527 retractall_once(Assertion) :-
1528 retractall(cdclt_sat_solver:Assertion),
1529 !.
1531 asserta_once(Assertion) :-
1532 call(cdclt_sat_solver:Assertion),
1533 !.
1534 asserta_once(Assertion) :-
1535 asserta(cdclt_sat_solver:Assertion).
1537 b_pred_or_bool_true(X) :- X == truth; X == boolean_true; X == value(pred_true).
1538 b_pred_or_bool_false(X) :- X == falsity; X == boolean_false; X == value(pred_false).
1540 sat_conj_negate_to_clause(Pred, Clause) :-
1541 conjunction_to_list(Pred, List),
1542 maplist(sat_equality_negate_to_literal, List, Clause).
1544 sat_equality_negate_to_literal(b(equal(ID,Pol),pred,_), _-NegPol-_-Name) :-
1545 ID = b(identifier(Name),_,_),
1546 Pol = b(Value,boolean,_),
1547 ( b_pred_or_bool_true(Value)
1548 -> NegPol = pred_false
1549 ; NegPol = pred_true
1550 ).
1552 %%%%% Solver State
1553 create_solver_state(StateMutable) :-
1554 State = [cur_level:0,current_stack_size:0],
1555 create_mutable(solver_state(State), StateMutable).
1557 %% get_full_state(+StateMutable, +Key, -Datum).
1558 % We assume an order of the SolverState to prevent using member.
1559 get_full_state(StateMutable, Key, Datum) :-
1560 get_mutable(solver_state(SolverState), StateMutable),
1561 get_full_state_ordered(Key, SolverState, Datum), !.
1563 get_full_state_ordered(cur_level, [cur_level:CurLevel,_], CurLevel).
1564 get_full_state_ordered(current_stack_size, [_,current_stack_size:Size], Size).
1566 %% delete_from_heuristic(+SatVarName).
1567 delete_from_heuristic(SatVarName) :-
1568 ( fibonacci_heap:elm_exists(SatVarName)
1569 -> fibonacci_heap:delete_elm_bt(SatVarName)
1570 ; % it can be the case that SatVarName has already been removed
1571 % from the mutable due to coroutines etc.; succeed in this case
1572 true
1573 ).
1575 %% update_full_state(+StateMutable, +Key, +Datum).
1576 % We assume an order of the SolverState to prevent using member.
1577 update_full_state(StateMutable, Key, Datum) :-
1578 get_mutable(solver_state(SolverState), StateMutable),
1579 update_full_state_ordered(Key, Datum, SolverState, NewSolverState), !,
1580 update_mutable(solver_state(NewSolverState), StateMutable).
1582 update_full_state_ordered(cur_level, NewDatum, [cur_level:_,B], [cur_level:NewDatum,B]).
1583 update_full_state_ordered(current_stack_size, NewDatum, [A,current_stack_size:_], [A,current_stack_size:NewDatum]).
1585 %% Initialize the dynamic solver state for a specific solver.
1586 init_dynamic_solver_state(SolverName) :-
1587 fibonacci_heap:init,
1588 clean_dynamic_solver_state,
1589 clear_pending_theory_propagations,
1590 asserta(solver_name(SolverName)),
1591 asserta(restarts(0)),
1592 asserta(glue_clauses(0)),
1593 asserta(amount_clause_reductions(0)),
1594 asserta(assignment_count_on_cur_level(0)),
1595 asserta(amount_learned_clauses(0)),
1596 asserta(conflict_stats(total(0), since_restart(0), since_reduction(0))),
1597 asserta(recent_lbds_dl(Diff1-Diff1, 0)),
1598 asserta(recent_stack_sizes_dl(Diff2-Diff2, 0)),
1599 asserta(total_lbd_sum(0)),
1600 init_luby_sequence.
