1 % (c) 2021-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
4 :- module(quantifier_instantiation, [instantiate_quantifiers/3,
5 instantiate_quantifier_possible/7,
6 instantiate_exists_to_list/5]).
8 :- use_module(library(lists)).
9 :- use_module(library(ordsets), [ord_intersect/2, list_to_ord_set/2]).
10 :- use_module(library(avl), [avl_to_list/2]).
12 :- use_module(smt_solvers_interface(set_rewriter)).
13 :- use_module(probsrc(preferences), [temporary_set_preference/2,
14 reset_temporary_preference/1]).
15 :- use_module(probsrc(b_global_sets), [lookup_global_constant/2, enumerated_set/1,
16 list_contains_unfixed_deferred_set_id/1]).
17 :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree), [get_texpr_type/2,
18 find_identifier_uses/3,
19 get_texpr_expr/2,
20 conjunct_predicates/2,
21 conjunction_to_list/2,
22 replace_ids_by_exprs/4,
23 select_member_in_conjunction/3,
24 safe_create_texpr/4,
25 disjunct_predicates/2,
26 get_texpr_id/2,
27 create_implication/3,
28 is_membership_or_equality/3,
29 syntaxtransformation_det/5]).
30 :- use_module(probsrc(tools_meta),[safe_time_out/3]).
31 :- use_module(probsrc(b_interpreter), [b_compute_expression_nowf/6]).
32 :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager), [add_internal_error/2,
33 enter_new_error_scope/2,
34 exit_error_scope/3,
35 enumeration_warning_occured_in_error_scope/0,
36 clear_enumeration_warning_in_error_scope/1]).
37 :- use_module(probsrc(performance_messages), [perfmessage_bexpr/3,perfmessage/3, perfmessage/4]).
38 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information), [module_info/2]).
39 :- use_module(probsrc(debug), [debug_mode/1]).
41 :- module_info(group, smt_solvers).
42 :- module_info(description, 'This module implements transformations to simplify SMT-LIB translations.').
44 %% instantiate_quantifiers(+Options, +Ast, -AstOpt).
45 % Options:
46 % - instantiate_quantifier_limit(Limit)
47 % - not_instantiate_unfixed_deferred_sets (necessary for Z3 since unfixed deferred set ids are invented by ProB)
48 instantiate_quantifiers(Options, Ast, AstOpt) :-
49 instantiate_quantifiers(Options, [], Ast, AstOpt). %bsyntaxtree:check_ast(AstOpt).
51 instantiate_quantifiers(Options, ScopeIds, Ast, AstOpt) :-
52 Ast = b(Expr,Type,Info),
53 !,
54 (%contains_no_quantifiers(Expr) -> AstOpt=Ast
55 Type \= pred -> AstOpt = Ast % do we want to instantiate quantifiers inside set comprehensions / bool ...?
56 ; instantiate_quantifiers_e(Expr, Type, Info, Options, ScopeIds, NExpr)
57 -> safe_create_texpr(NExpr, Type, Info, AstOpt)
58 ; add_internal_error('Call failed: ',instantiate_quantifiers_e(Expr, Type, Info, Options, ScopeIds, _)),
59 AstOpt=Ast
60 ).
61 instantiate_quantifiers(_, _, L, R) :-
62 add_internal_error('Not a B AST:',instantiate_quantifiers(_, _, L, R) ),
63 R = L.
65 instantiate_quantifiers_e(forall(TIDs,LHS,RHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, Res) :-
66 instantiate_quantifier_possible(forall(TIDs,LHS,RHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, NOptions, TRes),
67 ( TRes == truth
68 -> Res = truth % no instantiation found, universal quantification is true
69 ; contains_quantifiers_e(impliation(LHS,RHS)) -> instantiate_quantifiers(NOptions, ScopeIds, TRes, b(Res,pred,_))
70 ; get_texpr_expr(TRes,Res) % no quantifiers, no need to traverse
71 ).
72 instantiate_quantifiers_e(exists(TIDs,LHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, Res) :-
73 instantiate_quantifier_possible(exists(TIDs,LHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, NOptions, TRes),
74 ( TRes == falsity
75 -> Res = falsity % no instantiation found, existential quantification is false
76 ; contains_quantifiers(LHS) -> instantiate_quantifiers(NOptions, ScopeIds, TRes, b(Res,pred,_))
77 ; get_texpr_expr(TRes,Res) % no quantifiers, no need to traverse
78 ).
