1 :- module(welldef, [ensure_wd/2,
2 po_on_lhs/1,
3 po_on_lhs/2,
4 strip_pos/2,
5 wd_pos/2]).
7 :- use_module(library(lists), [maplist/3, maplist/4, append/2]).
9 :- use_module(wdsrc(well_def_hyps), [empty_hyps/1, push_hyp/4, negate_hyp/2]).
10 :- use_module(wdsrc(well_def_analyser), [transform_wd/4, compute_wd/4,
11 toplevel_wd_pos/3]).
12 :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree), [repair_used_ids/3]).
15 :- use_module(fuzztypes).
18 %% wd_pos(Predicate, ProofObligations).
19 %
20 % Returns a list of proof obligations for the given predicate.
21 wd_pos(Pred, WDPOs) :-
22 empty_hyps(Hyps),
23 findall(WDPO, compute_wd(Pred, Hyps, [discharge_po], WDPO), WDPOs).
26 %% ensure_wd(+Predicate, -PredicateWithProofObligations).
27 %
28 % Ensures that the given predicate is well-defined by adding open
29 % proof obligations for all well-definedness conditions as additional conjuncts.
30 ensure_wd(Pred, WDPred) :-
31 empty_hyps(Hyps),
32 % push_hyp(Hyps, Pred, [create_full_po], FullHyps),
33 % transform_bexpr(b_ast_cleanup:compute_wd_info, Pred, InterPred),
34 transform_wd(Pred, Hyps, [discharge_po], AnnotatedPred),
35 ensure_wd_node(AnnotatedPred, Hyps, _, PrelimWD),
36 repair_used_ids('Welldef Enforcer', PrelimWD, WDPred).
38 %% ensure_wd_node(+Ast, +Hyps, -RemainingGoals, -WdAst).
39 %
40 % Implements any WD conditions into the closest predicate nodes.
41 % When not possible the remaining conditions are returned via `RemainingGoals`.
42 ensure_wd_node([N | Ns], H, RemainingPOs, [Wd|Wds]) :-
43 !, % Special case: List.
44 ensure_wd_node_list([N | Ns], H, NestedRemainingPOs, [Wd|Wds]),
45 append(NestedRemainingPOs, RemainingPOs).
46 ensure_wd_node(b(Node, Type, Info), H, RemainingPOs, NewAst) :-
47 % Special cases: POs to LHS (middle child)
48 Cases = [general_sum, general_product, quantified_intersection, quantified_union, lambda, forall],
49 node_split(Node, Name, [Ids, Pred, Expr]),
50 member(Name, Cases),
51 !,
52 wd_to_lhs(Pred, Expr, H, WdPred, WdExpr),
53 node_split(WdNode, Name, [Ids, WdPred, WdExpr]),
54 WdAst = b(WdNode, Type, Info),
55 toplevel_wd_pos(WdAst, H, RootPOs),
56 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(WdAst, RootPOs, NewAst, RemainingPOs).
57 ensure_wd_node(b(Node, Type, Info), H, RemainingPOs, NewAst) :-
58 % Special cases: POs to RHS (last child)
59 Cases = [event_b_comprehension_set],
60 node_split(Node, Name, [Ids, Expr, Pred]),
61 member(Name, Cases),
62 !,
63 wd_to_rhs(Expr, Pred, H, WdExpr, WdPred),
64 node_split(WdNode, Name, [Ids, WdExpr, WdPred]),
65 WdAst = b(WdNode, Type, Info),
66 toplevel_wd_pos(WdAst, H, RootPOs),
67 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(WdAst, RootPOs, NewAst, RemainingPOs).
68 ensure_wd_node(b(assertion_expression(Test, ErrText, Value), Type, Info), H, POs, Result) :-
69 Result = b(assertion_expression(Test, ErrText, WdValue), Type, Info),
70 ensure_wd_node(Value, H, POs, WdValue).