1602 clean_dynamic_solver_state :-
1603 retractall(assignment_timeout_occurred),
1604 retractall(allow_partial_model),
1605 retractall(unfixed_deferred_set_error),
1606 retractall(assignment_count_on_cur_level(_)),
1607 retractall(pending_theory_prop(_,_)),
1608 retractall(glue_clauses(_)),
1609 retractall(glue_level(_,_,_)),
1610 retractall(solver_name(_)),
1611 retractall(restarts(_)),
1612 retractall(is_restart),
1613 retractall(bt_from_smt_solution),
1614 retractall(recent_lbds_dl(_, _)),
1615 retractall(recent_stack_sizes_dl(_, _)),
1616 retractall(saved_phase(_, _)),
1617 retractall(amount_clause_reductions(_)),
1618 retractall(amount_learned_clauses(_)),
1619 retractall(luby_counter(_)),
1620 retractall(exclude_sat_solution_clause(_)),
1621 retractall(total_lbd_sum(_)),
1622 retractall(conflict_stats(_, _, _)),
1623 retractall(idl_unsat_core(_)),
1624 retractall(backjump_level(_)),
1625 retractall(backjump_clause(_, _, _, _, _, _)).
1627 %% Remove dynamically stored unsat core found by the IDL solver.
1628 remove_idl_unsat_core :-
1629 retractall_once(idl_unsat_core(_)).
1631 %% Store an unsat core found by the IDL solver in the SMT solver's dynamic state.
1632 store_idl_unsat_core(Core) :-
1633 assignment_count_on_cur_level(ACount),
1634 ACount > 1, % at least one unit propagation on this level, otherwise just backtrack
1635 retractall_once(idl_unsat_core(_)),
1636 asserta(idl_unsat_core(Core)).
1638 %% Announce backtracking after a solution has been found in order to backtrack to search for another solution.
1639 %% We have to be able to distinguish between backtracking due to not finding a solution or backtracking
1640 %% triggered by the user to find another solution.
1641 announce_bt_from_smt_solution :-
1642 asserta(bt_from_smt_solution).
1643 %%%%%
1645 %% b_to_cnf_safe(+In, +State, -Out).
1646 b_to_cnf_safe(In, State, Out) :-
1647 b_to_cnf(In, State, TOut),
1648 !,
1649 Out = TOut.
1650 b_to_cnf_safe(_, _, _) :-
1651 add_internal_error('B to CNF conversion failed ', cdclt),
1652 fail.
1654 %% b_to_cnf(+In, +State, -Out).
1655 % Accepts predicates with conjunction, disjunction, and equality of SAT variables. No negations.
1656 b_to_cnf(In, State, Out) :-
1657 get_texpr_expr(In, Expr),
1658 b_to_cnf_aux(Expr, State, Res, []),
1659 !,
1660 Res = Out.
1661 b_to_cnf(In, _, _) :-
1662 translate_bexpression(In, PPIn),
1663 !,
1664 add_error_fail(b_to_cnf, 'CNF conversion failed', PPIn).
1666 b_to_cnf(b(Expr,_,_Info), State) -->
1667 !,
1668 b_to_cnf_aux(Expr, State).
1669 b_to_cnf(In, _, _, _) :-
1670 add_error_fail(b_to_cnf, 'Not properly wrapped:', In).
1672 b_to_cnf_aux(X, _) -->
1673 {X == truth}, !,
1674 [].
1675 b_to_cnf_aux(X, _) -->
1676 {X == falsity}, !,
1677 [[]].
1678 b_to_cnf_aux(equal(A,B), State) -->
1679 {get_texpr_expr(B, Expr),
1680 Expr == boolean_true,
1681 get_texpr_expr(A, identifier(Name))},
1682 !,
1683 {member(bind(Name,Res)-StackInfo, State)},
1684 [[StackInfo-pred_true-Res-Name]].
1685 b_to_cnf_aux(equal(A,B), State) -->
1686 {get_texpr_expr(B, Expr),
1687 Expr == boolean_false,
1688 get_texpr_expr(A, identifier(Name)),
1689 member(bind(Name,Res)-StackInfo, State)},
1690 [[StackInfo-pred_false-Res-Name]].
1691 b_to_cnf_aux(disjunct(D1,D2), State) -->
1692 b_to_cnf_disj_aux(D1, D2, State).
1693 b_to_cnf_aux(conjunct(A,B), State) -->
1694 b_to_cnf(A, State),
1695 b_to_cnf(B, State).