79 instantiate_quantifiers_e(Expr, _, _, Options, ScopeIds, Res) :-
80 % TODO: only proceed if we do not have a top-level exists/forall
81 %hit_profiler:add_profile_hit(Expr),
82 syntaxtransformation_det(Expr,Subs,_,NSubs,NExpr),
83 !,
84 %maplist(instantiate_quantifiers(Options, ScopeIds),Subs,NSubs),
85 l_instantiate_quantifiers(Subs,Options,ScopeIds,NSubs),
86 Res = NExpr.
87 instantiate_quantifiers_e(Expr, _, _, _, ScopeIds, Res) :-
88 add_internal_error('Unknown AST node:', instantiate_quantifiers_e(Expr, _, _, _, ScopeIds, Res)),
89 Res = Expr.
91 %contains_no_quantifiers(identifier(_)).
92 %contains_no_quantifiers(integer(_)).
93 %contains_no_quantifiers(string(_)).
94 %contains_no_quantifiers(value(_)).
96 % quick check if a predicate contains quantifiers at the outer-predicate level (not inside bool(.), ...)
97 % check is applied to predicate before expansion; possibly avoiding costly traversal of thousands of conjuncts
98 contains_quantifiers(b(E,pred,_)) :- contains_quantifiers_e(E).
99 contains_quantifiers_e(negation(A)) :- contains_quantifiers(A).
100 contains_quantifiers_e(conjunct(A,B)) :- (contains_quantifiers(A) -> true ; contains_quantifiers(B)).
101 contains_quantifiers_e(disjunct(A,B)) :- (contains_quantifiers(A) -> true ; contains_quantifiers(B)).
102 contains_quantifiers_e(implication(A,B)) :- (contains_quantifiers(A) -> true ; contains_quantifiers(B)).
103 contains_quantifiers_e(equivalence(A,B)) :- (contains_quantifiers(A) -> true ; contains_quantifiers(B)).
104 contains_quantifiers_e(forall(_,_,_)).
105 contains_quantifiers_e(exists(_,_)).
108 l_instantiate_quantifiers([],_,_,[]).
109 l_instantiate_quantifiers([S1|TS],Options,ScopeIds,[NS1|NTS]) :-
110 instantiate_quantifiers(Options,ScopeIds,S1,NS1),
111 l_instantiate_quantifiers(TS,Options,ScopeIds,NTS).
113 :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree), [get_texpr_ids/2]).
114 instantiate_quantifier_possible(forall(TIDs,LHS,RHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, NOptions, Res) :-
115 instantiate_paras_possible(TIDs, LHS, forall, Info, Options, Ids, ScopeIds, List, RestLHS),
116 ( List == []
117 -> % no instantiation found, universal quantification is true
118 Res = b(truth,pred,[])
119 ; length(List,Len),
120 check_quantifier_limit(Options, Len, forall, Info, NOptions),
121 !,
122 create_implication(RestLHS, RHS, BODY),% translate:nested_print_bexpr(BODY),nl,
123 % Note: it is important that List contains only ground values; otherwise findall will copy variables:
124 findall(Vals, get_instantiation_value(Ids, List, Vals),Vs),
125 maplist(replace_ids_by_exprs(BODY,Ids),Vs,Bodies),
126 Bodies \== [],
127 %Bodies = [B1|_], translate:print_bexpr(B1),nl,
128 conjunct_predicates(Bodies, Res)
129 ).
130 instantiate_quantifier_possible(exists(TIDs,LHS), pred, Info, Options, ScopeIds, NOptions, Res) :-
131 instantiate_quantifier_to_list(TIDs,LHS,exists,Info,Options,ScopeIds,NOptions,Bodies),
132 disjunct_predicates(Bodies, Res).
134 % try and instantiate an existential quantifier into a list of candidates
135 % used e.g., in b_to_cnf to translate cardinality constraints
136 % it is important that every disjunct represents a distinct candidate element
137 instantiate_exists_to_list(TIDs,LHS,Info,Options,Bodies) :-
138 instantiate_quantifier_to_list(TIDs,LHS,exists,Info,Options,[],_NOptions,Bodies).
