This file accompanies the B2SAT paper The following folders should be present: - benchmarks contains a Makefile to re-create the benchmark table results of the article on your system run "make install_prob" to install a local copy of ProB inside the benchmarks folder then run "make bench" to run the experiments with all solvers. You can also run "make sat" to just run the benchmarks with b2sat or run "make version" or "make help". The Makefile requires curl (which you can install on Linux using "sudo apt install curl"). - prob_screenshots contains some screenshots of ProB showing the tool in action on the examples from the paper - prob_html_visualizations contains HTML trace exports of some of the examples which can be visualised in a regular browser without needing ProB - examples contains some B machines which can be loaded with ProB Tcl/Tk (also downloaded in the benchmarks/ProB folder when running make install_prob; simply run "benchmarks/ProB/" to start ProB Tcl/Tk) or ProB2-UI. It also contains a TLA folder with a simple dominating set example which can be loaded with ProB, and TLA+ translation of one of the benchmark programs with type annotations for Apalache (but Apalache fails to solve this version as the provided log shows) These are the steps needed to run the benchmarks in the [iFM2022 virtual machine]( ``` sudo apt install curl mkdir b2sat cd b2sat curl -L -o artifact.tgz shasum -a 256 artifact.tgz tar -xvzf artifact.tgz cd benchmarks make install_prob make sat make bench ```