1697 b_to_cnf_disj_aux(D1, D2, State) -->
1698 {get_texpr_expr(D1, conjunct(A,B))}, !,
1699 {create_texpr(disjunct(A,D2), pred, [], DJ1),
1700 create_texpr(disjunct(B,D2), pred, [], DJ2)},
1701 b_to_cnf_aux(conjunct(DJ1,DJ2), State).
1702 b_to_cnf_disj_aux(D1, D2, State) -->
1703 {get_texpr_expr(D2, conjunct(A,B))}, !,
1704 {create_texpr(disjunct(D1,A), pred, [], DJ1),
1705 create_texpr(disjunct(D1,B), pred, [], DJ2)},
1706 b_to_cnf_aux(conjunct(DJ1,DJ2), State).
1707 b_to_cnf_disj_aux(D1, D2, State, Res, Acc) :-
1708 b_to_cnf(D1, State, Res1),
1709 b_to_cnf(D2, State, Res2),
1710 !,
1711 ( Res1 = []
1712 -> Res = Acc
1713 ; Res1 = [[]]
1714 -> append(Res2,Acc,Res)
1715 ; Res2 = []
1716 -> Res = Acc
1717 ; Res2 = [[]]
1718 -> append(Res1,Acc,Res)
1719 ; ( Res1 = [ResD1],
1720 Res2 = [ResD2]
1721 )
1722 -> Res = [Res12|Acc],
1723 append(ResD1, ResD2, Res12)
1724 ; join_clauses(Res1,Res2,Res,Acc)
1725 -> true
1726 ; add_error_fail(b_to_cnf_disj, 'Cannot join clauses: ', Res1:Res2)
1727 ).
1729 join_clauses([], _) --> [].
1730 join_clauses([Clause1|T], Clauses2) -->
1731 join_clauses_aux(Clause1,Clauses2),
1732 join_clauses(T,Clauses2).
1734 join_clauses_aux(_, []) --> [].
1735 join_clauses_aux(Clause1, [Clause2|T]) -->
1736 {append(Clause1, Clause2, NewClause)},
1737 [NewClause],
1738 join_clauses_aux(Clause1, T).
1741 % Used for random restarts.
1742 % First restart is after 32nd conflict, second after additional 32 conflicts,
1743 % third after additional 64 conflicts etc.
1744 init_luby_sequence :-
1745 retractall(luby_counter(_)),
1746 % unit length of 32
1747 % 1,1,2,1,1,2,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,4,8,..
1748 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)),
1749 assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)),
1750 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(8)),
1751 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)),
1752 assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(8)), assertz(luby_counter(16)), assertz(luby_counter(1)),
1753 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)),
1754 assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(8)), assertz(luby_counter(16)), assertz(luby_counter(32)), assertz(luby_counter(1)),
1755 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)),
1756 assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(8)), assertz(luby_counter(16)), assertz(luby_counter(32)), assertz(luby_counter(64)),
1757 assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(1)), assertz(luby_counter(1)),
1758 assertz(luby_counter(2)), assertz(luby_counter(4)), assertz(luby_counter(8)), assertz(luby_counter(16)), assertz(luby_counter(32)),
1759 assertz(luby_counter(64)), assertz(luby_counter(128)).
1761 % ----------------
1763 %% simplify_cnf(+CNF, -Simplified).
1764 % Boolean resolution.
1765 simplify_cnf([], []).
1766 simplify_cnf([Clause|T], NewCnf) :-
1767 simplify_clause(Clause, _, Simplified, IsTrue), !,
1768 Simplified \== [], % contradiction if a clause is empty
1769 ( IsTrue == true
1770 -> NewCnf = NT % remove true clauses
1771 ; NewCnf = [Simplified|NT]
1772 ),
1773 simplify_cnf(T, NT).
1775 simplify_clause([], IsTrue, [], IsTrue).
1776 simplify_clause([_-Pol-Var-_|T], IsTrueAcc, NT, IsTrue) :-
1777 ground(Var),
1778 Pol \== Var,
1779 !,
1780 simplify_clause(T, IsTrueAcc, NT, IsTrue).