140 % instantiate a quantifier to list of body candidates, without conjoining/disjoining them
141 instantiate_quantifier_to_list(TIDs,LHS,Kind,Info,Options,ScopeIds,NOptions,Bodies) :-
142 instantiate_paras_possible(TIDs, LHS, Kind, Info, Options, Ids, ScopeIds, List, BODY),
143 ( List == []
144 -> % no instantiation found, existential quantification is false
145 Bodies = [] % falsity for disjunction
146 ; length(List,Len),
147 check_quantifier_limit(Options, Len, Kind, Info, NOptions),
148 !,
149 findall(Vals, get_instantiation_value(Ids, List, Vals),Vs),
150 maplist(replace_ids_by_exprs(BODY,Ids),Vs,Bodies),
151 Bodies \== []
152 ).
154 % detect whether a quantifier expansion is possible
155 instantiate_paras_possible(TIDs, LHS, Kind, Info, Options, Ids, ScopeIds, List, RestLHS) :-
156 \+ possibly_reject_unfixed_deferred_set_id(TIDs, Options),
157 (nonmember(instantiate_precisely_only,Options),
158 instantiate_paras_by_membership(TIDs, LHS, Kind, Info, Options, Ids, ScopeIds, List, RestLHS)
159 ;
160 instantiate_paras_comp_set(TIDs, LHS, Kind, Info, Options, Ids, ScopeIds, List, RestLHS)).
161 instantiate_paras_possible(TIDS, LHS, Kind, _, _Span, _, _, _, _) :-
162 TIDS = [TID1|_],
163 get_texpr_id(TID1,Id1),
164 perfmessage_bexpr(Kind, ['Quantifier (',Kind,' over ',Id1,', ...) expansion not possible: '], LHS),
165 fail.
167 % try and instantiate by finding specific membership predicates or look at types
168 instantiate_paras_by_membership([TID], LHS, _, _, Options, [Id], ScopeIds, ListOfValues, RestLHS) :-
169 get_texpr_id(TID, Id),
170 ( get_texpr_id(TID2, Id),
171 is_membership_or_equality(MEM, TID2, Set),
172 select_member_in_conjunction(MEM, LHS, TRestLHS)
173 ; get_texpr_type(TID, Type),
174 finite_base_type(Type, Set),
175 TRestLHS = LHS
176 ),
177 rewrite_set_to_list_of_asts(Set, [Id|ScopeIds], Options, TListOfValues),
178 !,
179 ListOfValues = TListOfValues,
180 RestLHS = TRestLHS.
181 instantiate_paras_by_membership([TID1,TID2], LHS, _Kind, _, Options, [Id1,Id2], ScopeIds, ListOfPairs, RestLHS) :-
182 get_texpr_id(TID1, Id1),
183 get_texpr_id(TID2, Id2),
184 Couple = b(couple(A,B),_,_), get_texpr_id(A,Id1), get_texpr_id(B,Id2),
185 MEM = b(member(Couple,Set),pred,_),
186 select_member_in_conjunction(MEM, LHS, RestLHS),
187 rewrite_set_to_list_of_asts(Set, [Id1,Id2|ScopeIds], Options, ListOfValues),
188 maplist(convert_to_couple, ListOfValues, ListOfPairs),
189 !.
190 instantiate_paras_by_membership(TIDS, LHS, _, _, Options, IdNames, ScopeIds, ListOfTuples, RestLHS) :-
191 % !(x1,..xn).(x1:S1 & .. & xn:Sn & RestLHS => BODY) | #(x1,..xn).(x1:S1 & .. & xn:Sn & RestLHS)
192 instantiate_paras_possible_nary_member(TIDS, LHS, IdNames, [], ScopeIds, Options, TListOfTuples, TRestLHS),
193 !,
194 ListOfTuples = TListOfTuples,
195 RestLHS = TRestLHS.
198 % try and instantiate by expanding a filtered comprehension set of possible parameter values
199 % will be more precise by considering all constraints (e.g., symmetry breaking), but can have issues like time-outs, ...