71 ensure_wd_node(b(if_then_else(If, Then, Else), Type, Info), H, POs, WdIfThenElse) :-
72 Type \= pred, !, % Special case for If-Expressions.
73 ensure_wd_node(If, H, [], WdIf),
74 push_hyp(H, If, [create_full_po], ThenH),
75 transform_wd(Then, H, [discharge_po], TThen),
76 ensure_wd_node(TThen, ThenH, ThenPOs, WdThen),
77 negate_hyp(If, NotIf),
78 push_hyp(H, NotIf, [create_full_po], ElseH),
79 ensure_wd_node(Else, ElseH, ElsePOs, WdElse),
80 if_then_else_po(WdIf, ThenPOs, IfThen),
81 ensure_wd_node(NotIf, H, [], WdNotIf),
82 if_then_else_po(WdNotIf, ElsePOs, NotIfElse),
83 WdIfThenElse = b(if_then_else(WdIf, WdThen, WdElse), Type, Info),
84 append(IfThen, NotIfElse, POs).
85 ensure_wd_node(b(Node, Type, Info), H, RemainingPOs, NewAst) :-
86 % Special cases: WD constraints from LHS chain into RHS
87 Cases = [conjunct,implication],
88 node_split(Node, Name, [Lhs, Rhs]),
89 member(Name, Cases),
90 !,
91 ensure_wd_node(Lhs, H, [], WdLhs),
92 push_hyp(H, WdLhs, [create_full_po], RhsH),
93 ensure_wd_node(Rhs, RhsH, [], WdRhs),
94 node_split(WdNode, Name, [WdLhs, WdRhs]),
95 WdAst = b(WdNode, Type, Info),
96 toplevel_wd_pos(WdAst, H, RootPOs),
97 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(WdAst, RootPOs, NewAst, RemainingPOs).
98 ensure_wd_node(Node, H, RemainderPOs, WdPred) :-
99 wd_children_and_pos(Node, H, POs, InterNode),
100 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(InterNode, POs, WdPred, RemainderPOs).
103 ensure_wd_node_list([], _, [], []) :- !.
104 ensure_wd_node_list([N | Ns], H, [R | Rs], [Wd | Wds]) :-
105 ensure_wd_node(N, H, R, Wd),
106 ensure_wd_node_list(Ns, H, Rs, Wds).
110 % Helper for repetitive code.
111 wd_children_and_pos(b(Node, Type, Info), H, POs, UpdatedNode) :-
112 node_split(Node, Name, Children),
113 ensure_wd_node_list(Children, H, Remainders, WdChildren),
114 append(Remainders, ChildPOs),
115 node_split(NewNode, Name, WdChildren),
116 UpdatedNode = b(NewNode, Type, Info),
117 toplevel_wd_pos(UpdatedNode, H, RootPOs),
118 append(ChildPOs, RootPOs, POs).
121 % Helps dispatching whether the POs need to be included into a predicate or
122 % an expression needs to propagate them upwards.
123 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(b(Node, pred, Info), POs, WdPred, []) :-
124 !, % predicates conjunct the POs into themselves.
125 filter_discharged_pos(POs, UndischargedPOs),
126 include_pos(UndischargedPOs, b(Node, pred, Info), WdPred).
127 conjunct_or_propagate_pos(Node, POs, Node, POs). % Expressions remain unchanged.
133 % Assumes Lhs is predicate and Rhs is expression.
134 wd_to_lhs(Lhs, Rhs, H, WdLhs, Rhs2) :-
135 ensure_wd_node(Lhs, H, [], Lhs2),
136 push_hyp(H, Lhs2, [create_full_po], NewH),
137 wd_children_and_pos(Rhs, NewH, POs, Rhs2),
138 filter_discharged_pos(POs, UndischargedPOs),
139 include_pos(UndischargedPOs, Lhs2, WdLhs).