1781 simplify_clause([StackInfo-Pol-Var-SatVarName|T], IsTrueAcc, [StackInfo-Pol-Var-SatVarName|NT], IsTrue) :-
1782 ( Pol == Var
1783 -> IsTrueAcc = true
1784 ; true
1785 ),
1786 simplify_clause(T, IsTrueAcc, NT, IsTrue).
1788 clause_order(_-_-_-A3, _-_-_-B3) :- A3 @< B3.
1790 %% unit_propagate_cnf(+SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +Clauses, -NewClauses).
1791 % A simple unit propagation, useful to run before reification.
1792 % Removes duplicates from each clause.
1793 % Important to identify all unit clauses, b_to_cnf does not check for unique sat variables in clauses.
1794 % An exhaustive unit-propagation prior to the reification is not beneficial
1795 % since simplifying a CNF is slow compared to using watched literals in sat/4.
1796 % Note: It is important to remove duplicates, e.g., using sort/2. Otherwise, a conflict clause with duplicates
1797 % would lead to failure for first UIP CDCL (first UIP not recognized due to duplicate decision level).
1798 unit_propagate_cnf(SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses, NewClauses) :-
1799 unit_prop_clause_sort(true, SolverEnv, StateMutable, Clauses, _, _, TNewClauses), !,
1800 simplify_cnf(TNewClauses, NewClauses).
1802 propagate_unit_clause([StackInfo-Pol-PrologVar-SatVarName], StateMutable, RAcc) :-
1803 ( PrologVar == Pol
1804 -> % duplicate unit clause already propagated
1805 true
1806 ; PrologVar = Pol,
1807 RAcc = true,
1808 debug_format_sat("deterministic unit propagation of ~w with polarity ~w before reification", [SatVarName,Pol]),
1809 get_next_assignment_count_on_level(ACount),
1810 StackInfo = (unit,(0,ACount),Pol,[_-Pol-PrologVar-SatVarName]),
1811 bt_log_sat_stack(StateMutable, SatVarName, Pol),
1812 log_unit_propagation
1813 ).
1815 %% unit_prop_clause_sort(+Sort, +SolverEnv, +StateMutable, +CNF, +RAcc, -Resolved, -NewClauses).
1816 % Removes duplicates from each clause if +Sort is true.
1817 % Logs if a variable has been unit propagated in -Resolved using +RAcc.
1818 unit_prop_clause_sort(_, _, _, [], RAcc, RAcc, []).
1819 unit_prop_clause_sort(Sort, SolverEnv, StateMutable, [[StackInfo-Pol-PrologVar-SatVarName]|T], RAcc, Resolved, NT) :-
1820 propagate_unit_clause([StackInfo-Pol-PrologVar-SatVarName], StateMutable, RAcc),
1821 !,
1822 unit_prop_clause_sort(Sort, SolverEnv, StateMutable, T, RAcc, Resolved, NT).
1823 unit_prop_clause_sort(Sort, SolverEnv, StateMutable, [Clause|T], RAcc, Resolved, NewClauses) :-
1824 ( Sort = true
1825 -> remove_dups(Clause, TNewClause),
1826 % clause_order ensures that watched literals are initially set to the same variables for stronger propagation
1827 samsort(clause_order, TNewClause, NewClause)
1828 ; NewClause = Clause
1829 ),
1830 ( NewClause = [_-_-_-_]
1831 -> propagate_unit_clause(NewClause, StateMutable, RAcc),
1832 NewClauses = NT
1833 ; NewClauses = [NewClause|NT]
1834 ), !,
1835 unit_prop_clause_sort(Sort, SolverEnv, StateMutable, T, RAcc, Resolved, NT).
1837 % ----------------
1839 portray_cnf(Clauses) :- length(Clauses,Len), format('CNF with ~w clauses:~n',[Len]),
1840 maplist(portray_sat_clause,Clauses).
1842 portray_sat_clause(Clause) :- write(' '),maplist(portray_literal,Clause),nl.
1844 portray_literal(pred_false-PrologVar-ID) :- !, format('- ~w(~w) ',[ID,PrologVar]).
1845 portray_literal(pred_true-PrologVar-ID) :- !, format(' ~w(~w) ',[ID,PrologVar]).
1846 portray_literal(Lit) :- format(' *** UNKNOWN: ~w ',[Lit]).