200 instantiate_paras_comp_set(TIDS, LHS, Kind, Info, Options, IdNames, _ScopeIds, ListOfTuples, RestLHS) :-
201 % any other quantifier where domains are, e.g., defined in nested couples such as !(a,b,c).(0|->1|-a|->b|->c : S => BODY), also for exists
202 get_couple_type_for_ids(TIDS, CType),
203 get_id_names(TIDS, TIdNames),
204 filter_lhs_distinct_from_ids(LHS, TIdNames, RelevantLHS, RestLHS),
205 CompSet = b(comprehension_set(TIDS,RelevantLHS),set(CType),[]),
206 find_identifier_uses(CompSet, [], UsedIds),
207 ( create_global_state_bindings(UsedIds, Bindings)
208 -> true
209 ; % cannot instantiate due to free variables that are not quantified
210 fail
211 ),
212 % Default timeout 100ms, can be overridden with expansion_time_out option
213 % write('TRY EXPANDING: '),nl,translate:print_bexpr(CompSet),nl,
214 compute_instantiations_from_compset(Kind,Options,CompSet, Bindings, PrecomputedVals,Options, Info),
215 !,
216 IdNames = TIdNames,
217 ( PrecomputedVals == []
218 -> ListOfTuples = [] % no instantiation found, quantifier is false/true
219 ; PrecomputedVals = avl_set(Avl),
220 avl_to_list(Avl, AvlList),
221 avl_list_to_list_of_asts(CType, AvlList, [], ListOfValues),
222 (TIDS = [_] % single identifier
223 -> ListOfTuples=ListOfValues
224 ; reverse(TIDS, RTIDS),
225 couples_to_list_of_tuples(ListOfValues, RTIDS, ListOfTuples)
226 )
227 ).
229 possibly_reject_unfixed_deferred_set_id(TIDS, Options) :-
230 member(not_instantiate_unfixed_deferred_sets, Options),
231 list_contains_unfixed_deferred_set_id(TIDS).
233 :- use_module(probsrc(custom_explicit_sets),[try_expand_and_convert_to_avl_with_check/3]).
234 :- use_module(probsrc(kernel_tools),[ground_bexpr/1]).
235 compute_instantiations_from_compset(Kind,Options,CompSet, Bindings, PrecomputedVals,Options,Span) :-
236 ground_bexpr(CompSet), % should now be always true
237 temporary_set_preference(strict_raise_enum_warnings, false),
238 enter_new_error_scope(ScopeID, compute_instantiations_from_compset),
239 ( true
240 ; clear_enumeration_warning_in_error_scope(ScopeID),
241 fail
242 ),
243 (member(expansion_time_out(Val),Options) -> TimeOutVal=Val ; TimeOutVal=100),
244 % things like !i.(i:dom(f) => f(x)=TRUE) cannot be expanded if f not fully known at the moment
245 (debug_mode(on) -> format('Trying to expand (timeout ~w ms): ',[TimeOutVal]),translate:print_bexpr(CompSet),nl ; true),
246 call_cleanup(safe_time_out(
247 (b_compute_expression_nowf(CompSet, [], Bindings, TPrecomputedVals,
248 'SMT quantifier precomputation', 0), !,
249 (enumeration_warning_occured_in_error_scope
250 -> perfmessage(Kind,not_expanding_quantifier_due_to_enum_warning(Kind),Span)
251 ; true)
252 ),
253 TimeOutVal, TimeOutRes),
254 (exit_error_scope(ScopeID, _, compute_instantiations_from_compset),
255 reset_temporary_preference(strict_raise_enum_warnings))),
256 (TimeOutRes == time_out
257 -> perfmessage(Kind,not_expanding_quantifier_due_to_timeout(Kind,TimeOutVal),Span),
258 fail
259 ; true),
260 !,
261 expand_computed_val(TPrecomputedVals,Kind,Options,PrecomputedVals,Span).
263 :- use_module(probsrc(custom_explicit_sets),[is_interval_closure/3]).
264 expand_computed_val(global_set(GS),Kind,Options,Res,Span) :-
265 % for deferred sets: we check list_contains_unfixed_deferred_set_id above
266 (enumerated_set(GS) -> true
267 ; member(instantiate_deferred_sets,Options), % Z3 cannot deal with deferred set values, see test 2063
268 perfmessage(Kind,not_expanding_quantifier_with_global_deferred_set(Kind),GS,Span)
269 ),!,
270 try_expand_and_convert_to_avl_with_check(global_set(GS),Res,quantifier_instantiation(Kind)).