140 % Assumes Lhs is expression and Rhs is predicate.
141 wd_to_rhs(Lhs, Rhs, H, WdLhs, WdRhs) :-
142 wd_to_lhs(Rhs, Lhs, H, WdRhs, WdLhs).
145 if_then_else_po(Condition, BranchPOs, Res) :-
146 filter_discharged_pos(BranchPOs, Filtered),
147 if_then_else_implication(Filtered, Condition, Res).
149 if_then_else_implication([], _, []) :- !.
150 if_then_else_implication(POs, Condition, [Res]) :-
151 po_conjunct(POs, BranchConjunct),
152 Res = b(implication(Condition, BranchConjunct), pred, [contains_wd_condition]).
157 %% include_pos(ProofObligations, Predicate, PredicateWithPOs).
158 %
159 % Returns a predicate with the given proof obligations included via `conjunct` nodes.
160 include_pos([], Pred, Pred) :- !.
161 include_pos(POs, Pred, b(conjunct(POsConj, Pred), pred, [contains_wd_condition,fuzzed_with_wd_po_included])) :-
162 po_conjunct(POs, POsConj).
164 filter_discharged_pos([], []).
165 filter_discharged_pos([PO | POs], [PO | NonDischarged]) :-
166 PO = b(_, _, Info),
167 \+ member(discharged(true, _), Info), !,
168 filter_discharged_pos(POs, NonDischarged).
169 filter_discharged_pos([_|POs], NonDischarged) :-
170 filter_discharged_pos(POs, NonDischarged).
172 po_conjunct([PO], PO) :- !.
173 po_conjunct([PO | POs], b(conjunct(PO, POsConj), pred, [contains_wd_condition])) :-
174 po_conjunct(POs, POsConj).
177 %% po_on_lhs(+AST).
178 %
179 % Succeeds if the left side of the AST is marked as POs.
180 % This will be the case, if the b/3 structure contains the
181 % `fuzzed_with_wd_po_included` flag.
182 %
183 % AST: The AST to check.
184 po_on_lhs(b(conjunct(_, _), _, Info)) :-
185 member(fuzzed_with_wd_po_included, Info).
187 %% po_on_lhs(+AST, -RHS).
188 %
189 % Succeeds if the left side of the AST is marked as POs.
190 % This will be the case, if the b/3 structure contains the
191 % `fuzzed_with_wd_po_included` flag.
192 %
193 % AST: The AST to check.
194 % RHS: The non-PO part of the AST.
195 po_on_lhs(b(conjunct(_, RHS), _, Info), RHS) :-
196 member(fuzzed_with_wd_po_included, Info).
199 %% strip_pos(+Ast, -AstWithoutPOs).
200 %
201 % Removes any subtrees which are generated by `ensure_wd` from the predicate.
202 strip_pos([A|As], Raws) :-
203 !,
204 maplist(strip_pos, [A|As], Raws).
205 strip_pos(Ast, RawAst) :-
206 po_on_lhs(Ast, InterAst),
207 !,
208 strip_pos(InterAst, RawAst).
209 strip_pos(b(assertion_expression(_, _, SecuredPred), _, _), Result) :-
210 !, % assertion expressions are discarded.
211 strip_pos(SecuredPred, Result).
212 strip_pos(b(Node, Type, Info), b(NewNode, Type, Info)) :-
213 node_split(Node, Name, Children),
214 maplist(strip_pos, Children, NewChildren),
215 node_split(NewNode, Name, NewChildren).
218 node_split(Node, Name, [b(Child1, T1, I1) | OtherChildren]) :-
219 Node =.. [Name, b(Child1, T1, I1) | OtherChildren], !.
220 node_split(Node, Name, [[A|As] | OtherChildren]) :-
221 Node =.. [Name, [A|As] | OtherChildren], !.
222 node_split(Node, Node, []). % Catches things like integer(42) or integer_set('NAT').