1848 % ----------------
1850 /*
1851 %% static_sat_symmetry_breaking(+Clauses, +SolverEnv, +CurLevelMut, -NewSolverEnv).
1852 % Static SAT symmetry breaking after unit propagation of problem_setup/3 but only once, e.g., not after a restart or bj to level 0
1853 % Can only be used for pure SAT solving.
1854 static_sat_symmetry_breaking(_, SolverEnv, _, NewSolverEnv) :-
1855 static_sat_symmetry_breaking(false),
1856 !,
1857 NewSolverEnv = SolverEnv.
1858 static_sat_symmetry_breaking(Clauses, SolverEnv, CurLevelMut, NewSolverEnv) :-
1859 \+ symmetry_breaking_pred(_, _),
1860 !,
1861 get_symmetry_breaking_predicates(Clauses, SBPsConjNoRef, NewSatVars),
1862 asserta(symmetry_breaking_pred(SBPsConjNoRef,NewSatVars)),
1863 static_sat_symmetry_breaking(Clauses, SolverEnv, CurLevelMut, NewSolverEnv).
1864 static_sat_symmetry_breaking(_, SolverEnv, CurLevelMut, NewSolverEnv) :-
1865 get_asserted_symmetry_breaking_pred(SolverEnv, SBPsConj, NewSolverEnv),
1866 problem_setup(NewSolverEnv, CurLevelMut, SBPsConj).
1868 get_asserted_symmetry_breaking_pred(SolverEnv, SBPsConj, NewSolverEnv) :-
1869 symmetry_breaking_pred(SBPsConjNoRef, NewSatVars),
1870 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env(NewSatVars, SolverEnv, NewSolverEnv),
1871 get_from_solver_env(NewSolverEnv, pl_vars, PlVars),
1872 set_variable_references_in_clauses(PlVars, SBPsConjNoRef, SBPsConj),
1873 findall(Var, (member(Var, NewSatVars), bt_asserta(heuristic_tuple(Var,1))), _).
1875 %% add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env(+NewSatVars, +SolverEnv, -NewSolverEnv).
1876 % Symmetry breaking might introduce new SAT variables for equalities inbetween cycles of permutations.
1877 % We update the solver environment and create the corresponding SMT formulas for equalities here.
1878 % This is necessary, e.g., if a SAT variable corresponding to an equality introduced
1879 % from symmetry breaking is involved in a conflict.
1880 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env(NewSatVars, SolverEnv, NewSolverEnv) :-
1881 SolverEnv = [sat_vars:SatVars,sat_varnames:SatVarNames,sat_bindings:SatBindings,t2b_env:Env,pl_vars:PrologSatVarTriple],
1882 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env(NewSatVars, SatVars, SatVarNames, SatBindings, Env, PrologSatVarTriple, NSatVars, NSatVarNames, NSatBindings, NEnv, NPrologSatVarTriple),
1883 NewSolverEnv = [sat_vars:NSatVars,sat_varnames:NSatVarNames,sat_bindings:NSatBindings,t2b_env:NEnv,pl_vars:NPrologSatVarTriple].
1885 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env([], SatVars, SatVarNames, SatBindings, Env, PrologSatVarTriple, SatVars, SatVarNames, SatBindings, Env, PrologSatVarTriple).
1886 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env([NewSatVarName-EqClauses|T], SatVars, SatVarNames, SatBindings, Env, PrologSatVarTriple, NSatVars, NSatVarNames, NSatBindings, NEnv, NPrologSatVarTriple) :-
1887 maplist(clause_to_smt_disjunction(SatVars), EqClauses, EqSmtClauses),
1888 conjunct_predicates(EqSmtClauses, EqSmt1), % all true
1889 maplist(negate_smt_formula, EqSmtClauses, NegEqSmtClauses),
1890 conjunct_predicates(NegEqSmtClauses, EqSmt2), % or all false
1891 EqSmt = b(disjunct(EqSmt1,EqSmt2),pred,[]),
1892 SatVars1 = [b(identifier(NewSatVarName),boolean,[smt_formula(EqSmt),eq_symmetry_break])|SatVars],
1893 SatVarNames1 = [NewSatVarName|SatVarNames],
1894 SatBindings1 = [bind(NewSatVarName,Var)|SatBindings],
1895 PrologSatVarTriple1 = [Var-NewSatVarName-EqSmt|PrologSatVarTriple],
1896 Env1 = [(EqSmt,b(identifier(NewSatVarName),boolean,[]))|Env],
1897 add_symmetry_breaking_eqs_to_solver_env(T, SatVars1, SatVarNames1, SatBindings1, Env1, PrologSatVarTriple1, NSatVars, NSatVarNames, NSatBindings, NEnv, NPrologSatVarTriple).