271 % Should we expand some closures like intervals here? b_compute_expression_nowf probably has already tried to expand closures
272 % However, intervals starting at size 101 are returned as symbolic:
273 expand_computed_val(Closure,Kind,Options,Res,Span) :-
274 is_interval_closure(Closure,Low,Up),
275 number(Low), number(Up),
276 Card is Up-Low+1,
277 (member(instantiate_quantifier_limit(Lim),Options) -> true ; Lim=200),
278 (Lim >= Card -> true
279 ; perfmessage(Kind,not_expanding_interval(Kind,Card,limit(Lim)),Low:Up,Span),
280 fail
281 ),
282 try_expand_and_convert_to_avl_with_check(Closure,Res,quantifier_instantiation(Kind)).
283 expand_computed_val(Val,_,_,Val,_).
286 % fails if containing any variable that is not a global constant
287 create_global_state_bindings([], []).
288 create_global_state_bindings([Id|T], [bind(Id,Val)|NT]) :-
289 lookup_global_constant(Id, Val),
290 create_global_state_bindings(T, NT).
292 :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[split_list/4]).
293 filter_lhs_distinct_from_ids(LHS, IdNames, RelevantLHS, RestLHS) :-
294 conjunction_to_list(LHS, List),
295 list_to_ord_set(IdNames,SIds),
296 split_list(irrelevant_or_non_ground_conjunct(SIds),List,TList,RList),
297 conjunct_predicates(RList, RelevantLHS),
298 conjunct_predicates(TList, RestLHS).
300 irrelevant_or_non_ground_conjunct(_,Conj) :- \+ ground_bexpr(Conj),!.
301 irrelevant_or_non_ground_conjunct(IdNames,Conj) :-
302 find_identifier_uses(Conj, [], UsedIds),
303 \+ ord_intersect(UsedIds, IdNames).
305 get_id_names([], []).
306 get_id_names([b(identifier(IdName),_,_)|T], [IdName|NT]) :-
307 get_id_names(T, NT).
309 get_couple_type_for_ids([TID1], Type1) :- !, get_texpr_type(TID1, Type1).
310 get_couple_type_for_ids([TID1,TID2|T], CType) :-
311 get_texpr_type(TID1, Type1),
312 get_texpr_type(TID2, Type2),
313 get_couple_type_for_ids(T, couple(Type1,Type2), CType).
315 get_couple_type_for_ids([], CType, CType).
316 get_couple_type_for_ids([TID|T], Acc, CType) :-
317 get_texpr_type(TID, Type),
318 get_couple_type_for_ids(T, couple(Acc,Type), CType).
320 % for quantifiers with n variables and each variable's domain is set by a simple membership
321 instantiate_paras_possible_nary_member([], RestLHS, [], LAcc, _, _, LAcc, RestLHS).
322 instantiate_paras_possible_nary_member([TID|T], LHS, [Id|IdNames], LAcc, ScopeIds, Options, ListOfPairs, RestLHS) :-
323 get_texpr_id(TID,Id),
324 TID = b(IdTerm,IdType,_),
325 get_member_for_id(IdTerm,IdType,LHS,Set,RestLHS1),
326 NScopeIds = [Id|ScopeIds],
327 rewrite_set_to_list_of_asts(Set, NScopeIds, Options, ListOfValues),
328 ( LAcc == []
329 -> instantiate_paras_possible_nary_member(T, RestLHS1, IdNames, ListOfValues, NScopeIds, Options, ListOfPairs, RestLHS)
330 ; create_cartesian_product_list(LAcc, ListOfValues, NLAcc),
331 instantiate_paras_possible_nary_member(T, RestLHS1, IdNames, NLAcc, NScopeIds, Options, ListOfPairs, RestLHS)
332 ).
334 get_member_for_id(IdTerm,IdType,LHS,Set,RestLHS) :-
335 MEM = b(member(b(IdTerm,IdType,_),Set),pred,_),
336 select_member_in_conjunction(MEM, LHS, RestLHS).
337 % we could try and constrain sets like intervals further, probably better to use instantiate_paras_comp_set
338 get_member_for_id(_Id,IdType,LHS,Set,Rest) :- Rest=LHS,
339 (IdType = global(GS)
340 -> Set = b(value(global_set(GS)),set(IdType),[]) % we have a finite enumerated or def. set as type
341 ; IdType = boolean
342 -> Set = b(boolean_set,set(IdType),[])
343 ).
346 % rewrite (nested) couples to a list of lists with [val1,..,valn]
347 couples_to_list_of_tuples([], _, []).
348 couples_to_list_of_tuples([b(value(ValueCouple),CoupleType,_)|T], RTIDS, [ListOfAsts|NT]) :-
349 value_couple_to_list_of_asts(ValueCouple, RTIDS, CoupleType, ListOfAsts),
350 couples_to_list_of_tuples(T, RTIDS, NT).
352 % assuming that couples are left-associative
353 value_couple_to_list_of_asts((VCouple,Value), [_|TRTIDS], couple(CoupleType,VType), ListOfAsts) :-
354 VCouple = (_,_),
355 !,
356 value_couple_to_list_of_asts(VCouple, TRTIDS, CoupleType, TListOfAst),
357 append(TListOfAst, [b(value(Value),VType,[])], ListOfAsts).
358 value_couple_to_list_of_asts((Value1,Value2), [_], couple(VType1,VType2), ListOfAsts) :-
359 ListOfAsts = [b(couple(b(value(Value1),VType1,[]),b(value(Value2),VType2,[])),couple(VType1,VType2),[])].
360 value_couple_to_list_of_asts((Value1,Value2), [_,_], couple(VType1,VType2), ListOfAsts) :-
361 ListOfAsts = [b(value(Value1),VType1,[]),b(value(Value2),VType2,[])].
363 % create a list of lists with [val1,..,valn]
364 create_cartesian_product_list(ListOfValues1, ListOfValues2, ListOfPairs) :-
365 create_cartesian_product_list(ListOfValues1, ListOfValues2, [], ListOfPairs).
367 create_cartesian_product_list([], _, Acc, Acc).
368 create_cartesian_product_list([Val1|T], ListOfValues2, Acc, ListOfPairs) :-
369 create_cartesian_product_list_val(Val1, ListOfValues2, Acc, NAcc),
370 create_cartesian_product_list(T, ListOfValues2, NAcc, ListOfPairs).
372 create_cartesian_product_list_val(_, [], Acc, Acc).
373 create_cartesian_product_list_val(ValList, [Val2|T], Acc, NAcc) :-
374 is_list(ValList),
375 !,
376 append(ValList, [Val2], NValList),
377 create_cartesian_product_list_val(ValList, T, [NValList|Acc], NAcc).
378 create_cartesian_product_list_val(Val1, [Val2|T], Acc, NAcc) :-
379 create_cartesian_product_list_val(Val1, T, [[Val1,Val2]|Acc], NAcc).
381 finite_base_type(boolean,b(boolean_set,set(boolean),[])).
382 finite_base_type(couple(TA,TB),b(cartesian_product(VA,VB),set(couple(TA,TB)),[])) :-
383 finite_base_type(TA,VA),
384 finite_base_type(TB,VB).
385 % TODO: add more, e.g., enumerated sets
387 check_quantifier_limit(Options, Len, Kind, Span, NewOptions) :-
388 select(instantiate_quantifier_limit(Limit),Options,NO),
389 Len \== 0,
390 !,
391 ( Len =< Limit
392 -> perfmessage(good(Kind),expanding_quantifier(Len,limit(Limit)),Span),
393 NewLimit is Limit // Len,
394 NewOptions = [instantiate_quantifier_limit(NewLimit)|NO]
395 ; perfmessage(Kind,not_expanding_quantifier(Kind,Len,limit(Limit)),Span),
396 fail
397 ).
398 check_quantifier_limit(O, _, _, _, O).
400 % TO DO: detect more cases ?
401 convert_to_couple(b(value(V),couple(T1,T2),I), [BV1,BV2]) :-
402 nonvar(V),
403 V = (V1,V2),
404 !,
405 BV1 = b(value(V1),T1,I),
406 BV2 = b(value(V2),T2,I).
407 convert_to_couple(b(couple(V1,V2),_,_), [V1,V2]).
409 % if instantiate_quantifier_possible then this can be used to retrieve values for expansion
410 get_instantiation_value([_], List, Res) :- !, Res=[Val],
411 member(Val,List).
412 get_instantiation_value(L, List, ValList) :-
413 length(L, Len),
414 Len > 1,
415 length(ValList, Len),
416 member(ValList, List).