1899 %clause_to_smt_disjunction(_, [], b(truth,pred,[])).
1900 clause_to_smt_disjunction(SatVars, [Pol-_-SatVarName|T], SmtDisj) :-
1901 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, SatVarName, Pol, SmtFormula),
1902 clause_to_smt_disjunction(SatVars, T, SmtFormula, SmtDisj).
1904 clause_to_smt_disjunction(_, [], Acc, Acc).
1905 clause_to_smt_disjunction(SatVars, [Pol-_-SatVarName|T], Acc, SmtDisj) :-
1906 get_smt_formula_from_vars_for_sat_pol(SatVars, SatVarName, Pol, SmtFormula),
1907 NAcc = b(disjunct(SmtFormula,Acc),pred,[]),
1908 clause_to_smt_disjunction(SatVars, T, NAcc, SmtDisj).
1909 */
1911 /*
1912 % Remove half of the clauses every "frequency_constant + constant_factor * x" conflicts,
1913 % where x is the amount of clause reductions so far. We keep clauses with a small LBD forever.
1914 possibly_discard_learned_clauses :-
1915 conflict_stats(_, _, since_reduction(SRed)),
1916 cdclt_settings:discard_learned_clauses_frequency_constant(Frequency),
1917 SRed >= Frequency, % first check to improve performance
1918 amount_clause_reductions(Reductions),
1919 cdclt_settings:discard_learned_clauses_constant_factor(Factor),
1920 Threshold is Frequency + Factor * Reductions,
1921 SRed == Threshold,
1922 !,
1923 log_set_of_learned_clauses_reduction,
1924 debug_format_sat("~nDiscard half of learned clauses..", []),
1925 cdclt_settings:discard_clause_greater_lbd(LbdLimit),
1926 amount_learned_clauses(ALC),
1927 Half is ALC // 2,
1928 NReductions is Reductions + 1,
1929 retract(amount_clause_reductions(_)),
1930 asserta(amount_clause_reductions(NReductions)),
1931 discard_half_of_learned_clauses_greater_lbd(0, Half, LbdLimit, Removed),
1932 log_forgotten_clauses(Removed),
1933 retract(amount_learned_clauses(Old)),
1934 New is Old - Removed,
1935 asserta(amount_learned_clauses(New)),
1936 retract(conflict_stats(total(Total), since_restart(SRRed), _)),
1937 asserta(conflict_stats(total(Total), since_restart(SRRed), since_reduction(0))), !.
1938 possibly_discard_learned_clauses.
1939 % Remove half of the clauses learned so far.
1940 % We keep clauses with an LBD smaller than cdclt_settings:discard_clause_greater_lbd/1
1941 % forever. Thus it is not guaranteed that exactly half of the clauses are deleted if
1942 % a lot of high quality clauses have been learned.
1943 discard_half_of_learned_clauses_greater_lbd(C, Half, LbdLimit, Removed) :-
1944 C =< Half,
1945 retract(backjump_clause(BjLevel, BjClause, LbdScore, BjSatVars, UsedVars, AC)),
1946 !,
1947 ( LbdScore > LbdLimit
1948 -> C1 is C + 1,
1949 discard_half_of_learned_clauses_greater_lbd(C1, Half, LbdLimit, Removed)
1950 ; discard_half_of_learned_clauses_greater_lbd(C, Half, LbdLimit, Removed),
1951 asserta(backjump_clause(BjLevel, BjClause, LbdScore, BjSatVars, UsedVars, AC))
1952 ).
1953 discard_half_of_learned_clauses_greater_lbd(C, _, _, C).
1954 */